Feed My Starving Children Social Outreach Opportunity

It’s that time of year again – time when you can make a difference in the life of a child. Feed My Starving Children will host its annual Mobile Pack Event March 29-31 at Willow Street Mennonite Church.

Once again, St. Edward’s has the opportunity to participate in this special event. Over the last 3 years, St. Ed’s has had a group of nearly 20 folks who participate in this event. We are hoping to have at least that many volunteers this year.

By volunteering, donating, or fundraising, your generosity makes a huge difference in the lives of thousands of children in need around the world.  At least 6,200 children die each day from hunger-related causes (UNICEF). 

The Lancaster County Mobile Pack event puts together over 300,000 meals and needs 1,500 volunteers with a fundraising goal of $66,718.

St. Edward’s will be participating on Sat., March 30 from 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM. Please see the sign up sheet in the narthex. As is the past, we can arrange carpool from St. Ed’s.

If you have any question please see Peg Reiley or contact her at 717-940-2856 or [email protected].

For more information about Feed My Starving Children please click on the links below:

Thank you for your support in the worthy project.

St. Edward’s Basket/Silent Auction – Thank You to All!

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Thank you to all who made our 2018 Oktoberfest event a success!  The volunteers, the chefs, the silent auction bidders, the basket auction ticket buyers, and of course all of you who faithfully make baskets each year for us to auction and those who donate their wonderful vacation homes for silent auction.  Without you, we have no event and the fellowship and fundraising it brings.

For Oktoberfest 2018 we raised $3,291!  Thank you!



Back-To-School Backpack and Supplies Drive – Donations Due This Sunday, August 5th

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.”  

– Philippians 2:4

It’s that time of year to start thinking about our annual Back-to-School backpacks and school supplies drive.  The supplies will be distributed through the Landisville Food Pantry to families in need. Below is a list of the items we will be collecting:

Backpacks                     #2 Pencils                    Crayons – 24 packs

Notebooks                   Glue Sticks                   Safety Scissors 

3-Ring Binders              Colored Pencils            Highlighters – packs 

Hand Sanitizer-individual or travel size              Large Block Erasers

Expo Dry Erase Markers       Plastic Pencil Box        3 x 3 Post-it Notes

Pens               Fine Tip Sharpies   Dividers               3 x 5 Index Cards

Ear Buds/Headphones                 Rulers                 3-hole Paper Punch

Please look for our collection box in the narthex. We will also have a box to collect any donations you might wish to make so that additional supplies, especially backpacks, can be purchased. If you would like to donate money, please make check payable to:  St. Edward’s Episcopal Church and note in memo line “School Supplies.” Our goal is to collect enough for fifty packets of supplies. DONATION FINAL COLLECTION DAY IS THIS SUNDAY, AUGUST 5th, so that the children may receive their supplies well in advance of the August 23rd first day of school. If you have questions, please ask any committee member- the Milligan’s, the Lynch’s, the Ishler’s. We are so grateful for your generosity.

St. Edward’s First Annual “Sweaty Sunday” – June 24, 2018

The members of St. Edward’s Vestry invite all parishioners to participate in our First Annual


SUNDAY – JUNE 24, 2018

After the 10:15 service – 3:30 PM

(Rain Date:  Sunday July 1st)

Join us for an afternoon of yard work to spruce up the planted bedding areas of St. Edward’s.  Tasks will include:  weeding, trimming, spreading mulch, removing old/dead plantings, raking up leaves around building perimeter.

 Folks could contribute in a variety of ways:

– Through donations to cover the cost of mulch.

– Through signing up to provide food and beverages at an extended coffee “hour.”

– Through labor on the grounds. Individuals in this category should bring rakes, shovels, weeding instruments, trimmers, extension cords, wheelbarrows, etc.

The Vestry will be attending the Sunday service, dressed in outside work clothes and we invite parishioners to do the same!

We look forward to the members of St. Edward’s coming together on this day to celebrate our community, share fellowship, and work together in ministry in tending to this special place that is St. Edward’s!

Donations can be made payable to St. Edward’s and in the memo line write: “Sweaty Sunday.”  A sign up sheet will be in the narthex for food & drink items.


