
Stewardship 2019 Ingathering

UPDATE:  With this passage, below, in mind, we would like to take this opportunity to personally thank all who prayerfully considered pledging to St. Edward’s and to all those for the faithful manner in which you support the ministry of St. Edward’s, both financially as well as through your ministry.

Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?” And the king will answer them, Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me. (Matthew 25: 37-40)

STEWARDSHIP 2019 INGATHERING:  Our Ingathering date for 2019 Stewardship is THIS SUNDAY, February 10th.  If you have submitted your pledge for 2019, we thank you for your continued support of the ministry of St. Edward’s.  If you have yet to submit your pledge, we prayerfully ask you to complete your form and bring to the Ingathering on February 10th.  We are very encouraged by the support to date.  But, to support the ministry of St. Edward’s we have no resources but God’s grace, our own endeavors, the generosity of guests, and the support and generosity of you, our parishioner, who understands that St. Edward’s is more than a building, but rather a community of faith that comes together in worship and service. 

St. Edward’s Annual Meeting, Sunday, February 17, 2019

St. Edwards’ held its Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 17, 2019 commencing with The Holy Eucharist: Rite II, a service of blended worship with the St. Edward’s Praise Band and St. Edward’s Choir. It was wonderful to have our services graced with such wonderful music! We are very grateful for the dedication of those who give each week to these very important music ministries.

Following the service, we had an abundance of food and fellowship at our Annual Meeting. We welcomed our Interim Rector, The Reverend David Bateman, who led us in Opening and Closing Prayer as well as delivered wonderful remarks regarding transition for St. Edward’s. Matthew Sternberg and Dottie Gschwend, Co-chairs of the Search Committee, gave us an update on the search process and we chose our new vestry members and Diocesan Convention delegates.

Many thanks to all who donated the wonderful food and volunteered to help with cooking, set up, and clean up. We truly are a community of faith.

Click here to view a copy of our 2018 Annual Report.

Services on Sunday, January 20th

St. Edward’s will be having 2 services Sunday, January 20th: 8 AM – Rite I; 10:15 AM – Rite II. We welcome our Interim Rector, The Reverend David Bateman. Please join us! We understand there is the prediction of inclement weather, but we have alerted our snowplow contractor and will have the church well prepared for your arrival! Please check WGAL online for any updates should the weather change dramatically. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

St. Edward’s Rector Search

As we embark on our search for a new rector, the St. Edward’s Search Committee, comprised of:

Matthew Sternberg and Dottie Gschwend – Co-chairs

Susan Landin and Bill Swiernik – Vestry Representatives

Seth Hake, Beth Lynch, and Peter Weber – Parish-at-Large Representatives

would invite you to pray with them as they embark on the next steps, and important work, in the life of our community of faith.

On January 13th, at all 3 services, Matthew Sternberg and Dottie Gschwend will address the parish, during each service, providing us all with a few more details on how the search process works and how we develop a parish profile.

These are very informative and important times of messaging that are meant to keep all of us at St. Edward’s involved in these next steps. It is important to the committee members, as well as to our successful future as a community of faith, that we give the search committee our attention as they are dedicating such important time to this ministry. This enables us to better understand the process as it unfolds, and to know each committee member so that if we have questions we can present to them so that they can seek answers to keep us informed.

St. Edward’s Search Committee Prayer:

Almighty God, look graciously on the people of St. Edward’s.

Be with us and lead us as we seek the next rector for our church.

We ask your direction and guidance for those who shall choose our spiritual leader, that we may receive an upright and faithful shepherd, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries.

Grant us perception, faithfulness, and joy so that we may hear your voice in all our deliberations. Grant us also the desire and the ability to truly hear each other and those who have entrusted us with this process. Give us courage to respond and act as you lead us.

Come Holy Spirit.

We pray this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Krist Kindling Dinner – January 13, 2019

Krist Kindling families and other former or possible future Krist Kindlers, please plan to join us at the annual Krist Kindling dinner in the parish hall on SUNDAY, January 13th at 6:00 pm.  Families, please bring a main dish and a salad or dessert – enough to serve 6 – to share, as well as your own table service.  If you are single, or a couple, please bring one dish to share.  Beverages will be provided.  Bring your stories and your good humor!  GUARANTEED:  A warm and cozy evening with a few good laughs and maybe a surprise or two.  Everyone is WELCOME to join in the fun.  Questions?  Call Meredith Westgate at 717-898-9245.

Christmas Services at St. Edward’s

Come celebrate with us at St. Edward’s! Below is a listing of our Christmas Services.

Christmas Eve Services

4:15 PM – Prelude Music and Family Service of Holy Communion

8:40 PM – Prelude Music and Festival Holy Eucharist with Choir

**Nursery is available at both Christmas Eve services. Ages up to age 4.

Christmas Day Service

10:00 AM – Christmas Day Service Rite II

St. Edward’s Community Outreach & Giving Initiatives

During the months of November and December, the parishioners of St. Edward’s reached out to the wider community in many ways:

Camp Fire/ALERT

We collected over $600 in gift cards. In response to devastating fires in California. ALERT collected gift cards in any amount to send to St. Johns Episcopal Church in Chico, California to be distributed to those who have lost so much in the Camp fire. The gift card collection was organized by Ted Cardwell.

UTO Ingathering

We collected $581.58 for our UTO Ingathering, organized by Ellen Milligan.

Jesse Tree

We collected gifts and monetary donations for 60 children in the COBYS organization as part of our annual Jesse Tree collection to help those children that are in need at Christmas time. Many thanks to the Social Outreach Committee, including Beth Lynch, Leslie Arnold, Ellen and Kevin Milligan and all those who donated and helped to shop, wrap and deliver the gifts.