St. Edward’s is an inclusive community, building a spiritual home with open hearts and open minds, joyfully serving God and neighbor in Christ’s love.
Interested in learning more about S. Edward’s – Our history and our mission? CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD OUR BOOKLET.
If you are a new member to St. Edward’s and would like to be included in the directory, please download this form, complete and place in the Parish Secretary mailbox. That way we can include you in our in-house printed directory!
Also, if you would like giving envelopes and have not received them in the past, please let the parish office know and we will put you on the list.
We welcome each member of St. Edward’s to have a parish mailbox. In there you will find important announcements, your grocery card orders, new parish directories, giving envelope boxes and giving statements, and communications from other parishioners. So, if you do not have a parish mailbox and would like one, please let the parish office know and we will set one up for you. All parish mailboxes are in alphabetical order, left to right.
We send out thrice-weekly email notifications to parishioners on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. If you are not receiving them and would like to, please contact the parish office with your current email address and we will add you to the distribution list. Our outbound email address for sending parish-wide communications is: [email protected]. Our inbound email address for individual communications and parish office business is: [email protected]. To communicate directly with Father Rick, please use: [email protected].
Please let the parish office know if you are in need of transfer forms.
The Scepter, St. Edward’s monthly newsletter, is distributed the first Sunday of every month. Articles for the newsletter are due the 20th of each month. Our Editor, Mac Miller, accepts the articles either hand-written (please place in her church mailbox) or by email no later than the 20th of each month. [email protected]
The altar flowers are a beautiful component during the church seasons. Our flower ministry is 100% contributed by parishioners. These are the following opportunities for you to donate flowers during the year:
Altar Flowers: The chart is in the narthex, with giving envelopes. Each weekly donation is $100 made payable to St. Edward’s with a memo line that reads “Altar Flowers.” Envelopes can be placed in weekly collection plate or dropped by the church office. We can accept up to 2 flower sign-ups per Sunday, so that each donation can be $50.
Place the name “given by” and “in remembrance of” on the flower chart (please write neatly!) and the remembrance(s) will go in the designated Sunday bulletin.
Christmas Flowers: In remembrance of and in thanksgiving for friends, family, and loved ones. Special sign up sheets will be in the Narthex 3 weeks prior to Christmas for sign up. Each designation request is for $10 and there are envelopes for the donation. Please make check payable to St. Edward’s and mark in memo line “Christmas Flowers.” Envelopes can be placed in collection plate or dropped by the church office.
Easter Flowers: In remembrance of and in thanksgiving for friends, family, and loved ones. Special sign up sheets will be in the Narthex 3 weeks prior to Easter for sign up. Each designation request is for $10 and there are envelopes for the donation. Please make check payable to St. Edward’s and mark in memo line “Easter Flowers.” Envelopes can be placed in collection plate or dropped by the church office.
** Note: Advent and Lent we have special arrangements for those seasons, but we encourage giving and your remembrance will be placed in the service bulletin.
We have grocery card programs for Stauffer Kissel Hill and Giant. 5% of each card purchase goes back to the church! It is an easy way to buy groceries and support St. Edward’s. Grocery card orders are placed on the Monday of the last week of each month for delivery on the 1st Sunday of each month (in your parish mailboxes). Cards are placed in envelopes and recipients are asked to remove their cards and place a check back in the envelope, made payable to St. Edward’s with the notation “Grocery Cards” in the memo line. These envelopes can be placed in the offering plate or in the parish secretary’s mailbox. We ask that grocery card participants pay for their cards within the month they receive them. Contact the church office to sign up and/or learn more.
We have a church membership to BJ’s, which, in turn, allows members of St. Edward’s to get a discounted membership for $30/year. If you would like to get a BJ’s membership, please contact the parish office and we can give you a letter to take to their customer service.
There is a lot going on at St. Edward’s! If you would like to become more involved, there are many committees and groups that could use your time and talent! If you would like to become involved and/or need more information, please contact the parish office and we will put you in touch with the right person to speak with.