
St. Edward’s Thursday Message – March 4th

Dear parishioners & friends of St. Edward’s,

We have an important weekend to look forward to as we journey into our Third Sunday in Lent, followed by our Annual Parish Meeting immediately after the service.   Please take the time, if you can, tomorrow, to stop by the church between 11 AM – 3 PM to pick up your Annual Report, a copy of the March Scepter, your 2020 Giving Statement, consecrated wafers, and a special St. Edward’s mug we have had made for our parishioners – something to sip your warm beverage from during our livestreamed Sunday services or to take to our Zoom coffee hours & meetings!

As our Thursday emails are dedicated to the spiritual offerings we offer between Friday noon – Sunday evening, outside of our Sunday 10 AM Rite II service, please know that we have listed details to several opportunities for prayer and reflection, below.

Click here to download our Annual Report PDF.

Click here to download our March Scepter.

In our Saturday email, along with our links to our Sunday Rite II 10 AM service offering, we will refresh you with the Zoom invite details for our Annual Meeting that follows the service, on March 7th, at 11:30 AM.

As we continue our Lenten journey and we discover the power of remembrance, let us know that in remembering, there is reconciliation, and in reconciliation, there is love. The power of love – loving our neighbors as ourselves, loving the rhythms of our day, in whatever it may bring, and letting it wash over us, loving our natural environment as much as we love the material things within our own homes, and creating beloved community show our love of God and for Jesus Christ our Lord.  Let us “sow the seeds of love” in our daily lives.

We close with a Psalm verse from page 115 in the BCP – Daily Evening Prayer:  Rite Two

I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel; my heart teaches me, night after night. I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not fall. Psalm 16:7, 8

Be well.  Stay safe.  Keep the faith.


Worship News:
If you are in need of delivery of wafers, Scepters, etc. please contact the parish office.  

The Way of the Cross Lenten Weekly Devotion
We extend a warm invitation to our parishioners, and to those in the wider community, to participate in this weekly devotion on Fridays during the season of Lent. We thank Edward Webber for his wonderful artwork, capturing each of the fourteen Stations of the Cross. It is our sincere hope that this will serve as an invitation to prayer and contemplation as we continue to worship from our homes.

The Way of the Cross pdf and YouTube link information are noted below.
The Way of the Cross on the St. Edward’s YouTube Channel, click here.

The Way of the Cross order of service pdf, click here.

Lenten Meditations 2021 booklets:  Episcopal Relief & Development offers a wonderful booklet of meditations to take you through your Lenten journey.  This year, ER&D is offering this booklet in an online version.  You can click here to download the pdf.  We will also do on-demand printing of the booklet pdf for those who would like a printed copy to take home.  Just let us know if you would like a printed copy!

New and Updated: Adult Spiritual Formation – Winter 2021 Flier – Click here to view/download

Friday Lunch & Learn:  March 5th 12 Noon – 1 PM via Zoom
We continue our course of reflection and discussion with Chapter 11 – Walking in the Way of the Cross – Holy Week and Easter in our text, Walk in LovePerhaps you would feel comfortable in delivering the closing prayer? There are so many wonderful Prayers and Collects to share with the group, from our BCP. Attendance at every session is not required.

With peace,
Father Rick, Bob Mosebach, and Wanda Stoltzfus

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

One tap mobile

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Dial by your location

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

Find your local number:

Friday Evening Prayer – March 5th
We invite you to Evening Prayer this Friday evening at 7:00 PM.  This is a wonderful way to peacefully end our week and is led by Patrick Ishler.
Join us on Zoom:
Join Code:  863 2710 5082

Saturday, March 6th at 5 PM: Members of St. Edward’s are invited to join St. Luke’s for our Zoom Taize service. A service of deep prayer and worship, sacred darkness, and the singing of chants in candlelight. Prepare by lighting some candles. Connect to the service:
Contact St. Luke’s to let them know you will attend:  [email protected] for entry into secure waiting room.

Sunday Evening Prayer, March 7th at 7:00 PM:  We use the 1979 Book of Common Prayer and the readings for the Sunday Lectionary.  It is a quiet service and a good way to end the weekend and prepare for the week to come.  Anyone interested can send me an email to be put on an email distribution list:  [email protected]

Sunday Evening Prayer @ 7:00pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 953 5508 3080

St. Edward’s Monday Message – March 1st

Dear parishioners & friends of St. Edward’s,

Here we are in March!  In a couple weeks we will be “springing forward” with Daylight Savings Time where the days will be a bit longer and the trees and flowers will begin to spring open in the way nature so gloriously transforms before our very eyes at this time of year.  And. . .we continue our Lenten journey.  We are guided that remembrance is a part of our journey and is a part of the process of lament.  Trusting in God’s love to give us strength to endure the pain of remembering may help us to transform ourselves, strengthening our spirit, to enable us to help with the burdens of others.

As we continue to look inward along our journey, let us pray that it allows us to be become more spiritually connected and giving in outward ways. Tonight we offer:

A Prayer of Self-Dedication
Almighty and eternal God, so draw our hearts to thee, so guide our minds, so fill our imaginations, so control our wills, that we may be wholly thine, utterly dedicated unto thee; and then use us, we pray thee, as thou wilt, and always to thy glory and the welfare of thy people; through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.


Worship News:

In case you missed it, click to view the Sunday Service for the Second Sunday in Lent, February 28th 

We hope you will include, in your weekly Lenten discipline, our Stations of the Cross offering for Lent, via our St. Edward’s YouTube channel – a collaboration of St. Edward’s and St. Luke’s, Mount Joy.  Within the message, we will also offer a pdf of The Way of the Cross.   Click here to connect.

Lenten Meditations 2021 booklets:  Episcopal Relief & Development offers a wonderful booklet of meditations to take you through your Lenten journey.  This year, ER&D is offering this booklet in an online version.  You can click here to download the pdf.  We will also do on-demand printing of the booklet pdf for those who would like a printed copy to take home.  Just let us know if you would like a printed copy!

Looking for an additional Lenten Devotional Resource?  St. Luke’s Mount Joy offers us  “Living Well Through Lent” by clicking here.

Click here to access our Worship page on our web site.

Parish Business News:

On Sunday, March 7, 2021, St. Edward’s will be holding our Annual Parish Meeting, via Zoom, at 11:30 AM, immediately following the 10 AM service.

The Annual Parish Meeting is a time where we, as a community of faith, reflect on the events of this past year; share our financial plan for the year ahead; elect leaders (vestry and diocesan convention delegates) of our parish; as well as gather to celebrate our Christian life together.  We welcome you to be a part of it all, particularly in this year of Covidtide, as we continue to find ways to gather and lift each other up in our spiritual journeys and shared ministry to St. Edward’s and our wider community!

