
Back-To-School Backpack and Supplies Drive – Donations Due This Sunday, August 5th

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.”  

– Philippians 2:4

It’s that time of year to start thinking about our annual Back-to-School backpacks and school supplies drive.  The supplies will be distributed through the Landisville Food Pantry to families in need. Below is a list of the items we will be collecting:

Backpacks                     #2 Pencils                    Crayons – 24 packs

Notebooks                   Glue Sticks                   Safety Scissors 

3-Ring Binders              Colored Pencils            Highlighters – packs 

Hand Sanitizer-individual or travel size              Large Block Erasers

Expo Dry Erase Markers       Plastic Pencil Box        3 x 3 Post-it Notes

Pens               Fine Tip Sharpies   Dividers               3 x 5 Index Cards

Ear Buds/Headphones                 Rulers                 3-hole Paper Punch

Please look for our collection box in the narthex. We will also have a box to collect any donations you might wish to make so that additional supplies, especially backpacks, can be purchased. If you would like to donate money, please make check payable to:  St. Edward’s Episcopal Church and note in memo line “School Supplies.” Our goal is to collect enough for fifty packets of supplies. DONATION FINAL COLLECTION DAY IS THIS SUNDAY, AUGUST 5th, so that the children may receive their supplies well in advance of the August 23rd first day of school. If you have questions, please ask any committee member- the Milligan’s, the Lynch’s, the Ishler’s. We are so grateful for your generosity.