
St. Edward’s First Annual “Sweaty Sunday” – June 24, 2018

The members of St. Edward’s Vestry invite all parishioners to participate in our First Annual


SUNDAY – JUNE 24, 2018

After the 10:15 service – 3:30 PM

(Rain Date:  Sunday July 1st)

Join us for an afternoon of yard work to spruce up the planted bedding areas of St. Edward’s.  Tasks will include:  weeding, trimming, spreading mulch, removing old/dead plantings, raking up leaves around building perimeter.

 Folks could contribute in a variety of ways:

– Through donations to cover the cost of mulch.

– Through signing up to provide food and beverages at an extended coffee “hour.”

– Through labor on the grounds. Individuals in this category should bring rakes, shovels, weeding instruments, trimmers, extension cords, wheelbarrows, etc.

The Vestry will be attending the Sunday service, dressed in outside work clothes and we invite parishioners to do the same!

We look forward to the members of St. Edward’s coming together on this day to celebrate our community, share fellowship, and work together in ministry in tending to this special place that is St. Edward’s!

Donations can be made payable to St. Edward’s and in the memo line write: “Sweaty Sunday.”  A sign up sheet will be in the narthex for food & drink items.