Stewardship Campaign 2016: Prayer & Voices – Dr. Randy Westgate

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Dr. Randy Westgate – Praise Band Leader

Each week we will have the opportunity to listen in on a St. Edward’s parishioner sharing their story about what the ministry of St. Edward’s has meant to them. This week, the reflection is offered by Dr. Randy Westgate.  Each week in the all-parish email a link will be posted for you to click to listen to the recording. Listeners are encouraged to meditate on these precious words and stories shared, and pray the prayers for stewardship provided each week by the spirituality ministry. Share and like these on Facebook and other social media outlets, email the links to your friends.

Stewardship Prayer for the week of March 6th:

Bountiful God.  You have been so generous to us, help us be generous to others. Your love is unconditional, help us to love others with open hearts. Your gifts are never ending, help us to pass them on joyfully. Your mercy is infinite, help us to forgive those who have injured us. Your grace is never-ending, help us give glory to you in all we do. Your wisdom is boundless, help us choose Your way in all we do today. We pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.