Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany – January 28, 2018
Sermon by The Rev. Canon Stephen C. Casey, Rector
Third Sunday after the Epiphany – January 21, 2018
Sermon by The Rev. Canon Stephen C. Casey, Rector
Second Sunday after the Epiphany – January 14, 2018
(Click on text to download sermon pdf)
Sermon by The Rev. Canon Stephen C. Casey, Rector
First Sunday after the Epiphany: The Baptism of Our Lord – January 7, 2018
Sermon by The Rev. Canon Stephen C. Casey, Rector
Christmas Services at St. Edward’s 2017 – Festival Holy Eucharist and Midnight Mass
8:00 PM: Festival Holy Eucharist with Choir
10:30 PM: Midnight Mass
Sermons given by The Rev. Canon Stephen C. Casey, Rector
Weekly Parish Email January 4, 2019 – January 10, 2019
Dear parishioners of St. Edward’s,
The Rev. David Bateman, our interim rector, has quite unexpectedly taken ill. Although surgery is required, he hopes to start within a few weeks. To be on the safe side, we are arranging for supply priests through January 20. Please pray for Rev. Bateman and prepare to extend a warm St. Edward’s welcome to him on Jan. 27.
We are so grateful to welcome The Rt. Rev. Robert Gepert as our Celebrant and Preacher for this Epiphany Sunday. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Brian Newsome, Senior Warden and Meredith Westgate, Junior Warden
Food Pantry Needs for January:
Elbow macaroni
Chunky peanut butter
18 oz jelly
Canned pineapple
Canned peaches
Canned fruit cocktail
Canned spinach
Canned kidney beans
Canned carrots
Canned tomatos
Canned corn
Canned mixed vegetables
Canned spaghetti sauce
Or jarred spaghetti sauce
NO green beans..have large supply!!!
EVENING KNIT WITS – EVERY TUESDAY AT 7:00 PM in our relaxing lounge area. Beginning in January… ALL invited to join with any hand work … quilting, needlepoint or knitting! (Weather permitting). Any questions, please contact Gail Irons or the parish office.
New Coffee Hour sign up sheet will be on the coffee service table for those to sign up for the 9:15 and 10:15 services in 2019
The new 2019 Flower Chart is in the narthex. Flowers are $50/each per week and we can have 2 people sign up for each Sunday.
The January Scepter is posted online and is in print (in color)! Pick up a copy or visit our website. It is a great issue with lots of photos!
SKH and Giant grocery cards will be in your parish mailboxes on Sunday.
WHAT: The Annual “January-Blahs” White Elephant Party: Bring the ugliest, funniest, junkiest gift you can find (beautifully wrapped of course) and join in our fun-filled “swap” party.
WHEN: January 20, 4:00 p.m.
WHERE: Elaine Radcliffe’s house, 3190 Grande Oak Place, Lancaster (West Hempfield).
BRING: A wrapped white elephant gift as described above PLUS your favorite “goodie” (finger food, such as cheese ball, dip and chips, etc.).
RSVP: To Elaine Radcliffe, please, at 717-285-4912 or at [email protected].
Krist Kindling Dinner: Krist Kindling families and other former or possible future Krist Kindlers, please plan to join us at the annual Krist Kindling dinner in the parish hall on SUNDY, January 13th at 6:00 pm. Families, please bring a main dish and a salad or dessert – enough to serve 6 – to share, as well as your own table service. If you are single, or a couple, please bring one dish to share. Beverages will be provided. Bring your stories and your good humor! GUARANTEED: A warm and cozy evening with a few good laughs and maybe a surprise or two. Everyone is WELCOME to join in the fun. Questions? Call Meredith Westgate at 717-898-9245.
Altar Guild: Julie Hoff, Rose Dixon, Michelle Bentley
Coffee Hours: 8:00 AM – Stephen and Catherine Donohue 10:15 AM – We need a host
8:00 AM – Holy Eucharist Rite I
LEM/Reader: Mark Jakiel
Ushers: Roger Kloepping and Jerry Hoff
Greeter: Ginny Kloepping
10:15 AM – Holy Eucharist Rite II
LEM: Camille Horine
Server: Kiki Davis-Brugmann Crucifer: Piper Brugmann
Readers: 1st: Amy Swiernik 2nd: Carol Cotnoir
Ushers: Ellen Milligan and Lois Kronenwetter
Greeter: Carl Cotnoir
6:30 PM – N/A (PH)
7:00 PM – LCS Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
7:00 PM – Evening Knit Wits (Lounge)
12:00 Noon – Holy Eucharist with healing
6:30 PM – Praise Band Practice
7:00 PM – Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM – Vestry Meeting (PH)
First Sunday after Christmas Day – December 31, 2017
Guest Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev. Beth Mollard
Fourth Sunday of Advent – December 24, 2017
Sermon by The Rev. Canon Stephen C. Casey, Rector
Advent/Christmas Worship Services 2017
9:30 AM – Low Mass
4:30 PM* – Family Service of Holy Communion
*Praise Band will be playing music commencing at 4:15 pm.
Children’s Sermon
8:00 PM* – Festival Holy Eucharist with Choir
10:30 PM – Midnight Mass with Choir
*Nursery is available for children up to age 4 at the 4:30 pm and 8:00 pm services
- 10:00 AM – Holy Eucharist Rite II