One Service Sunday & UTO Ingathering – Sunday 29th Update

Thank you to all who gathered your change, filled your boxes and brought them in for the Ingathering.  St. Edward’s raised $298.20!  thank you for your support.

Our UTO Ingathering will be Sunday, September 29th so that we can celebrate this offering at our first of four Single-Service Sundays at 9:15 AM followed by a special coffee hour and forum in the parish hall.  Our hope is that these services will provide an opportunity for those who attend the 8:00 AM Sunday service and those who attend 10:15 AM to meet and greet one another and, in the process, build unity in our church family. The forum will include an informational presentation on church finances, an “Open Mic” Q &  A session, and a tour of the renovated Sacristy and Nursery.  The four Single-Service Sundays will take place during months with five Sundays on the last Sunday of those months:  September 29, December 29, March 29, 2020 and May 31, 2020.

Fall Fundraiser Time Is Here!


Time to gear up for our Annual Basket and Silent Auction and Fundraiser Dinner.  This year the theme is Trivia Night!  Get your teams together and have some fun.  Teams of eight are requested and the night will be general, generic trivia.  When you have your team. . get together and think of a great team name!  Let’s make this fun!  We will set up tables with your team name.   And. . . you do not have to play to attend the dinner.  Join us and support the trivia teams and enjoy the evening of fun, fellowship and raising funds for the ministry of St. Edward’s.  Join Us!

Amos Herr Community Festival – Sunday, September 15th 11 AM-4 PM

St. Edward’s will be a participant in the 40th annual Amos Herr Community Festival Sunday, Sept. 15, 2019, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. (rain date 9/22).

Look for our booth in the “D” row next to the Kid Zone.  Click here to download a program with map.  It promises to be a great day!

Produced in cooperation with East Hempfield Township, Landisville Lions Club, and the Amos Herr House Foundation and Historical Society     The award-winning community event features the Landisville Lions Club Car Show, Kid Zone, crafts, food, entertainment and Amos Herr Homestead free tours. Another highlight of the day is always the Lancaster Kennel Club’s events.

​ Encourage your friends and family to come and enjoy the day!  Admission is free. Parking donations benefit the Landisville Lions Club service projects.

St. Edward’s is looking forward to participating for the first time in this community event and we are so pleased to have a combination of New Member Ministry, vestry, and social outreach ministry members coming together to have a wonderful booth representing St. Edward’s.  Stop by to say hello or volunteer to help!  Contact Mike Patrone or the parish office with any questions.

Young Virtuoso Pianist Xinyue Zhang to Play at St. Edward’s in Free August Concert

Xinyue “Sissi” Zhang, a talented virtuoso pianist, returns to St. Edward’s Episcopal Church to present a free concert featuring music by Chopin, Brahms, Bach and more on Friday, August 2, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. The church is located at 2453 Harrisburg Pike in Lancaster, and, although the event is free, an offering will be taken.

At the August 2 concert, Zhang will play Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in B-flat Minor, Chopin’s Etude Op. 1, No. 1 in C Major, Beethoven’s Sonata No. 7 in D Major, Chopin’s Ballade No. 1, and works by Brahms and Rachmaninoff.

Zhang first performed at St. Edward’s in 2015 when she was a student at Lancaster Mennonite School. She is now a junior at United World College in Changshu, China, but continues to take lessons from Lititz resident Xun Pan, head of the Lancaster International Piano Festival and faculty member at Millersville University, through FaceTime and other video apps.

“We meet once a week,” says Pan, “and normally it’s very early—7:00 a.m. here—since we have a 12-hour time difference. I also see her in person when I travel to China or she is in the U.S. for short periods.”

Born in 2002, Zhang gave her premiere solo piano concert at the age of ten. She made history as the youngest pianist who performed professionally in her native city, Suzhou, China. Since then, she has performed various concerts in China, Hong Kong, Korea, Turkey, and the United States. Judges from international piano competitions have said of her: “ She is born for music and the stage.” 

 The concert is part of the Rev. Canon Stephen C. Casey Cultural Events Series at St. Edward’s showcasing the church’s fellowship outreach. 

St. Edward’s Episcopal Church is a community of faith, giving to God, giving to each other, giving to the world. On the web at: For more information, call the church at 717.898.6276

Embrace Open House at St. Edward’s

As we follow in the steps of “What We Believe” as Episcopalians, St. Edward’s is taking the opportunity to invite people who may have abandoned their faith because of prejudice they may have faced in other congregations, and to offer a local “safe space” for people of any identity and/or orientation by opening our doors to welcome and affirm the LGBTQ community members. 

