
Stewardship Campaign 2025

“As living witnesses of God’s abundant mercy and love, made known to us through the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, we’re sincerely blessed as a community, entrusted with the privilege of bearing something of our Lord’s holy and eternal light to one another, and to the world beyond the physical boundaries of our parish home.  And in this upcoming season of repentance, anticipation, and preparation, in a time where we’re each invited to look inward, reassessing the room that we make for the stuff of God, it feels right that we also ponder the practical matter of how we each contribute to our shared life in the stewardship of our spiritual home.”    – Father Rick

Here we are at First Advent, the beginning of a new liturgical church year and the beginning of our Stewardship Campaign for 2025. As we discern our stewarding, through our committed financial gifts, may we thoughtfully contemplate how our faith enlivens our hearts through the abundance of our shared lives in Christ. Our “Stewardship Stories” kick-off on First Advent with Father Rick speaking with us at our 8 AM and 10 AM services.

During the subsequent three Sundays in Advent we will hear from members of our parish family at both services. Please join us during these important moments of shared parish life.

We encourage you to share your stories of faith and stewardship with one another!   

If you have questions about pledging and giving, please feel free to contact Father Rick or Michelle.

And so, as we built our “Family Wall” last year, for 2025 we have a basket of wooden Trees of Life that we encourage you to take home, during our stewardship season, to beautify and bedazzle in a way that expresses the growth and vitality you see in St. Edward’s.  Please, add your name to our tree, to your tree!  Bring them back on December 22nd when we have our ingathering and we will display them on a wall in our library…to remind us of the importance of this “third space” in our collective lives – a place where we each belong.

To learn more click the link below.

You can also donate, securely, to St. Edward’s, via our Paypal link, by clicking the “Give to St. Edward’s” button to the right.  If you watch our Sunday services and other offerings via our St. Edward’s YouTube channel, there is a secure link to allow you to donate from that channel!

2025 Stewardship Letter and Pledge Form