Annual Reports, as well as a special signature St. Edward’s item for our parishioner households, will be available for pick-up at the church on Thursday, March 4 – Friday, March 5 from 11 AM-4 PM.  We will also be posting the Annual Report as a pdf on our website for people to access and that link will be available in the Thursday, March 4th email message.

St. Edward’s Episcopal Church is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: St. Edward’s Annual Meeting
Time: Mar 7, 2021 11:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

in Zoom Meeting

Your Meeting ID join code and passcode are in your Monday email message.  If you are missing this information, please contact the parish office.

One tap mobile
+13126266799,,86190539342#,,,,*769256# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,86190539342#,,,,*769256# US (New York)

Our newest edition of the Scepter will be in print and online by week’s end!  Pick one up when you stop by for your Annual Report, consecrated wafers, and a special signature St. Edward’s item we have had made for you to bring to our Annual Meeting!

March grocery cards will be ordered this week and will be available for pick up on Monday, March 8th.

Ministry and Outreach Opportunities:

Soles for Souls:  St. Edward’s is participating in a shoe drive with Saint John’s of Lancaster during the Lenten season. Shoes will be collected through Palm Sunday, March 28th.  The shoes can be lightly used to falling apart.   Soles 4 Souls will send the shoes to impoverished countries to give the people an opportunity to provide relief, create jobs, and empower people to break the cycle of poverty.  Collection boxes will be placed in the sanctuary (near the Praise Band instruments). Please tie any laced shoes together and rubber and other types.  There is also a need for shipping boxes approximately the size of an office paper box. Should you have any questions, please contact:  Lynch’s, Milligan’s, Ishler’s, Peg Reiley, or Leslie Arnold.

In this season of almsgiving, let us continue our faithful support of the Hempfield Area Food Pantry for those less fortunate than ourselves, through monetary and food donations. Requested food items for the month of March are:

Large peanut butter
Large jelly
Canned corn
Canned carrots
Canned mixed vegetables
Mac and cheese
2 pound package of dried pinto beans

New and Updated: Adult Spiritual Formation – Winter 2021 Flier – Click here to view/download
Click here to access our Adult Spiritual Formation page on our web site.

Wednesday Evening Bible Study – Wednesday, March 3rd – 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM: The focus for this session, led by Bob Mosebach and Leslie Arnold, will be on the Gospel of Mark from an Anglican/Episcopal perspective. Our Study Guide will be: Borg, Marcus (2019), Conversations with Scripture – The Gospel of Mark (Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars Study). For questions, please contact Bob Mosebach at [email protected] or Leslie Arnold at [email protected] with any questions.

Topic: St. Edward’s Episcopal Church Bible Study
Time: February 24, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 862 5277 2937
Passcode: 201150

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+19292056099,,86252772937#,,,,*201150# US (New York)
+13017158592,,86252772937#,,,,*201150# US (Washington D.C)

Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 862 5277 2937
Passcode: 201150
Find your local number:

Friday Lunch & Learn:  March 5th 12 Noon – 1 PM via Zoom
We will jump to Chapter 11 in our text, Walk in Love, Walking in the Way of the Cross – Holy Week and Easter.  Join us!  

Perhaps you would feel comfortable in delivering the closing prayer? There are so many wonderful Prayers and Collects to share with the group, from our BCP. Attendance at every session is not required.

With peace,
Father Rick, Bob Mosebach, and Wanda Stoltzfus

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

One tap mobile

+13462487799,,84479709447#,,,,,,0#,,228332# US (Houston)

+16699006833,,84479709447#,,,,,,0#,,228332# US (San Jose)

Friday Evening Prayer – March 5th
We invite you to Evening Prayer this Friday evening at 7:00 PM.  This is a wonderful way to peacefully end our week and is led by Patrick Ishler.
Join us on Zoom:
Join Code:  863 2710 5082

St. Edward’s Annual Parish Meeting

Dear parishioners of St. Edward’s,

On Sunday, March 7, 2021, St. Edward’s will be holding our Annual Parish Meeting, via Zoom, at 11:30 AM, immediately following the 10 AM service.

The Annual Parish Meeting is a time where we, as a community of faith, reflect on the events of this past year; share our financial plan for the year ahead; elect leaders (vestry and diocesan convention delegates) of our parish; as well as gather to celebrate our Christian life together.  We welcome you to be a part of it all, particularly in this year of Covidtide, as we continue to find ways to gather and lift each other up in our spiritual journeys and shared ministry to St. Edward’s and our wider community!

Below are the Zoom details for joining us, in community and fellowship, at this important event in the life of our parish.

St. Edward’s Episcopal Church is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: St. Edward’s Annual Meeting
Time: Mar 7, 2021 11:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

**Your Meeting ID Join Code and Pass Code are in your weekly email message. Please contact the parish office if you are missing this information.

One tap mobile
+13126266799,,86190539342#,,,,*769256# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,86190539342#,,,,*769256# US (New York)

Annual Reports, as well as a special signature St. Edward’s item for our parishioner households, will be available for pick-up at the church on Thursday, March 4 – Friday, March 5 from 11 AM-4 PM.  We will also be posting the Annual Report as a pdf on our website for people to access, by clicking here.

It is also at this meeting that we will vote for/approve the slate of vestry nominees commencing their 3-year terms in 2021.  If you visit the vestry page on our website, you can read each nominees’ biography to better familiarize yourself with our nominees:  Karen Grant; Peg Hanzelman; Joe McLaughlin; and Randy Westgate.

In order to give everyone an opportunity to vote/approve the incoming slate of vestry nominees, if you will not be attending the St. Edward’s Annual Meeting via Zoom, please REPLY to this email as your vote of the vestry nominees (and delegates) for 2021.  There is one vote for each parish member.  So, if you have two + people in your household, and will not be attending the March 7th meeting, each active parishioner is eligible to cast a vote.  Please submit your reply (replies) separately and indicate your name in the body of the email, above your vote reply so that we can tally it properly.

Please reply, via email, no later than Friday, March 5th with your absentee ballot.  If you are planning on attending the meeting, via Zoom, please do not submit an absentee ballot.

