Daily Message from St. Edward’s – April 20, 2020

Dear parishioners,

Well, it is Monday, April 20th!  Just in case anybody is starting to lose track of the days.  As my husband said yesterday, “Today, is whatever day it is today.”  We hope you enjoyed the service yesterday with Father David’s final sermon.  In case you missed it, here is the link to the service:


Communicating how and where to find the service is a work-in-progress and going forward, we will be posting the link to a corresponding post on the website in the Daily Message on Friday that will include the service that you can just click on, the bulletin you can download and any stewardship messaging for the week.

We will start to make changes this week with the web site now that Father Rick is on board!  And there is a lot of planning to do throughout these ensuing months so that we are prepared and ready to open St. Edward’s back up again, when the Bishop advises us accordingly.

In the meantime, we will stay connected in new and innovative ways so that our community of faith stays engaged.

Thank you to all who have engaged in the many ministries that keep us connected and to being faithful with your pledging and giving.


READERS:  If you are a reader, or a server who has been a reader and is willing and able to read via technology and send the video file to the parish office, please let us know.  We have our reader roster compiled by Carol Cotnoir and we would be so pleased to have as many people who feel confident, to participate as readers over the next many Sunday’s.  I will also send emails to ask people.  I typically send the readings by Tuesday and request the files by Thursday to give Father Rick time to put together.  This is a great ministry, in person, but even more important virtually as it enables us to connect with each other.  We hope many of our readers will say “yes” to reading in this new format.

DONATIONS:  The Food Pantry is in great need of continued monetary donations.  We have sent them a check for $1,575 and through continued parishioner donations, we should be sending them another check in the upcoming week for an additional $300 – $400.

RECTOR’S STUDY:  We are installing a much-needed wall-to-wall carpet in the rector’s study, a space that was updated and restored over the past year with the last remaining item to be replaced – the carpet.  This is not a budgeted item but is a necessary facility improvement.  To that end, we are accepting monetary donations to help deflect the cost of the carpet. Please prayerfully consider donating to this building renovation project.  Make your checks payable to St. Edward’s and write in the memo line “rector’s study carpet.”

I leave you with 3 things to enjoy:  A meditation, a virtual tour, and a learning resource to the Getty Virtual Library which is a fascinating resource of books to download and read for free; resources for K-12 students – Online games, videos, and activities; a beautiful virtual gallery of exhibitions, books, videos.

Forward Day by Day Meditation for April 20, 2020

John 14:12 Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father.

If I could—and what a leap of faith—I would see sherbet in the sky and children running along the edge of their lives carrying bowls and spoons to taste heaven’s sweet love, sand kicking up behind their heels like exclamation marks.

Love would have no borders. I would look at all people and see a light that darkness cannot extinguish. I would feel Africa’s waves on America’s shore.

I hear a whippoorwill now, singing its own name into the twilight. A dream kicks the wall of a womb. The sky bends, and I feel pregnant with my God-given possibilities. A herd of zebra lopes past me, through the foothills of Virginia. Jesus…it’s true. We are one in God’s love.

MOVING FORWARD: What would reconciliation look like in your own community? How are you participating in this holy work?

PRAY for the Diocese of Kirinyaga (Kenya)

Ps 1,2,3, * 4,7 | Exodus 14:21-31 | 1 Peter 1:1-12 | John 14:(1-7)8-17

A Virtual Tour: Today, we take you to BEAUTIFUL SCOTLAND (Highlands / Isle of Skye)


Getty Virtual Library:
