Krist Kindling 2018

The beginning of Advent is just around the corner! It’s time again to think about some pre-holiday fun with Krist Kindling.  I hope you’ll consider joining us in our 25th annual Krist Kindling Advent activity!

Krist Kindling is a fun activity where one family gives another family one gift anonymously during each of the three weeks prior to Christmas. The family you are giving gifts to is not the family that is bringing gifts to you.

You don’t have to have kids to participate in this activity. It’s for all ages — the young and the young at heart! All welcome.


Click here to download form.

St. Edward’s Cultural Event Series – Friday October 26th 7:30 PM

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 at 7:30 PM: If you missed pianist Xun Pan’s program last month, you’ll have a chance to hear this spectacular performer on Friday, October 26 at 7:30 p.m. when he returns to St. Edward’s for another free concert, playing piano four-hand music with Yang-Yang, an international competition winner and soloist.

The program will feature some crowd-pleasing favorites, including:  “Fantasy on Themes of Carmen” arranged by Otto Singer, Bach’s “Sheep May Safely Graze,” Debussy’s “Petite Suite,” and Chu Wanghua’s “Two Chinese Folk Songs.”

Yang Yang and Xun Pan formed their duet team in 2016 and have been touring many cities in China, Europe, and the United States since then.


Father Casey Farewell

Evensong and The Ending of the Pastoral Relationship with Confirmation & Reception


Friday, 9 November at 7:00 PM

St. Edward’s Episcopal Church

2453 Harrisburg Pike

Lancaster, PA 17601


You are cordially invited to attend a celebration of the ministry and the retirement of the Reverend Canon Stephen C. Casey as rector of St. Edward’s.


Clergy are invited to vest and process in cassock, surplice and tippet.


Presentation of Gifts & Reception immediately following the service in the Parish Hall.


If you have not sent in your RSVP, please call the parish office (717) 898-6276 or emailing [email protected]  NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26TH.


Click here for Invitation.

St. Edward’s Basket/Silent Auction – Thank You to All!

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Thank you to all who made our 2018 Oktoberfest event a success!  The volunteers, the chefs, the silent auction bidders, the basket auction ticket buyers, and of course all of you who faithfully make baskets each year for us to auction and those who donate their wonderful vacation homes for silent auction.  Without you, we have no event and the fellowship and fundraising it brings.

For Oktoberfest 2018 we raised $3,291!  Thank you!