
Joyful Music at St. Edward's!

St. Edward's is rich with music.  From our Sunday 10:00 Rite II service with full adult choir to our "coffee house" guitar group coffee hour music once per month from 9 AM - 10 AM.

We hope that you enjoy the music at our services. Many individuals from St. Edward's devote a considerable amount of their free time throughout the year to enriching our fellowship and liturgies through hymnody, song, organ and other instruments.

St. Edward's is particularly gifted to have the services of Karen E. Waddill, Parish Instrumentalist & Director of Worship Music

Please take the time to enjoy their offerings, and with us, extend our sincere thanks for their ministry.

If you are interested in joining any of the music ministries, please contact Karen Waddill for adult choir inquiries.

Choir Members

Jamie Alton

Carol Cotnoir

Bill Deegan

Curt Franck

Mary Ann Franck

Beth Hake

Seth Hake

Peter Weber

Robin Weber

Buddy Yeager

Enjoy this offering of "Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming" featuring local musicians, diocesan staff and members of the St. Andrews (Shippensburg) and St. Edward's (Lancaster) choirs. Merry Christmas, 2020!!!




St. Edward's Brass
St. Edward's Choir has a brass section! Patrick Ishler, Choir Director (right) with Curt Franck and Jamie Alton at rehearsal.
Karen E. Waddill, Organist/Pianist
St. Edward's Choir_Setpember2019
Our St. Edward's Choir at the September 29, 2019 Combined Service.


Praise Band Members

Mike Freshwater

Beth Hake

Seth Hake

Dina Ishler

Patrick Ishler

Thomas Ishler

Randy Westgate

Rosie Westgate

St. Edward's Praise Band
The Praise Band brings joyous music to St. Edward's!


Randy Westgate, Praise Band Ministry Leader

Randy Westgate grew up singing in the school chorus and playing trumpet in band. When he and his wife became leaders of the youth group 25 years ago at St. Edwards he took up guitar and discovered all of the great new "Christian Rock" music on our local radio station. Playing and singing these songs with the youth group lead to forming our St. Edward's Praise Band which has welcomed young and old to participate over the years. He also helps to lead worship at Celebrate Recovery LCBC Manheim and at chapel services at Water Street Rescue Mission.