Daily Message from St. Edward’s – April 15, 2020

Dear parishioners,

It was a sunny day, but a bit of chill in the air.

The ceiling in the narthex is complete and looks beautiful.

Mike Freshwater, parishioner, and vestry member, was on the St. Edward’s grounds today and started repainting our outside doors.  He started with the nursery door, and it looks fantastic!

Father David and Father Rick were in to film the service for Sunday, which will be Father David’s final service, so make certain to tune in on Sunday!

Last night, Father Rick met with Patrick and Karen to film the music portion of the service.

We are so fortunate to have the many video, musical, and sound talents of Father Rick, especially now, giving to us the gift of being connected to St. Edward’s, weekly, through online services, with many more opportunities coming forward in the weeks ahead.

Bible Study met this evening and we hope that people in this group are staying engaged with this ministry, led by Bill and Yvonne Gasperetti.

Tomorrow will be an important email to look out for as it will detail, again, the particulars for the Zoom Annual Meeting on Saturday at 10:00 AM, and where to find the Annual Report to download and view prior to the meeting and who to call on vestry if you have questions you would like presented at the meeting.  It will all be a little bit different this year, so bear with us as we work to present to you the “business” of St. Edward’s in 2019, a year of great transition and many accomplishments for our parish community.

In the meantime, since I was thinking everyone really is looking for some “escape” that does not involve watching a movie or reading a book I am adding some virtual tours of faraway places in the Daily Message that will just let your mind have some relief from the day or week or the mask wearing or the hunting around the grocery store shelves.  Today, the link takes you to Iceland:  A fascinating, beautiful, magical, and otherworldly place that I hope you enjoy.  It really is as exciting as it looks in the video!



Finally, we share with you a personal reflection from Buddy and Liz Yeager:

To all our Family, Friends,

Liz and I are thinking about all our Family and Friends hoping that all is well and you are all safe and hunkering down.

We are both doing well and wishing this pandemic would disappear as fast as it appeared.  Please everyone stay safe and keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.

We love you all very much and take care!

Liz and Buddy Yeager


Until tomorrow. . . . Michelle