Under the direction of Father Rick, in concert with lay leadership, we offer a robust program of Adult Spiritual Formation and Prayer with opportunities for everyone.
In 2025 we offer sessions of our Friday Lunch and Learn; our Wednesday Bible Study; our Men’s Spirituality Group; our viewing and discussion of the series, The Chosen; and the Women’s Spirituality Group. Please check weekly emails to stay informed on meeting dates, times, and readings.
Join us, via Zoom, for Sunday Evening Prayer at 7 PM; Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30 PM, and Friday Lunch & Learn at 12 Noon. Our Men’s Spirituality Group gathers in the Parish Hall on the second Saturday of each month. Our Women’s Spirituality Group gathers in the lounge space on the first Saturday of each month.
Lunch with The Chosen: Blair Lord
Come and see! We invite you to our viewing and discussion of episodes of The Chosen on the first Sunday of each month. As the first multi-season show about Jesus’s life, The Chosen delves into gospel stories by portraying the life of Jesus through the eyes of those who knew Him. Join us to watch and discuss how the show explores the time, place, and people of His earthly ministry. We will convene in the Parish Hall directly after the 10 AM service.
This is a bag lunch event, so be sure to bring your loaves and fish!
Wednesday Bible Study
Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30 PM, via Zoom.
Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of John (Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars)
By Cynthia Briggs Kittredge
From Amazon: A scholarly evaluation of the fourth Gospel and Johannine community.
For contemporary Christians, Johns Gospel is a paradox. On the one hand, it stresses boundaries: “No one comes to the Father except through me.”
But on the other hand, it’s all about community: “I have no longer called you servant, but friends.”
Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of John encourages readers to draw out the tensions between these two perspectives for an open, inclusive reading of this difficult Gospel―and to find in it reaching meaning for their lives. With a study guide that includes thoughtful, challenging questions for reflection and discussion, this is an ideal resource for individual and parish study.
Friday Lunch & Learn
Friday Lunch & Learn at 12 Noon, via Zoom.
Our new Friday Lunch & Learn offering is sure to be an exciting endeavor, as well, and we hope you will consider venturing on this new journey with us! This text is quite accessible and will certainly make for great discussion and fascinating learning!
Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Lao Tzu: The Parallel Sayings By Richard Hopper
From Amazon: In this fascinating volume, theologian and philosopher Richard Hooper reveals the common spiritual threads of the world’s great religious traditions.
Hooper organizes hundreds of sayings attributed to Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and Lao Tzu thematically and assembles these parallel sayings into four columns for easy reference. Culled from more than fifty ancient Christian, Buddhist, Hindu and Taoist texts, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Lao Tzu includes topics such as, “The Great Way, “Suffering,” and more.
Each topic includes an insightful introduction that sends a powerful message that will be welcomed by all who seek the truth within, and within their own spiritual tradition.
“A much-needed journey into the minds and hearts of the great prophets of our world; academic, yet heart-filled, stimulating and illuminating. This rare text answers many questions that others leave hanging, and touches the spirit as well as the mind.” – Alan Cohen, author of A Deep Breath of Life
In reflection, as we enter our fifth year, we continue to be enriched through the leadership of Bob Mosebach and Father Rick and the wide range of books that our group members have been lifted up to explore. The exciting aspect of this group is delving into such a variation of book titles and engaging in open and lively conversations. Our library of books for Lunch & Learn include:
Walk in Love-Episcopal Beliefs and Practices by Scott Gunn & Melody Wilson Shobe
The Book of Joy by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu with Douglas Abrams
The Greatest Prayer-Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of The Lord’s Prayer by John Dominic Crossan
The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr
Into the Silent Land-A Guide to the Christian Practice of Contemplation by Martin Laird
Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
Abba’s Child by Brennan Manning
Life Together – The Classic Exploration of Christian Community by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Jesus The Teacher Within by Laurence Freeman
NRSV Harper Collins Study Bible – General Editor, Rvised Edition Harold F. Attridge; General Editor, Original Edition Wayne A, Meeks
Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Lao Tzu: The Parallel Sayings By Richard Hopper
Saturday Women’s Spirituality Group: 1st Saturday of each month, from 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM: Join us at St. Edward’s, in the lounge area, for ninety minutes of fellowship, reflection, conversation, and Morning Prayer. Light refreshments will be served.
Saturday Men’s Spirituality Group: 2nd Saturday of each month, from 8 AM – 10 AM: Join us at St. Edward’s, in the parish hall, in partnership with Saint James Episcopal Church, for two hours of fellowship, including Morning Prayer. Coffee and donuts will be served.
We all have spiritual gifts that we have received, and those which we can give. Our first spiritual gift was the one we received from God in the form of our first breath. And whether we realize it or not, we all possess spiritual gifts from God that are meant to be used in His service.
Recognizing, and then giving, your spiritual gifts are vital to the successful mission and ministry of a parish. The Body of Christ is made up of many members. As Christians, we are all ministers of the church and we all possess unique gifts, given by the Spirit, that allow us to carry out the Great Commission.
The Commissioning of the Disciples
Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:16-20)
What are your Spiritual Gifts? Below you will find two resources that can help you determine your Spiritual Gifts Inventory. This is a wonderful way to begin your participation in ministry. We need your unique gifts to help us accomplish the ministry and mission of St. Edward’s! By starting your journey of discipleship and spiritual practice with this exercise, you will discover how you can best serve in a ministry that connects with you.
We hope you enjoy this exercise of discovery as you learn what makes you unique, and inspires you to travel with your fellow Episcopalians as we follow Jesus “into loving, liberating and life-giving relationship with God, with each other, and with the earth.”
Click here to download your Spiritual Gifts Inventory Exercise
Click here to download your Gifts and Talents Inventory worksheet
Please contact the parish office to learn more about the various ways you can serve, in ministry, at St. Edward’s.
Lenten Silent Retreat 2025
Mariawald Renewal Center
March 5-8, 2025
Our Silent Retreat opens the season of Lent, with 48+ hours of silence. Led by Father Rick and Bob Mosebach, this self-directed retreat will be an entry point to our Lenten journey in 2025. We will be offering an additional day for those who would like to begin their retreat on Ash Wednesday. Please register by February 23, 2025.
Click here to download the 2025 Registration Form.
To view our 2024 retreat booklet, click here.