On Sunday, July 21st we will be part of the Pride Week Open Houses in partnership with Embrace, a local organization supporting Lancaster’s LGBTQ people of faith.  We will be joining many other churches in the Lancaster County faith community in the hopes that we can connect members of the LGBTQ community with open and affirming worship and fellowship, especially at St. Edward’s.

As is highlighted on our The Episcopal Church website:

We Episcopalians believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As constituent members of the Anglican Communion in the United States, we are descendants of and partners with the Church of England and the Scottish Episcopal Church, and are part of the third largest group of Christians in the world.

We believe in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world.

We have a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being; women and men serve as bishops, priests, and deacons in our church. Laypeople and clergy cooperate as leaders at all levels of our church. Leadership is a gift from God, and can be expressed by all people in our church, regardless of sexual identity or orientation.

We believe that God loves you – no exceptions.

On June 12, 2019, during Pride Month, our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry offered his statement that honors LGBTQ Episcopalians, which you can read by clicking this link below or visiting the St. Edward’s website on the “What We Believe” page.

Presiding Bishop’s Pride Month statement honors LGBTQ Episcopalians

We hope you will join us on July 21st at your worship service of choice – 8 AM or 10:15 AM and coffee/fellowship hours, and show our brothers and sisters of the LGBTQ community what a welcoming and faith-affirming parish St. Edward’s is and will always be.

St. Edward’s Spring Clean Up – Sunday, May 5th

Sweaty Sunday:  MAY 5TH after the 8 am & 10:15 am services. 

Wear your sweats and jeans to church and stay awhile to help with some spring clean-up outdoors & indoors. We will be holding the event Rain or shine!  Our plan is to be finished by 2:00 – 2:30 PM.

We will be raking, filing in a pothole, weeding, trimming, painting, window washing and whatever else needs to be done to spruce up our parish and beautify our grounds. 

JOIN US AS WE COME TOGETHER AS A COMMUNITY OF FAITH!  Many hands make light work and we will have a nice meal to share in keeping with the Cinco de Mayo tradition of the day! 



Easter Egg Hunt at St. Edward’s

Grab your Easter basket and get ready for our annual Easter Egg Hunt after the 10:15 service on Easter Sunday.

A fun time (and lots of great egg hunting) is had by all the children and helpful parents!

If you would like to donate to the goodies for the Easter eggs, please bring in your donations and place in the bin in the narthex by Palm Sunday.

Thank you.

Adult Fellowship – March 2019

WHAT:  The “White Elephant” Party (that was postponed from February 24th)

WHEN:  Sunday, March 10th at 4:00 PM

WHERE:  Dorris Smith’s house – 3130 Briarwood Blvd. (in West Hempfield)

BRING:  Some “nibblies”: cheese spread, cheese ball, dips, etc.

ALSO TO BRING:  The ugliest, funniest, stupidest gift you can find (beautifully wrapped, of course)! 

RESPOND TO:  Dorris Smith – 717-285-5157

St. Edward’s Annual Meeting, Sunday, February 17, 2019

St. Edwards’ held its Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 17, 2019 commencing with The Holy Eucharist: Rite II, a service of blended worship with the St. Edward’s Praise Band and St. Edward’s Choir. It was wonderful to have our services graced with such wonderful music! We are very grateful for the dedication of those who give each week to these very important music ministries.

Following the service, we had an abundance of food and fellowship at our Annual Meeting. We welcomed our Interim Rector, The Reverend David Bateman, who led us in Opening and Closing Prayer as well as delivered wonderful remarks regarding transition for St. Edward’s. Matthew Sternberg and Dottie Gschwend, Co-chairs of the Search Committee, gave us an update on the search process and we chose our new vestry members and Diocesan Convention delegates.

Many thanks to all who donated the wonderful food and volunteered to help with cooking, set up, and clean up. We truly are a community of faith.

Click here to view a copy of our 2018 Annual Report.

Krist Kindling Dinner – January 13, 2019

Krist Kindling families and other former or possible future Krist Kindlers, please plan to join us at the annual Krist Kindling dinner in the parish hall on SUNDAY, January 13th at 6:00 pm.  Families, please bring a main dish and a salad or dessert – enough to serve 6 – to share, as well as your own table service.  If you are single, or a couple, please bring one dish to share.  Beverages will be provided.  Bring your stories and your good humor!  GUARANTEED:  A warm and cozy evening with a few good laughs and maybe a surprise or two.  Everyone is WELCOME to join in the fun.  Questions?  Call Meredith Westgate at 717-898-9245.