Stephen Ministry

“I have known of the good work that Stephen Ministry accomplishes for so many congregations during the years. The recipients have been church members or others within the community. Congregations supporting the program have a special role of caring. Yet I never imagined that I would ask for my own care person.

My life was in control with lots of resources from my family, friends and my faith. But life caught up with me in not one but several big changes – any one of which would have left me adrift. I moved to a new community; I had to downsize my belongings, and I faced the major decline of my husband’s health. These brought major adjustments! Being matched with a Stephen Minister from St. Edward’s was God’s providence for me. Experiencing a weekly meeting where I can share my difficulties and feelings relieves the loneliness and despair that can creep into my days. For an hour I can laugh and cry. There is prayer that helps put things into perspective. I find release from my worries.

I must advise anyone who experiences even less challenging days than I have faced to find the solace and grace that the Stephen Minister provides. It is always confidential and always prayerful. I am calmed by each meeting. If your life has some shaky parts, don’t be skeptical about asking for a Stephen Minister. You may want to try it even for the short term. I figured I would meet 3 or 4 times, but now I really know it’s longer value. I am finding God’s love abounds and that I don’t have to stand alone.”

If you could benefit from the confidential, one-to-one care of a Stephen Minister, please contact our Pastor Care Coordinator, Peggy Hanzelman at 717-390-4944 or