Daily Message from St. Edward’s – April 30, 2020

Dear parishioners,

A lot happening today at St. Edward’s!  Repairs were completed to the rector’s office ceiling.  The new wall-to-wall carpet for the rector’s study will be installed tomorrow, and we put up a new banner outside the church to invite our wider community to worship with us, online.  We conducted Zoom calls to record the readers for this Sunday, and Beth Lynch was in to help in redoing our library area. All great stuff!

And. . . having Father Rick here every day has been such a blessing.  Such great ministry happening, it is exciting to witness!

For today we have:  A meditation; release of the May Scepter; a link to some awesome “what’s in my pantry” recipes; and the “journey” for today is to the Georgia Aquarium and their webcams of the marine life.  Do these incredible wildlife creatures “know” what is happening to our world, outside their tanks and habitats?  One of the great mysteries. . .if we could talk to the animals, yes?



THURSDAY, April 30

John 8:7 Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.

From the Archives: December 30, 1996

“What is original sin?” the twelve-year-old asked her grandfather. He replied, “It is something we all have in common. It is one of the things that hold us together.”

Grandfather’s definition of original sin was a way of saying what Jesus had in mind when he said, “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Jesus understood the destructive consequences of adultery just as much as the scribes and Pharisees. But when Jesus zeroed in on sin, it was not just the obvious sins that caught his attention.

Hard-heartedness is also a sin, because in its rush to condemn, it does not hear the message of mercy and forgiveness from the Savior. Jesus’ parting words to the woman—“neither do I condemn you”—are a reminder of just how forgiving is the God whom we meet in the Bible.

MOVING FORWARD: Do you have a Judas place in your heart? How does Jesus come and meet you in that place?

Read the contemporary reflection here.

PRAY for the Diocese of Kondoa (Tanzania)

Ps 37:1-18 * 37:19-42 | Exodus 20:1-21 | Colossians 1:24—2:7| Matthew 4:1-11

The May Scepter is out and can be found on our website here:



We will also be making copies to put out tomorrow at our “usual table” outside the front red doors.  Stop by and pick one up. .  . It is predicted to be sunny and 64 degrees!

And if you have not picked up a new 2020 directory, they are available as well.

Hungry? Here are some tasty looking dishes we can all make with items in our pantry.


Take a peek inside the Georgia Aquarium Webcam to marine wildlife:
