Join us on Wednesday, December 18th at 5:30 PM for our Community Potluck dinner! Bring a main dish, side dish, salad/bread, or dessert to feed 4-5 people and your own place setting. Beverages will be provided. Sign-up sheet is in the narthex. What a great way to relax and enjoy each other’s company as we journey through this Advent season. We hope to see you at St. Edward’s!
Krist Kindling is changing!! After 34 years of home deliveries for this Advent activity, we have decided to transform our beloved tradition. Krist Kindling is going to look a little different this year! Many of us are finding ourselves trying to minimize our belongings. We don’t need more stuff and we also want to
shorten our lists, especially in preparation for the holidays. We’d like to drive to less, shop less, and think less about what gifts to get for friends and family who already have everything they need and want.
Thus, we have decided to eliminate the gift buying, and instead keep the part about praying and caring for one another. You will be given the name of another participating family. Or, if anyone would like to send cards to a shut-in, they can contact Michelle or me. Once each week during Advent, you will communicate with that family in a way that is most convenient for you: with a card, a note, or an email. You can mail it U.S. mail or even place it in their parish mail box. In this communication, you will
share some caring thoughts and encouraging words. Also during Advent, you will commit to praying for this family – for a peaceful Advent or for a special need you may happen to know about. Rest assured that another family is doing the same for you.
The first week, the sender of your message will be a surprise. After that, you will know who is “matched” with you. As last year, there will be no need for a “reveal”. In January, we will have a Krist Kindling pot luck lunch on a Saturday or possibly an afternoon tea/coffee and dessert in the parish hall. (if you have a preference, let me know). This eliminates night driving which many of us prefer not to do. Since you will already know who you are connected to (at least after week 1), there will be no “reveal.” Instead, we will intentionally seat you with your “matches,” so that you can get to know each other (or know each other
better) – a small step in building community.
Here are the weeks to deliver messages:
Week 1: December 1 – 7
Week 2: December 8 – 14
Week 3: December 15-21
Meredith Westgate will send you an email with the name of your not-so-secret person or family and further instruction.
Questions? Call Meredith Westgate at 717-575-2119.
The Coffee Hour is a great fellowship event after each Sunday service where people gather to share a light breakfast treat and each others company. Share a story with a fellow parishioner, welcome a new member or have a cup of coffee before the Rite II service. The Coffee Hour is a very important part of the St. Edward’s community. The Coffee Hour Ministry is always looking for host volunteers and donations. Join us on the third Sunday of each month for our Coffee House Band Coffee Hour.