Individual Absentee Ballot for 2021 Vestry Nominees and Diocesan Convention Delegates:

I have reviewed the vestry page on the St. Edward’s website and I vote in the following manner for the 2021 vestry nominees:

____ Approve

____ Do Not Approve

We also cast votes for our slate of delegates representing us at Diocesan Convention.  This year our delegates are:

Herb Johnston
Dina Ishler
Lucetta Kiefer
Mary Snyder

____ Approve

____ Do Not Approve

We conclude with a prayer:

For the Parish
Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Be well.  Stay safe.  Keep the faith.


Sunday Online Worship at St. Edward’s: Second Sunday in Lent – February 28, 2021

Dear parishioners and friends of St. Edward’s,

We welcome you to our online worship and ministry offerings for this Sunday, the Second Sunday in Lent.  All essential links are noted below. 

I prayerfully request that we continue to refrain from gathering with other parishioners in public groups, particularly in restaurants, indoor spaces, or even outdoors without masks. COVID-19 is not a hoax.  We are all in this together, and honoring our parish community, by complying with the recommendations set forth during this time, conveys our love for God in Christ, the members of our parish family, and the wider community.

Here are two links that may be helpful:

Lancaster County, PA COVID-19 Hub

PA Department of Health

Father Rick+

This evening,  please join those, near and far, as the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania offers to us a very special service:

Out of the Depths: a liturgy of remembrance for those we love who died from COVID-19
Saturday, February 27 at 6 pm

Zoom Webinar Link The liturgy will also be streamed to Facebook Live here.

You are invited to have a candle ready to light in remembrance of those who have died.

The service bulletin can be found here. For more information, click here.

If you would like to include your loved one in the prayers during worship, or have any questions, please contact The Rev. Canon Chris Streeter at [email protected].

While we are in prayer, this evening, for all who have died from COVID-19, we especially remember Father Stephen+ and keep in our prayers Rayelenn, Emily, Elizabeth, Sadie, and Emma.

Tonight, we offer a Collect and a prayer:

A Collect for Saturdays (BCP99)
Almighty God, who after the creation of the world rested from all your works and sanctified a day of rest for all your creatures: Grant that we, putting away all earthly anxieties, may be duly prepared for the service of your sanctuary, and that our rest here upon earth may be a preparation for the eternal rest promised to your people in heaven; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Protection (BCP832)
Assist us mercifully, O Lord, in these our supplications and prayers, and dispose the way of thy servants towards the attainment of everlasting salvation; that, among all the changes and chances of this mortal life, they may ever be defended by thy gracious and ready help; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

We normally do not address parish business in the Saturday emails but there are 3 important pieces of information for everyone to be aware of:

(1)  As promised, the church membership to BJ’s has been renewed.  If you currently hold a membership card, you can now visit the store to renew your individual membership.  If you are interested in joining BJ’s, under the St. Edward’s membership, please contact the parish office for the document you would need to bring to customer service.  Our church membership allows individuals to receive a discounted yearly rate.

(2)  2020 Giving Statements are completed, printed out, and in the parish office.  If you would like your statement emailed to you, this week, please let the parish office know.  There will be an opportunity for you to stop by church, this Thursday & Friday, to pick up consecrated wafers and materials for the March 7th Annual Meeting, so you could pick up your statement at that time. If statements are not requested to be sent via email, or picked up, this week, we will mail them out by week’s end.   We want to thank everyone for their understanding and patience, as we were delayed in the generating of the statements for 2020.

(3)  Please look for a separate email at the beginning of the week that specifically addresses the Annual Meeting Zoom details, when to pick up your Annual Meeting materials, as well as voting via absentee ballot if you are unable to attend the March 7th meeting.  This is a very important event in the life of our parish, so we encourage all, who are able, to attend!

Be well.  Stay safe.  Keep the faith.


Sunday Service Information:

Click here to connect to the Second Sunday in Lent, February 28th, which will be live streamed at 10:00 AM on Sunday. 

Click here to download our service bulletin for the Second Sunday in Lent.

*If you enjoy the St. Edward’s Episcopal Church, Lancaster, PA YouTube channel, and you have a Gmail or YouTube account, the next time you tune in, please click the red SUBSCRIBE button on the home page to be included as a subscriber to St. Edward’s!  We would welcome the support and we will not generate any unwanted notifications to you.  Become a part of our St. Edward’s community!   Thank you to those who have subscribed! 

We also wanted to take this opportunity to share with you important announcements regarding upcoming events, as well as prayer and adult spiritual formation opportunities.

We continue to honor the guidance delivered by our bishop, as well as our love of God in Christ, to care for one another, by remaining socially distanced, and refrain from in-person worship and gathering.  There are many opportunities for us to worship, and perform ministry, in community, in other ways, during this continued Covidtide. Please see a listing below and stay tuned to our weekly emails, web site posts, and Sunday bulletins for updates on specific details, as we are updated, with times and links. We invite you to celebrate with us, as a community of faith!

Virtual Coffee Hour this Sunday, February 28th, from 11:00 AM – 11:40 AM, on Zoom. Hosted by Christina McLaughlin. Let us share our fellowship with one another during our extended Covidtide.
The join code and pass code are in your Saturday email message.

Please continue your support of the Hempfield Area Food Pantry. Let us continue our tradition of generosity for those less fortunate than ourselves.  Requested food items for the month of March are:

Large peanut butter
Large jelly
Canned corn
Canned carrots
Canned mixed vegetables
Mac and cheese
2 pound package of dried pinto beans

Soles 4 Souls: St. Edward’s, with Saint John’s of Lancaster will collect shoes through Palm Sunday, March 28th and we invite parishioners to donate used shoes. The shoes can be lightly used to falling apart. Collection boxes will be placed in the sanctuary. Please tie any laced shoes together and rubber and other types. There is also a need for shipping boxes approximately the size of an office paper box. Any questions can be directed to our outreach ministry members: Lynch’s, Milligan’s, Ishler’s, Peg Reiley, or Leslie Arnold.

St. Edward’s is offering a full complement of Adult Spiritual Formation which continues through Lent! Please check your weekly emails which will have all the study details & Zoom invitation details.

Bible Study: Wednesday Evenings from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM: For questions, please contact Bob Mosebach at [email protected] or Leslie Arnold at [email protected].

Lunch & Learn: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices: Fridays from 12 Noon – 1 PM led by Bob Mosebach

The Way of the Cross: Go to our St. Edward’s YouTube Channel to view our Stations of the Cross, each week, as a Lenten discipline. You will find the pre-recorded offering and a Way of the Cross pdf to download.
The Way of the Cross on the St. Edward’s YouTube Channel, click here.

The Way of the Cross order of service pdf, click here.

