Daily Message from St. Edward’s – April 29, 2020

Dear parishioners,

Today was a beautiful day.  It was nice to see people stop by, again, properly masked and protected! We will be keeping the baskets of publications out all week and will be adding the May Scepter to it by Friday morning.  So, if you have not had a chance to pick up a directory and/or would like a copy of the Scepter, stop by!

Volunteers:  We were so thrilled to hear from two people who have offered to volunteer with some ministry tasks this week.  Beth Lynch will be coming over tomorrow morning at 9 AM and Ellen Milligan will be coming to church on Saturday.  To respect our social distancing and protection protocols, we ask that other volunteers or visitors not stop by during these times, or if you do, to pick up a publication outside, and if someone is here, please make sure you have your masks on and respect social distancing!  Thank you.

Youth & Young Adult Ice Cream Social:  The diocese has an event geared towards our youth and young adults on Monday evenings, via Zoom.  To our St. Edward’s youth, if you would like the opportunity to visit with other youth in our diocese, join the fun!  Here is the link on our site to get the sign up information:  https://sainteds.org/diocesan-youth-young-adult-virtual-ice-cream-social/

A meditation for today:

WEDNESDAY, April 29                           Catherine of Sienna

Psalm 119:28-29 My soul melts away for sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. Take from me the way of lying; let me find grace through your law.

I hung on a cross next to his. Me, a criminal; him, an innocent man…and so much more. My punishment was deserved; his was not. He was hanging there, pierced by nails and thorns, pierced by the unseen wound of disbelief. But he forgave them…and me.

The last words I spoke were: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And he answered, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” I hungered and thirsted for love that day as I hung on a cross next to Jesus.

Now, love overflows. Here I am, dandled by love. Cradled by love. Loved by pure love, for now and all eternity, with Jesus. I breathe love. I see love. And, most miraculous of all, I feel that I am love—a child of God’s love, reaching out to share that love with others.

MOVING FORWARD: When have you felt Jesus’s complete and total love? Share that story with someone who may need some encouragement today.

PRAY for the Diocese of Kolhapur (Northern India)

Ps 38 * 119:25-48 | Exodus 19:16-25 | Colossians 1:15-23 | Matthew 3:13-17

By happenstance the Anglican prayer above was for a diocese in Northern India and I had already picked the journey for tonight. . . A trip to “Incredible India”. . . coincidence?!?!?  Enjoy!




Be Well. Stay Safe.  Keep the Faith.
