The youth of our parish are a vital component and we are so pleased to have them participate in all aspects of parish life! On the first and third Sunday’s of each month, our youth are attending Sunday School during the 10 AM service. Our youth serve as readers, ushers, acolytes, LEMs, and even sing in the choir. They are also very active in discernment committees and in attending convention. We have our beautiful nursery (for ages up to 4 years old) for parents to be with their children; and there is a wonderful swing set in a lovely lawn area outside the parish hall for our youth to enjoy after services.

We continue to make sure our youth are engaged, not only parish life, but in events available to them throughout our diocesan youth programs and events, as well as community events such as the Amos Herr Community Festival and the Hempfield Area Food Bank project.
If you have any questions regarding diocesan or convocation events listed below, please contact the parish office or speak with the rector.
Our Diocese, Lancaster Convocation, and our parish have many events, throughout the year, to engage our youth and bring opportunities for all youth to get to know each other and be “in community” with one another. Below is a list of events currently on the calendar. Please contact the rector, or the parish office to learn more about the abundant opportunities and resources available through our diocesan youth ministry.
A Community Event For All!!!
Join us for an evening of treats, games,
music, and fun at the
Second Annual St. Edward’s Trunk or Treat
Friday, October 26th
6 PM – 7 PM
2453 Harrisburg Pike | Lancaster, PA 17601
Join us for our Pokémon League Wednesday nights from 6:30 – 8:00 PM at:
St. Edward’s Episcopal Church in the Parish Hall | 2453 Harrisburg Pike
A free event! Come and check us out and maybe you will Catch Em’ All.