Friday Evening Prayer: Each Friday at 7:00 PM hosted by Patrick and Dina Ishler
Join us on Zoom:
Join Code:  863 2710 5082

Sunday Evening Prayer: Each Sunday at 7:00 PM. Anyone interested can send Br. David Rutledge an email to be put on an email distribution list: [email protected]

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 953 5508 3080

Besides prayers, calls, cards and emails, there is one more thing you can do to support St. Edward’s. Please keep up-to-date with your pledge or regular contribution.  Pledges/giving can be mailed to the church, and we also have an easy-to-use “Give to St. Edward’s” button on our website that links to our secure Paypal page, as well as a “Donate” button on our YouTube Channel home page.

To assist parishes, the diocese has set up online giving for each parish.  If you feel comfortable making your weekly giving or pledge donation in this manner (it is a secure giving tool), simply go to the diocesan web site, click on the tab up top and it will take you to a page where you can scroll down, find St. Edward’s, and continue with making your contribution!  Thank you for maintaining your faithfulness through your financial stewardship!

Click here if you would like to donate online through the diocesan portal. You will scroll down to find St. Edward’s under Lancaster. The portal is a secure giving site.

St. Edward’s Thursday Message – February 25th

Dear parishioners & friends of St. Edward’s,

As we journey towards our Second Sunday in Lent, please know that we have several spiritual offerings between now and our 10:00 AM Sunday  Rite II service. These can be silent and contemplative moments, or moments spent in community of spiritual formation, prayer, and lament. We continue to rest, reflect, repent, and recharge, using these shared and silent spaces as a way to know more about ourselves, to show our love for one another, and to be comforted in knowing that we are constantly renewed with God’s strength. The details for our offerings are listed below.

As we enter this evening, let us pray a Collect for our protection through the night (BCP 133) and let us pray for Joy in God’s Creation (BCP 814) for the blessings of this beautiful day.

Be present, O merciful God, and protect us through the hours of this night, so that we who are wearied by the changes and chances of this life may rest in your eternal changelessness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Joy in God’s Creation
O heavenly Father, who hast filled the world with beauty: Open our eyes to behold thy gracious hand in all thy works; that, rejoicing in thy whole creation, we may learn to serve thee with gladness; for the sake of him through whom all things were made, thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

We continue to pray for Rayelenn, Emily, and Elizabeth and surround them with love in their grief.  A wonderful ministry is to send a card or handwritten note, just to say a simple “hello!”

Mrs. Rayelenn Sparks Casey
429 Camp Meeting Road
Landisville, PA 17538

Please contact the parish office if you would like addresses for Emily and Elizabeth.

Be well.  Stay safe.  Keep the faith.


A FREE Musical Offering: Dr. Xun Pan, Millersville University’s Tell School of Music Director of Keyboard Studies (and frequent concert pianist at St. Edward’s, delighting audiences attending our Cultural Events Series over the years) will present a concert-lecture livestreaming for FREE from Biemesdefer Hall at the Winter Center on Millersville University’s campus, on Saturday, February 27th at 7:30 PM  Click here to be connected with the event link.

Worship News:
We continue to offer consecrated wafers for our service of Holy Eucharist this Sunday, safely packaged and available in the narthex.  Please enter through our front doors between the hours of 11 AM – 3 PM, Monday – Friday.  If you are in need of delivery of wafers, Scepters, etc. please contact the parish office.  

The Way of the Cross Lenten Weekly Devotion
We extend a warm invitation to our parishioners, and to those in the wider community, to participate in this weekly devotion on Fridays during the season of Lent. We thank Edward Webber for his wonderful artwork, capturing each of the fourteen Stations of the Cross. It is our sincere hope that this will serve as an invitation to prayer and contemplation as we continue to worship from our homes.

The Way of the Cross pdf and YouTube link information are noted below.
The Way of the Cross on the St. Edward’s YouTube Channel, click here.

The Way of the Cross order of service pdf, click here.

Lenten Meditations 2021 booklets:  Episcopal Relief & Development offers a wonderful booklet of meditations to take you through your Lenten journey.  This year, ER&D is offering this booklet in an online version.  You can click here to download the pdf.  We will also do on-demand printing of the booklet pdf for those who would like a printed copy to take home.  Just let us know if you would like a printed copy!

New and Updated: Adult Spiritual Formation – Winter 2021 Flier – Click here to view/download

Friday Lunch & Learn:  February 26th 12 Noon – 1 PM via Zoom
We continue our study with Chapter 8 in our text, Walk in Love, For the Benefit of Your Holy Church – Sacramental Rites:  Ordination. Perhaps you would feel comfortable in delivering the closing prayer? There are so many wonderful Prayers and Collects to share with the group, from our BCP. Attendance at every session is not required.

Episcopal Church Polity Handout

With peace,
Father Rick, Bob Mosebach, and Wanda Stoltzfus

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

One tap mobile

+13462487799,,84479709447#,,,,,,0#,,228332# US (Houston)

+16699006833,,84479709447#,,,,,,0#,,228332# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

Find your local number:

Friday Evening Prayer – February 26th
We invite you to Evening Prayer this Friday evening at 7:00 PM.  This is a wonderful way to peacefully end our week and is led by Patrick Ishler.
Join us on Zoom:
Join Code:  863 2710 5082

Saturday, February 27th at 6 PM:  Out of the Depths: a liturgy of remembrance for those we love who died form COVD-19.  The service bulletin will be posted on the diocesan website by Friday.

Please click here to be connected to the information page on the diocesan website

Alternatively, here is the direct link information to register for the service:
Zoom Webinar Link

The liturgy will also be streamed to Facebook Live here.

You are invited to have a candle ready to light in remembrance of those who have died.

Sunday Evening Prayer, February 28th at 7:00 PM:  We use the 1979 Book of Common Prayer and the readings for the Sunday Lectionary.  It is a quiet service and a good way to end the weekend and prepare for the week to come.  Anyone interested can send me an email to be put on an email distribution list:  [email protected]

Sunday Evening Prayer @ 7:00pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 953 5508 3080

St. Edward’s Monday Message – February 22nd

Dear parishioners & friends of St. Edward’s,

Today, as we rest in the gentle hush of a snowy day, we hope all of you are finding your way, and a rhythm, in your private Lenten journeys.  In all we do:  In our private prayer, at-home worship, and in receiving the blessed sacrament; through Jesus Christ our Lord, let us get closer to knowing ourselves so we can be prepared for helping others.  For today, perhaps we can let charity begin at home, in our kindness to our families.  Let us know that God, Creator of all things, has never-ending love for us all, empowering us to show this love to others.

Today we keep in our hearts, minds, and prayers, those who have no one to pray for them (BCP 815).

