
A lector is a lay person trained in reading scripture who is appointed by the ministry leader and/or the rector to read lessons or lead the prayers of the people. The term is from the Latin, “to read.” There is no license required for this lay ministry. A lector may also be known as a reader. The lector reads from the ambo (lectern) during the service. You will see some of our current lectors featured above!

Perhaps you possess a spiritual gift that is calling you to be a lector?  If so, we invite members of St. Edward’s to explore their combination of faith and skill to proclaim the Word at our services.

Please contact Bob Mosebach at:  [email protected] to inquire on how you can participate in this ministry.

For our current lectors, or for anyone curious about becoming a lector, below you will find links to the current lector rotation, and a variety of resources that will assist you in your preparation for reading on your assigned day.  The translation the church uses is the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV).

Lectors are responsible for finding a substitute for those times when they are unable to make an assignment.  Please notify the parish office, as well as Bob Mosebach, should you need to make a change in assignment.

Readings will be sent to the lectors, each week, by Friday afternoon, from the parish office.

We thank you for your ministry to St. Edward’s.

Click on any of the links below to access lector resources.

Lector Rotation Winter 2025

8 AM Rite I Customary

10 AM Rite II Customary

The Lectionary Page

The Book of Common Prayer

Biblical Pronunciation Guide