Daily Message from St. Edward’s – April 1, 2020

Dear parishioners,

Well, we made it through “Hump Day” and April 1st.  There was no “foolery” at St. Edward’s today, just getting things aligned for new and exciting activities to come in many ways over the ensuing weeks, so. . . stay tuned!  Something for everyone.

We’ve included a couple links to some items that you will enjoy, and tomorrow, we will add some great offerings/activities from Dina Ishler and Christina McLaughlin.  We look forward to messages from Father David on Friday, for the Palm Sunday service offerings.

We try to place just a few things in each daily message so as not to overwhelm everyone and give you something fresh and new for the next day.  Take care.  Be Safe. Stay Well. Keep all peoples, including your fellow St. Edwardian’s, in your prayers.  We are in this together.


A personal message from Richard & Gail Irons, members of the stewardship committee, and long-time St. Edwardians:

Our and prayers always for EACH of you. 

We are grateful each day & night for Father David’s poignant messages & Michelle’s upbeat daily reflections. 

Our early years of retirement are always full with opportunities to share days with our four young grandsons.  This has changed for many of us.  Even our companion, Bella, our Berner, looks at us each day as if to say “Don’t you both have to be somewhere today?”  And so it goes. 

Now our days continue with our early morn prayers & gratitude moments, jump starting flower beds, reading multiple books & VERY long walks witness to God’s early spring beauty.   One of those walks took us to Gretna to walk, socially distanced with our daughter & three-year old grandson.  And a final grace note from our son & his wife, asking us to FaceTime with them our dinner song…. Johnny Appleseed prayer with our grandsons.  What JOY that moment has brought.       

                         JOSHUA 1:9


The Irons


Here is a link to a booklet of wonderful Holy Week resources for the ENTIRE FAMILY from Church Publishing.  Please download it and share as we journey into Holy Week.


From the Praise Band:  “Goodness of God” 

We have sung this song at the last couple contemporary services, and it has been well received.  It is good reminder to us that even in the midst of trials, our God is standing alongside us.  Here’s a quote from Bethel Church, whose worship leaders wrote it, about this song and its message:  “Jesus told us we would face trouble, but He promised to walk with us through the fire and carry us. In the middle of a storm, we can have joy and peace as we anchor ourselves in the unchanging goodness of God.”

Take a listen to this version that I like from singer Josh Baldwin:


(If you can’t cut and paste the link, search on your browser:  Josh Baldwin Goodness of God.)

Blessings, church family,

Randy Westgate


Taste and see, taste and see the goodness of the Lord. Oh, taste and see, taste and see the goodness of the Lord, of the Lord.

–              ”Taste and See”


I remember singing “Taste and See” during communion on many a Sunday growing up. I didn’t know the song used Psalm 34 for its lyrics, but that didn’t matter. What mattered was that this song gave me a language to use when people asked me about my church or my faith. Kids who knew my dad was a priest would ask what was so great about going to church. I didn’t know how to put it into my own words. “Taste and see,” I told them. “Come, taste and see.”

The truth is, evangelizing is hard for some of us. One Sunday in youth group, I asked the teenagers gathered how they shared the good news about Jesus. One said that she prays with a group of dancers before a performance. Another said that he attends a Catholic school where many kids are religious. A couple of kids wear outward signs of faith: One wears a crucifix, another loves church camp gear. As a self-professed group of introverts, they are finding their own ways to show their love for Jesus in this secular world. They remind me to continue inviting others to taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

–              Miriam Willard McKenney is the Development Director for Forward Movement. She finds extreme joy parenting her three girls with her husband, David.