For the Human Family
O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son: Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Today is also a day of remembrance. Washington National Cathedral will toll its funeral bell 500 times, once for every 1,000 lives lost to #COVID19, today at 5 pm ET.  The livestream will feature mourner’s prayers from Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Sikhism. Join online by clicking here.

If you are a soup or stew maker, please consider contacting the parish office to let us know if you would like to make your favorite dish for us to deliver to Rayelenn.  Meat, chicken, spicy, or hearty – whatever your specialty may be.  NO seafood, please.  This is a wonderful ministry that is providing comfort in immeasurable ways.

Sending handwritten cards and notes, with memories, photos, and favorite stories to Rayelenn, Emily, and Elizabeth is another wonderful ministry that is providing great comfort.

Mrs. Rayelenn Sparks Casey
429 Camp Meeting Road
Landisville, PA 17538

Please email the parish office for the mailing addresses for Emily and Elizabeth.

Be well.  Stay safe.  Keep the faith.


Worship News:

In case you missed it, click to view the Sunday Service for the First Sunday in Lent, February 21st 

We hope you will include, in your weekly Lenten discipline, our Stations of the Cross offering for Lent, via our St. Edward’s YouTube channel – a collaboration of St. Edward’s and St. Luke’s, Mount Joy.  Within the message, we will also offer a pdf of The Way of the Cross.   Click here to connect.

Lenten Meditations 2021 booklets:  Episcopal Relief & Development offers a wonderful booklet of meditations to take you through your Lenten journey.  This year, ER&D is offering this booklet in an online version.  You can click here to download the pdf.  We will also do on-demand printing of the booklet pdf for those who would like a printed copy to take home.  Just let us know if you would like a printed copy!

Looking for an additional Lenten Devotional Resource?  St. Luke’s Mount Joy offers us  “Living Well Through Lent” by clicking here.

Click here to access our Worship page on our web site.

Parish Business News:

There are many important aspects to be tended to leading up to our St. Edward’s Annual Meeting, to be held, via Zoom, on Sunday, March 7th at 11:15 AM.  The Zoom invite will be put forward in next Monday’s email and we will also announce when people can come by to pick up their Annual Report items prior to the meeting.

1.  If you are a ministry leader and have not submitted your report for our Annual Report booklet, to be distributed prior to our March 7th Annual Meeting, please submit your reports no later than this Friday, February 26th.

2.  We have posted our slate of 2021 Vestry candidates for the parish to review.  You can click on this page link to view our candidates’ bios.  Just scroll down past the Vestry page introduction to view our candidates’ information.

3.  If you would like to represent St. Edward’s at our 2021 Diocesan Convention, please contact the parish office, to be a convention delegate, by THIS WEDNESDAY.  We are seeking  4 delegates and would like to have our slate in place prior to our annual meeting.  This is a vital role you can play in representing your St. Edward’s parish. Please show your support for your parish, by prayerfully considering putting your name forward for this important ministry.

We will be renewing the St. Edward’s BJ’s membership by Friday, February 26th.  You can go to the customer service desk, after that date, to renew your individual card.  If you would like to learn more about signing up for a membership, contact the parish office.

Ministry and Outreach Opportunities:

Soles for Souls:  St. Edward’s is participating in a shoe drive with Saint John’s of Lancaster during the Lenten season. Shoes will be collected through Palm Sunday, March 28th.  The shoes can be lightly used to falling apart.   Soles 4 Souls will send the shoes to impoverished countries to give the people an opportunity to provide relief, create jobs, and empower people to break the cycle of poverty.  Collection boxes will be placed in the sanctuary (near the Praise Band instruments). Please tie any laced shoes together and rubber and other types.  There is also a need for shipping boxes approximately the size of an office paper box. Should you have any questions, please contact:  Lynch’s, Milligan’s, Ishler’s, Peg Reiley, or Leslie Arnold.

In this season of almsgiving, let us continue our faithful support of the Hempfield Area Food Pantry for those less fortunate than ourselves, through monetary and food donations.

Altar Flower Ministry –
A huge thank you to all who so generously contributed to this ministry for 2021.  Through your open hearts, we have now filled the yearly flower chart, guaranteeing that each week, we will have beautiful flower arrangements on our altar.  Altar flowers IS a ministry of St. Edward’s and through the receipt of 100% donations our parish budget stays aligned.   

New and Updated: Adult Spiritual Formation – Winter 2021 Flier – Click here to view/download
Click here to access our Adult Spiritual Formation page on our web site.

Wednesday Evening Bible Study – Wednesday, February 24th – 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM: The focus for this session, led by Bob Mosebach and Leslie Arnold, will be on the Gospel of Mark from an Anglican/Episcopal perspective. Our Study Guide will be: Borg, Marcus (2019), Conversations with Scripture – The Gospel of Mark (Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars Study). For questions, please contact Bob Mosebach at [email protected] or Leslie Arnold at [email protected] with any questions.

Topic: St. Edward’s Episcopal Church Bible Study
Time: February 24, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 862 5277 2937
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Friday Lunch & Learn:  February 26th 12 Noon – 1 PM via Zoom
We continue our study with Chapter 8 in our text, Walk in Love, For the Benefit of Your Holy Church – Sacramental Rites:  Ordination. We have included a handout (see below) with the Episcopal Church Polity for our Friday session. Perhaps you would feel comfortable in delivering the closing prayer? There are so many wonderful Prayers and Collects to share with the group, from our BCP. Attendance at every session is not required.

Episcopal Church Polity Handout

With peace,
Father Rick, Bob Mosebach, and Wanda Stoltzfus

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

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Friday Evening Prayer – February 26th
We invite you to Evening Prayer this Friday evening at 7:00 PM.  This is a wonderful way to peacefully end our week and is led by Patrick Ishler.
Join us on Zoom:
Join Code:  863 2710 5082

Sunday Online Worship at St. Edward’s – First Sunday in Lent: February 21, 2021

Dear parishioners and friends of St. Edward’s,

We welcome you to our online worship and ministry offerings for this Sunday, the First Sunday in Lent.  All essential links are noted below. 

I prayerfully request that we continue to refrain from gathering with other parishioners in public groups, particularly in restaurants, indoor spaces, or even outdoors without masks. COVID-19 is not a hoax.  We are all in this together, and honoring our parish community, by complying with the recommendations set forth during this time, conveys our love for God in Christ, the members of our parish family, and the wider community.

