Daily Message from St. Edward’s – May 21, 2020

Dear parishioners,


Well it has been an interesting day with some “technology difficulties,” so as they say in broadcast: “Please stand by”!  We are working through a variety of issues that include:


Father Rick’s name being attached to a fake email address in an email phishing scheme, which hopefully, you have received our email informing you of this, advising you of actions you can take to protect your email account, and expressing our sincere apologies for this inconvenience.


While working to send this email, it was revealed that our own office email address has been blacklisted as a “spam” within the Comcast system (I guess our Daily Messages to our parish email groups were just too frequent!)  Comcast is working on trying to remedy this and in the meantime we have devised a workaround, which hopefully will keep us in communication.  It seems to only pertain to group emails, not individual communications.  Again, our apologies.




Just a quick update on what is happening at St. Edward’s this week:


Father Rick is celebrating and preaching a wonderful Sunday service for the Sunday after Ascension Day.  Look for our usual email on Saturday with the service link and bulletin.


We will be working on putting together some “surprises” for Pentecost Sunday, next Sunday, so stay tuned.


The kitchen is just about complete.  Many thanks to Barb Jakiel as we both cleaned the kitchen surfaces and walls yesterday to prep for the equipment to be placed back in and hooked up.  Barb, Gail Irons and Gloria Kacinko will be working to place items back in the kitchen and we will really rework it so it is neat, clean and uncluttered!  It is quite a nice upgrade.


We are in the midst of accumulating the results of the Re-opening of St. Edward’s survey to determine thoughts and needs of our parishioners.  Everyone was sent the survey, via an email, yesterday.  If you have not taken it (please check your spam folder) we would encourage you to take a few minutes to complete it.  We want to hear from as many people as possible and we are so appreciative of your time in helping us to form our protocols, that will work alongside all of the mandated State and Diocesan protocols.  Father Rick will be addressing us tomorrow in his weekly message about these details.


Be well. Stay Safe.  Keep the Faith.






St. Edward’s Friday Evening Prayer Readers:


We are looking for readers for our weekly Friday Evening Prayer service.  If anyone is interested in reading for this Evening Prayer service, please contact Patrick Ishler, [email protected] to schedule a week(s).  Thank you!




St. Edward’s Friday Evening Prayer:


Please join us for our virtual service of Evening Prayer on Friday, May 22nd, on Zoom, at 7:00 PM and every Friday at that time, led by our choir director, Patrick Ishler.


Ever wonder, what is Evening Prayer in the Episcopal Church?  Here is a little history from episcopalchurch.org library:


One of the principal Daily Offices. Evening Prayer has been the title for the Evening Office in Anglican worship since the 1552 revision of the Prayer Book. Evening Prayer may begin with an opening sentence of scripture and with the confession of sin. The Invitatory may include the canticle Phos Hilaron, an ancient hymn praising Christ at the lighting of lamps at sunset. The office continues with a selection from the Psalter, readings from scripture followed by canticles (typically the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis), the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, a set of suffrages, one or more collects, and the dismissal.  Evening Prayer may also include an office hymn or anthem, the General Thanksgiving, a Prayer of St. Chrysostom, and a concluding sentence of scripture.


We will be showing the text on screen to make it easy to follow along. We will also provide a simple pdf to follow along. Click here to downloadAnd, if you have a Book of Common Prayer, you may start on page 115.


We invite you to end your week with the experience of Evening Prayer.  By simply clicking on the link below and adding the join code, you will be engaged in the service with ease.


Welcome to Evening Prayer!




Join code:  874 9604 3790