Bishop Scanlan’s Easter Message – March 26, 2018


Dear members of the Episcopal Church in Central Pennsylvania,

Grace and peace in the name of Jesus Christ.

As Holy Week gets underway, I find myself grateful for the traditions and the timeless liturgies of the Church that allow us to access all that God has to offer us in the Passion of our Lord. Through this week we are invited to walk with Jesus through the glory of his triumphal entry, into the temple to hear his final teaching, and to join him for the quiet of an evening where he will model servant leadership and break bread with us in the Upper Room. We are invited to accompany him to the Garden and to do our best to stay awake, as he prays, deeply, and bears his soul to his Father. We have the opportunity to follow him as he is carried away by the authorities, betrayed by a kiss, and to wait and watch in the courtyard. Stand, if you can, on the edge of the crowd as Jesus is taunted and questioned and mocked, and see how he bears his stripes. On Friday, join at the foot of the cross to keep vigil as Jesus draws his last breath and hear the Centurion’s cry of faith: “Truly, this man was God’s Son.” Watch as Joseph takes Jesus’ body and lovingly prepares it for burial, and, once shrouded and placed in the tomb, see the stone rolled in front, sealing tight the opening. Gather with the disciples as they grieve in the Upper Room and wonder, fearfully, what is next.

On the third day, wake early, and join Mary Magdalene; mother of James, and Salome on the footpath to the tomb. As the sun comes up, join these women in their pilgrimage to care for the one whom they loved and… be surprised, all over again, to find the stone rolled away and a young man delivering amazing news of new life.

Share in the wonder, the passion, the mystery and the glory of this story as Jesus, son of God, follows with faithfulness the call of his Father to create, for us, a new way — a way of eternal life.

I hope that you participate fully this week in the movements that, together, make up the grand gesture of Holy Week, and that can nourish your soul and lift your hearts. Step into each day with thanksgiving for the life and ministry of Jesus and for the might act that God accomplished on the cross, for our salvation.

I invite you to bring someone along with you who may need to hear the story of Jesus anew, or, maybe, for the first time. Share the gift of eternal life, given to us, and give someone else the beauty of a life lived in faith.

May God bless you this day and always.

The Rt. Rev. Audrey C. Scanlan

XI Bishop

Easter 2018

Feed My Starving Children – Social Outreach Activity

It’s that time of year again – time when you can make a difference in the life of a child. Feed My Starving Children will host its annual Mobile Pack event on April 6, 7 and 8. Once again, St. Edward’s has the opportunity to participate in this special event. Over the last 2 years, St. Ed’s has had a group of nearly 20 folks who participated in this event. We are hoping to have at least that many volunteers this year.

Last year’s event hosted 927 volunteers over 5 shifts in 2 days. The event raised over $51,000! And 217,728 meals were packaged – this was enough to feed 596 children a healthy meal every day for an entire year!! The meals were distributed to hungry children in Haiti. It’s hard to believe that this is possible with only 2 hours of your time.

St. Edward’s will be participating on Sat., April 7 from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm. Please see the sign up sheet in the narthex. As is the past, we can arrange carpool from St. Ed’s. If you have any question please see Peg Reiley or contact her at 717-940-2856 or [email protected].

For more information about Feed My Starving Children please click on the links below:



Thank you for your support in the worthy project.

















St. Edward’s Annual Report 2017

If you were unable to attend the St. Edward’s Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 25, 2017, you don’t have to “miss out” on what was covered at this very important yearly event in the life of our parish.  Click here to get our Annual Report.  

This is chock full of reports from the Rector, Senior Warden of the Vestry, as well as our various ministries, giving parishioners and those interested in our parish a wonderful “snapshot” of our faith community.



St. Edward’s Annual Meeting: February 25, 2018

Please mark your calendar to attend the St. Edward’s Annual Meeting this Sunday

It will immediately follow our ONE SERVICE of Holy Eucharist at 9:00 AM.  The Annual Meeting is required by Canon Law, for it is the time when the Priest and officers of the church offer their reports, the budget is received, and new officers elected for vestry and Diocesan Convention. 

A light breakfast will be served.