Here are two links that may be helpful:

Lancaster County, PA COVID-19 Hub

PA Department of Health

Father Rick+

We continue to offer our love and support to Rayelenn, Emily, and Elizabeth by staying in touch with cards and letters of comfort.

Mrs. Rayelenn Sparks Casey
429 Camp Meeting Road
Landisville, PA 17538

Please contact the parish office for the addresses of Emily Casey and Elizabeth Casey Stauffer. 

As we begin our Lenten journey, we are reminded that we must rest, to make room for lament. Let us also remember to make room for God’s love and to find rest in God.  Perhaps a simple act of kindness for an essential worker, or someone in our community, who has not been able to rest in this COVID19 wilderness would be a way for us to live into our Baptismal Covenant.  Tonight, let us pray for all those who have died this past year:

O God of grace and glory, we remember before you this day all those who have died in the past year. We thank you for giving them to us, their family and friends, to know and to love as companions on our earthly pilgrimage. In your boundless compassion, console us who mourn. Give us faith to see in death the gate of eternal life, so that in quiet confidence we may continue our course on earth, until, by your call, we are reunited with those who have gone before; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
—The Book of Common Prayer, p. 493

Be well.  Stay safe.  Keep the faith.


Sunday Service Information:

Click here to connect to the First Sunday in Lent, February 21st, which will be live streamed at 10:00 AM on Sunday.  

Click here to download our service bulletin for the First Sunday in Lent.

*If you enjoy the St. Edward’s Episcopal Church, Lancaster, PA YouTube channel, and you have a Gmail or YouTube account, the next time you tune in, please click the red SUBSCRIBE button on the home page to be included as a subscriber to St. Edward’s!  We would welcome the support and we will not generate any unwanted notifications to you.  Become a part of our St. Edward’s community!   Thank you to those who have subscribed! 

We also wanted to take this opportunity to share with you important announcements regarding upcoming events, as well as prayer and adult spiritual formation opportunities.

We continue to honor the guidance delivered by our bishop, as well as our love of God in Christ, to care for one another, by remaining socially distanced, and refrain from in-person worship and gathering.  There are many opportunities for us to worship, and perform ministry, in community, in other ways, during this continued Covidtide. Please see a listing below and stay tuned to our weekly emails, web site posts, and Sunday bulletins for updates on specific details, as we are updated, with times and links. We invite you to celebrate with us, as a community of faith!

Virtual Coffee Hour this Sunday, February 21st, from 11:00 AM – 11:40 AM, on Zoom. Hosted by Christina McLaughlin. Let us share our fellowship with one another during our extended Covidtide. The join code and pass code are in our Saturday email.

Please continue your support of the Hempfield Area Food Pantry. Let us continue our tradition of generosity for those less fortunate than ourselves.

Soles 4 Souls: St. Edward’s, with Saint John’s of Lancaster will collect shoes through Palm Sunday, March 28th and we invite parishioners to donate used shoes. The shoes can be lightly used to falling apart. Collection boxes will be placed in the sanctuary. Please tie any laced shoes together and rubber and other types. There is also a need for shipping boxes approximately the size of an office paper box. Any questions can be directed to our outreach ministry members: Lynch’s, Milligan’s, Ishler’s, Peg Reiley, or Leslie Arnold.

We are pleased to announce that through the generosity of our parish family we have filled our Altar flower chart for 2021. Thank you to all who so graciously donated to this important ministry to enhance the beauty of our altar, “in memory of” and “in thanksgiving for” those whom we love.

Our Monday email details ALL parish business items including: The posting of bios for our vestry nominees and details surrounding our March 7th Annual Meeting – a very important event in the life of St. Edward’s.

Please come by St. Edward’s Monday – Friday, 11 AM – 3 PM to pick up consecrated wafers, Scepters, New 2021 Parish Directories, Lenten Mediations, etc.

St. Edward’s is offering a full complement of Adult Spiritual Formation which continues through Lent! Please check your weekly emails which will have all the study details & Zoom invitation details.

Bible Study: Wednesday Evenings from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM: For questions, please contact Bob Mosebach at [email protected] or Leslie Arnold at [email protected].

Lunch & Learn: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices: Fridays from 12 Noon – 1 PM led by Bob Mosebach

The Way of the Cross: Go to our St. Edward’s YouTube Channel to view our Stations of the Cross, each week, as a Lenten discipline. You will find the pre-recorded offering and a Way of the Cross pdf to download.
The Way of the Cross on the St. Edward’s YouTube Channel, click here.

The Way of the Cross order of service pdf, click here.

Friday Evening Prayer: Each Friday at 7:00 PM hosted by Patrick and Dina Ishler
Join us on Zoom:
Join Code:  863 2710 5082

Sunday Evening Prayer: Each Sunday at 7:00 PM. Anyone interested can send Br. David Rutledge an email to be put on an email distribution list: [email protected] Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 953 5508 3080

Besides prayers, calls, cards and emails, there is one more thing you can do to support St. Edward’s. Please keep up-to-date with your pledge or regular contribution.  Pledges/giving can be mailed to the church, and we also have an easy-to-use “Give to St. Edward’s” button on our website that links to our secure Paypal page, as well as a “Donate” button on our YouTube Channel home page.

To assist parishes, the diocese has set up online giving for each parish.  If you feel comfortable making your weekly giving or pledge donation in this manner (it is a secure giving tool), simply go to the diocesan web site, click on the tab up top and it will take you to a page where you can scroll down, find St. Edward’s, and continue with making your contribution!  Thank you for maintaining your faithfulness through your financial stewardship!

Click here if you would like to donate online through the diocesan portal. You will scroll down to find St. Edward’s under Lancaster. The portal is a secure giving site.

St. Edward’s Thursday Message – February 18th

Dear parishioners & friends of St. Edward’s,

We hope everyone stayed safe and warm today and took this day to reflect on the beginning of their Lenten journey.

As a friendly reminder: Thursday emails will now focus on prayers to hold in your hearts and minds, as well as worship and spiritual formation offerings at St. Edward’s for Thursday – Sunday (outside of our principal Sunday service, which is featured in our Saturday email message).

Parish business will be addressed in Monday emails and will also be featured in the Sunday bulletin announcements page. Please make sure you stay caught up with those two information sources.  We have a lot going on at St. Edward’s!

In our Book of Common Prayer, we have a Calendar of Saints, which begins on page 19.  In the Episcopal Church, the veneration of saints is the continuation of an ancient tradition from the early Church, honoring important and influential people of the Christian faith. Perhaps during Lent, a “journey” could be to “remember” by exploring the lives of the saints noted in our calendar.

