Daily Message from St. Edward’s – June 3, 2020

Dear parishioners and friends,

In light of the Renewal of our Baptismal Covenant in this past week’s service, we invite you to click the link below to an article from the House of Deputies of The Episcopal Church, from the perspective of an African-American Episcopalian, Reuben K. Varghese MD, MPH, who is a member of the Task Force of the Theology of Social Justice Advocacy, created by General Convention Resolution 2018-A056, and a member of St. John’s, Georgetown in the Diocese of Washington.

A Pentecost Lamentation

Father Rick is so grateful that parishioners are reaching out to him with their thoughts and feelings on the current statements made by the National Church and would encourage all of us to keep our hearts and minds open, as well as the conversations.  Please know that his lines of communication are open and confidential.

Let us pray for both justice AND peace and that no one feels left out in the life of the Church.  We are all in this together and with God’s love we are being called to be understanding and transformative in our daily lives to make our world, for all of humanity, a better place.

We also leave you with a video link to “We All are One In Mission” from
First-Plymouth Church Lincoln Nebraska


Have a peaceful evening.  Be well. Be Safe.  Keep the faith.
