
Social Outreach School Supplies Drive – A Great Success!

We had a great response to the school supplies drive!  I was wondering if you would please include the following numbers in next Sunday’s announcements:

Church members donated:
25 backpacks
21 3-ring binders
$410 in monetary donations
and a total of 259 (!) pencils, crayons, highlighters, notebooks, folders, scissors, glue sticks, erasers, etc.

These items will be distributed to Hempfield students through the Landisville Food Pantry.

Thank you for helping our local students get off to a great start this school year!

St. Edward’s Basket and Silent Auctions – Donations Request

We are off to a great start in collecting items for our basket and silent auction events, which go on display on Sunday, October 1st for the four Sunday’s leading up to our annual Fundraising Event Evening on Saturday, October 28th.

In the upcoming weeks you will hear more about our exciting event we have planned!  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, October 28th from 4:30 – 6:30 PM to join us.  Tickets for the event will go on sales on October 1st.

As you know, the Fundraising Committee has two major events each year to raise funds for St. Edward’s:  The Silent/Basket Auction & evening event, and the Annual Holiday Cookie Sale.  Both events have been great successes for St. Edward’s and are such enjoyable times to share fellowship all in the name of FUNdraising.

But neither of these events can happen without YOU, our parishioners.  By joining us in this ministry with your donations and participation, we all share in the fruits of our labor, by enabling our fundraising ministry to add to the overall ministry of St. Edward’s, via these two events.

So, with that in mind, we would like to ask that everyone prayerfully consider joining us in creating the 18 baskets we have on our list for our Basket Auction this year.  There are many ways that you can participate in this parish-wide ministry:

  • Donate funds towards a basket:  Make a check payable to St. Edward’s and mark in memo line “Basket Auction” (or if it is cash, please place in a sealed envelope with your name and mark “Basket Auction”).  Your funds will help create a basket or buy supplies for putting the baskets together.
  • Specify a basket you would like to create on our sign up sheet in the narthex:  There is a sign up sheet and handouts that detail the baskets we are seeking.  While we welcome new ideas for baskets, we have found from the past two basket auctions that the listing we developed reflect baskets that people seem to like and receive great bids, allowing us to raise more funds!
  • Maybe you would like to go in with a friend or you would like us to create the basket for you!  Talk to your fellow parish community members!  Have fun with it!  And, if you have an idea but just don’t have the time or ability to get around to make the basket. . . let us know!  We will be happy to accept your monetary donation and create the basket for you.

Our goal is that between August 6th and August 27th we have all of the 18 baskets for our Fundraising event accounted for in sign-ups and/or donations.  We look forward to being able to report that we reached that goal and can present a successful fall Fundraising event for all to enjoy and have fun with!

If you have any questions, please contact Bev Hess or Michelle Bentley.

Also, if you have been a Silent Auction donor in the past and would like to submit a Silent Auction item for this year’s event, please contact us so we can add you to our list.  We have had some wonderful items in past years and they are an important part to our event success!

Thank you.

Bev Hess & Michelle Bentley

Fundraising Co-Chairs