Did you also know that for the Principal Feast of Easter Day, it is always the first Sunday after the full moon that falls on or after March 21st?  Easter Day cannot occur before March 22nd or after April 25th.

As we protect ourselves from our own cold weather and wintry storms, let us pray two Collects, tonight, for all who are suffering from peril, not just in the areas of our country that are suffering with the terrible winter storms, but in the regions of the world where all of God’s creations encounter peril, daily, in their lives.

A Collect for Aid against Perils
Be our light in the darkness, O Lord, and in your great mercy
defend us from all perils and dangers of this night; for the love
of your only Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

A Collect for Protection
O God, the life of all who live, the light of the faithful, the
strength of those who labor, and the repose of the dead: We
thank you for the blessings of the day that is past, and
humbly ask for your protection through the coming night.
Bring us in safety to the morning hours; through him who
died and rose again for us, your Son our Savior Jesus Christ.

Many people stopped by to pick up a printed copy of our special February issue of the Scepter, dedicated to the life of Father Stephen+.  If you are a person who likes to view items online, we have a special page on our website to view our monthly newsletter.
Click here to view our Scepter issues page.

Sending handwritten cards and notes, with memories, photos, and favorite stories to Rayelenn, Emily, and Elizabeth is a wonderful way to let them know they continue to be in our hearts and prayers.   If you would like to make a soup or stew, in small quantities, please contact the parish office to sign up for our next delivery, which is on Thursday, February  25th.  We are asking for these “main dish” hearty meals in place of baked goods.  This is a wonderful pastoral ministry of comfort.

Mrs. Rayelenn Sparks Casey
429 Camp Meeting Road
Landisville, PA 17538

Please contact the parish office if you would like addresses for Emily and Elizabeth.

Be well.  Stay safe.  Keep the faith.


Worship News:

We continue to offer consecrated wafers for our service of Holy Eucharist this Sunday, safely packaged and available in the narthex.  Please enter through our front doors between the hours of 11 AM – 3 PM, Monday – Friday.  If you are in need of delivery of wafers, Scepters, etc. please contact the parish office.  

The Way of the Cross Lenten Weekly Devotion
We extend a warm invitation to our parishioners, and to those in the wider community, to participate in this weekly devotion on Fridays during the season of Lent. We thank Edward Webber for his wonderful artwork, capturing each of the fourteen Stations of the Cross. It is our sincere hope that this will serve as an invitation to prayer and contemplation as we continue to worship from our homes.

The Way of the Cross pdf and YouTube link information are noted below.
The Way of the Cross on the St. Edward’s YouTube Channel, click here.

The Way of the Cross order of service pdf, click here.

Lenten Meditations 2021 booklets:  Episcopal Relief & Development offers a wonderful booklet of meditations to take you through your Lenten journey.  This year, ER&D is offering this booklet in an online version.  You can click here to download the pdf.  We will also do on-demand printing of the booklet pdf for those who would like a printed copy to take home.  Just let us know if you would like a printed copy!

New and Updated: Adult Spiritual Formation – Winter 2021 Flier – Click here to view/download

Friday Lunch & Learn:  February 19th 12 Noon – 1 PM via Zoom
We continue our study with Chapter 8 in our text, Walk in Love, For the Benefit of Your Holy Church – Sacramental Rites:  Ordination. In preparation for this week’s session, please take a look at ‘The Examination’ for a deacon (BCP pg. 545), a priest (pg. 531), and for a bishop (pg. 517).  Please take note of what is different from one to the other.  Let’s discuss!  Perhaps you would feel comfortable in delivering the closing prayer? There are so many wonderful Prayers and Collects to share with the group, from our BCP. Attendance at every session is not required.

Chapter Eight handout, click here.

With peace,
Father Rick, Bob Mosebach, and Wanda Stoltzfus

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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

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Friday Evening Prayer – February 19th
We invite you to Evening Prayer this Friday evening at 7:00 PM.  This is a wonderful way to peacefully end our week and is led by Patrick Ishler.
Join us on Zoom:
Join Code:  863 2710 5082

Sunday Evening Prayer, February 21st at 7:00 PM:  We use the 1979 Book of Common Prayer and the readings for the Sunday Lectionary.  It is a quiet service and a good way to end the weekend and prepare for the week to come.  Anyone interested can send me an email to be put on an email distribution list:  [email protected]

Sunday Evening Prayer @ 7:00pm
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 953 5508 3080


Ash Wednesday Online Worship at St. Edward’s – February 17, 2021

Dear parishioners and friends of St. Edward’s – Lancaster & St. Luke’s – Mount Joy,

The Reverend Dr. Rick Bauer, St. Edward’s Episcopal Church in Lancaster and The Reverend Ingrid Andersen, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Mount Joy, welcome you to our combined Ash Wednesday service at 12 Noon, tomorrow, February 17th.

Please know, we extend our warm invitation of worship to our parishioners, and to those in the wider community, as we continue to worship from our homes, via YouTube Live, in accordance with the Bishop’s pastoral letter to the parishes in our diocese to suspend in-person gathering during this Covidtide.  We are one community of faith, worshipping together.

If you have not had the opportunity to pick up ashes, our special Ash Wednesday prayer card, or consecrated wafers, please know that the parish will be open at 10 AM tomorrow morning, giving you time to stop by and pick up your Ash Wednesday and Lenten items.

Be well.  Stay safe.  Keep the faith.


As we enter our evening space, enveloped in the unfathomable love and never ending mercy of God, let us keep in our hearts, and in our prayers, Linda and Hank Spire as Linda mourns the passing of her brother, Pete Davenport.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Below are the necessary links for our Ash Wednesday service at noon, February 17th.

Click here to connect with the St. Edward’s YouTube Channel

Click here to download the Ash Wednesday service bulletin


Please join us on Ash Wednesday EVENING AT 7:00 PM, VIA ZOOM,
as Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church has invited sister parishes to an
Ash Wednesday service of Loss and Lament

Time: Feb 17, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting (click link)

Meeting ID: 841 4802 0832

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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 841 4802 0832
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St. Edward’s Monday Message – February 15th

Dear parishioners & friends of St. Edward’s,

It was so nice to see people stop by church today!  Many faces we have not seen in a long time.  Thank you for taking the time to visit us –  it makes our day special. We encourage you to stop by anytime, Monday – Friday, 11 AM – 3 PM, but especially in the next 2 days to pick up consecrated wafers, ashes, Ash Wednesday prayer cards, Scepters, Lenten Meditation booklets, and NEW parish directories.  All good things to start you on your Lenten journey and to stay connected with each other.

