Daily Message from St. Edward’s – May 14, 2020

Dear parishioners,

Today’s email is going to focus on a new and exciting ministry we are commencing tomorrow – Virtual Evening Prayer!

An Invitation to All!

Please join us for our virtual service of Evening Prayer, on Zoom, commencing TOMORROW, Friday, May 15th at 7:00 PM and every Friday at that time, led by our choir director, Patrick Ishler.

Ever wonder, what is Evening Prayer in the Episcopal Church?  Here is a little history from episcopalchurch.org library:

One of the principal Daily Offices. Evening Prayer has been the title for the Evening Office in Anglican worship since the 1552 revision of the Prayer Book. Evening Prayer may begin with an opening sentence of scripture and with the confession of sin. The Invitatory may include the canticle Phos Hilaron, an ancient hymn praising Christ at the lighting of lamps at sunset. The office continues with a selection from the Psalter, readings from scripture followed by canticles (typically the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis), the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, a set of suffrages, one or more collects, and the dismissal.  Evening Prayer may also include an office hymn or anthem, the General Thanksgiving, a Prayer of St. Chrysostom, and a concluding sentence of scripture.

We will be showing the text on screen to make it easy to follow along. We have also provided a simple pdf to follow by clicking here And, if you have a Book of Common Prayer, you may start on page 115.

We invite you to end your week with the experience of Evening Prayer.  By simply clicking on the link below and adding the join code, you will be engaged in the service with ease.

Welcome to Evening Prayer!


Join Code:  874 9604 3790

A few important reminders of upcoming ministries:

Soles4Souls:  Beth Lynch reminds us that they are still collecting shoes, as the deadline was extended through June.  So, if you have shoes, please bring them by the church.  You can leave them by the table near the front red doors and we will bring them in.  It would be best to bring them by between 10-5 during the day.

June Scepter:  If you have stories, photos, graduation announcements, ministry meeting announcements, or thoughts to share, please submit to Mac Miller at: [email protected] by Wednesday May 20th. Thank you.

Bible Study:  We have been putting forth the announcements for the next session of Bible Study, led by ministry leaders, Bill and Yvonne Gasperetti.  The new session begins next Wednesday, May 20th and will meet every other Wednesday via zoom.  Please connect with Bill or Yvonne for details.

Virtual Coffee Hour:  Don’t miss our zoom coffee hour, hosted by Joe and Christina McLaughlin each Sunday at 10:00 AM.  The Zoom info is included in every Friday and Saturday email with the service information for Sunday.

New Member Ministry Meeting:  Saturday, May 16th at 10:00 AM.  The group looks forward to getting together, but we extend the meeting to anyone NEW who would like to join us.  Here is the information to join us: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83781865179?pwd=aVkxL0pNaHlxeEFaYWRPeHA5bm9BUT09

Join Code:  837 8186 5179

Pass Code: 170862

And here is a link to some material we will be discussing:


Enjoy your evening!
