Fellowship at St. Edward’s

The tables are getting prepared to be set!  Please stay tuned for your dinner “invitations” as guests and/or host for our upcoming “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” Dinner on Saturday, October 5th. 
Hosts provide the table setting, a main dish, and beverages; guests bring an appetizer, salad, or dessert.
The fun is in the mystery!  Guests don’t know who will attend the dinner until they arrive at their designated home at the appointed hour of 6 PM! Hosts will be given a guest list in advance so that they can coordinate the meal.

If you have signed up to participate, please be on the lookout for communications from Meredith Aul Westgate, if you are a HOST and from your host, if you are a GUEST, informing you of the evening’s details for your food preparation offering (but keeping the guest list a mystery!)  We are so looking  forward to this fellowship opportunity! 

We will be creating Advent crafts for our homebound parishioners this November in the parish hall during the 9:00 AM coffee hour. Stay tuned for the date. Join us in creating a special Advent sentiment filled with love and caring to those in our community who are not able to join us for in-person worship in this season of gratitude.


Krist Kindling is changing!!  After 33 years of home deliveries for this Advent activity, we have decided to transform our beloved tradition to a more church-centered activity.  We made this decision for two reasons:  to be sensitive to concerns for the safety of participants and to be more inclusive of everyone in our church community.

The purpose remains the same:  Krist Kindling is an activity where one family (or single person, or couple) gives another family a gift anonymously during each of the three weeks prior to Christmas.  The family (or single person, or couple) you give gifts to is not the same family that gives gifts to you.  Throughout Advent, remember this family in prayer and rest assured that someone is praying for you.

Instead of delivering gifts to a home, you will be bringing your gifts to the church.  You can do this any day or evening, Sunday through Thursday during the week.  Be sure to mark your gift clearly with the name of the recipient (but not your name!) and place it in one of the two decorated bins outside the red doors of the church. They will be moved into the church each morning. 

The dates for delivery are:  November 26-November 30; December 3-7; December 10-14.  Gifts will be placed on a table in the Parish Hall on Sunday December 3, 10, and 17 during coffee hour.  You will find your gift and take it home.

Gifts are not intended to be expensive or burdensome.  Some gift ideas are:  a jar filled with chocolates; a Christmas book, decoration, or ornament; or some hot chocolate or holiday tea and homemade cookies/treats.

In place of our January potluck, we will have a holiday party/pot luck in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, December 20 at 5:30 p.m.  We’ll enjoy some festive music and find out who our Krist Kindle families were. Please note: ALL parishioners are invited to this gathering of the season! (Dinner details to follow).

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with one another, in your parish family, in this unique activity of the season – filled with fun and fellowship, as we celebrate together the season of Advent!

Please complete the form below by clicking the link and downloading the pdf. You can also find printed forms in the narthex. Once completed, place it in the decorated box in the narthex by Sunday, November 12. You’ll get details about your “match” within a week or so by email. Sign up today or email it to Meredith Aul at [email protected].  Questions?  Call Meredith at 717-575-2119. 

Click here to download the form or pick one up in the narthex.


The Coffee Hour is a great fellowship event after each Sunday service where people gather to share a light breakfast treat and each others company. Share a story with a fellow parishioner, welcome a new member or have a cup of coffee before the Rite II service. The Coffee Hour is a very important part of the St. Edward’s community. The Coffee Hour Ministry is always looking for host volunteers and donations. Join us on the third Sunday of each month for our Coffee House Band Coffee Hour.