As we begin our individual and private Lenten journeys, remember, if we persevere, we will thrive, as we always have done.

It seems perfect to start the week with A Collect for the Presence of Christ, from The Book of Common Prayer, page 124.

A Collect for the Presence of Christ
Lord Jesus, stay with us, for evening is at hand and the day is past; be our companion in the way, kindle our hearts, and awaken hope, that we may know you as you are revealed in Scripture and the breaking of bread. Grant this for the sake of your love. Amen.

In speaking with Rayelenn today, she expressed such gratitude for the wonderful selection of delicious baked goods.  But, now we would like to “mix it up” a little bit,  and swap out “baked goods” for soups an stews.  So, if you are a soup or stew maker, please consider contacting the parish office to let us know if you would like to make your favorite dish for us to deliver to Rayelenn on our every-other-Thursday schedule.  Meat, chicken, spicy, or hearty – whatever your specialty may be.  NO seafood, please.  As they say, “we are accepting reservations!”  This is a wonderful ministry that is providing comfort in immeasurable ways.

Sending handwritten cards and notes, with memories, photos, and favorite stories to Rayelenn, Emily, and Elizabeth is another wonderful ministry that is providing great comfort.

Mrs. Rayelenn Sparks Casey
429 Camp Meeting Road
Landisville, PA 17538

Please email the parish office for the mailing addresses for Emily and Elizabeth.

Be well.  Stay safe.  Keep the faith.


Worship News:
In case you missed it, click to view the Sunday Service for the Last Sunday after the Epiphany, February 14th 

To begin, click here to download our pdf with details of our Ash Wednesday offerings.
The Ash Wednesday service bulletin and YouTube link information will be in a special Worship email TOMORROW, Tuesday, February 16th

On Thursday, we will offer a special link to a Stations of the Cross offering for Lent, via our St. Edward’s YouTube channel – a collaboration of St. Edward’s and St. Luke’s, Mount Joy.  Within the message, we will also offer a pdf of The Way of the Cross.

Lenten Meditations 2021 booklets:  Episcopal Relief & Development offers a wonderful booklet of meditations to take you through your Lenten journey.  This year, ER&D is offering this booklet in an online version.  You can click here to download the pdf.  We will also do on-demand printing of the booklet pdf for those who would like a printed copy to take home.  Just let us know if you would like a printed copy!

Looking for an additional Lenten Devotional Resource?  St. Luke’s Mount Joy offers us  “Living Well Through Lent” by clicking here.

Click here to access our Worship page on our web site.

Pastoral Lenten Letter from Bishop Scanlan:  Please click here to read Bishop Scanlan’s message to us, the members of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania.

Parish Business News:
Tuesday, February 16th: 6 PM – 8 PM
 – Vestry meeting via Zoom

We have posted our slate of 2021 Vestry candidates for the parish to review.  You can click on this page link to view our candidates’ bios.  Just scroll down past the Vestry page introduction to view our candidates’ information.

Annual Meeting:  The St. Edward’s Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, March 7th at 11:15 AM via Zoom.  Invitation details will be forthcoming that will have Zoom link information and a link to the Annual Report pdf.  If you are interested in being a Diocesan Convention Delegate for 2021, please contact the parish office by February 22nd to submit your name.  We are seeking 4 delegates.  If you are a ministry leader, you were sent an email last week with a copy of your 2019 Annual Report for you to update for this year’s submission.  We are seeking the reports to be returned to the parish office by Friday, February 26th.

Scepter articles, photos, announcements are due by Saturday, February 20th for our March issue.  Please submit your items to Mac Miller at:  [email protected]

We will be renewing the St. Edward’s BJ’s membership by next Friday, February 26th.  You can then go to the customer service desk to renew your individual card.  If you would like to learn more about signing up for a membership, contact the parish office.

Ministry and Outreach Opportunities:

Soles for Souls:  St. Edward’s is participating in a shoe drive with Saint John’s of Lancaster during the Lenten season. Starting Ash Wednesday, February 17th, through Palm Sunday, March 28th, parishioners are invited to donate used shoes.  The shoes can be lightly used to falling apart.   Soles 4 Souls will send the shoes to impoverished countries to give the people an opportunity to provide relief, create jobs, and empower people to break the cycle of poverty.  Collection boxes will be placed in the sanctuary (near the Praise Band instruments) and in the Christian Education wing. Please tie any laced shoes together and rubber and other types.  There is also a need for shipping boxes approximately the size of an office paper box. Should you have any questions, please contact:  Lynch’s, Milligan’s, Ishler’s, Peg Reiley, or Leslie Arnold.

Our faithful support of the Hempfield Area Food Pantry is so appreciated.  Let us continue our tradition of generosity for those less fortunate than ourselves, through monetary and food donations.

Altar Flower Ministry – 
Four weeks ago, we were seeking 41 commitments to fill in our annual altar flower chart.  With an outpouring of donations, we are now only in need of 9 to complete our yearly chart.  We hope you will prayerfully consider donating to this ministry in thanksgiving for or in memory of those in your life.

New and Updated: Adult Spiritual Formation – Winter 2021 Flier – Click here to view/download
Click here to access our Adult Spiritual Formation page on our web site.

Wednesday Evening Bible Study – Wednesday, February 17th – We will not hold the scheduled Bible study session this Ash Wednesday.  Please join us next week when we resume.

For this week, we invite you to join St. Luke’s, Mount Joy for an Ash Wednesday service of Loss and Lament, via Zoom.   The details are below:

Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church is inviting you to an Ash Wednesday service of Loss and Lament
Time: Feb 17, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 841 4802 0832
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+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 841 4802 0832
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Friday Lunch & Learn:  February 19th 12 Noon – 1 PM via Zoom
We continue our study with Chapter 8 in our text, Walk in Love, For the Benefit of Your Holy Church – Sacramental Rites:  Ordination. In preparation for this week’s session, please take a look at ‘The Examination’ for a deacon (BCP pg. 545), a priest (pg. 531), and for a bishop (pg. 517).  Please take note of what is different from one to the other.  Let’s discuss!  Perhaps you would feel comfortable in delivering the closing prayer? There are so many wonderful Prayers and Collects to share with the group, from our BCP. Attendance at every session is not required.

Chapter Eight handout, click here.

With peace,
Father Rick, Bob Mosebach, and Wanda Stoltzfus

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

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+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

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Friday Evening Prayer – February 19th
We invite you to Evening Prayer this Friday evening at 7:00 PM.  This is a wonderful way to peacefully end our week and is led by Patrick Ishler.
Join us on Zoom:
Join Code:  863 2710 5082