St. Edward’s Live Streamed Cultural Event – Maria Thompson Corley Sunday, September 13th 3:00 PM

Join us for a special live streamed event, presented by the Stephen C. Casey Cultural Events Series, on our St. Edward’s Episcopal Church YouTube Channel this Sunday, September 13th at 3:00 PM.

Jamaican-born pianist Maria Thompson Corley – pianist, soloist, collaborator, and composer was raised in Canada. She has appeared on radio, television, and/or concert stages in Canada, the United States, Central America, the Caribbean, Bermuda and Europe, both as a solo and collaborative artist, including performances in Budapest at the Liszt Academy, and in Carnegie Recital Hall, Aaron Davis Hall and Alice Tully Hall, all in New York City.

Maria is sure to delight our online audience with her wonderful program entitled On The Bright Side featuring works from Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, Scott Joplin, and Frederic Chopin, to name a few of the composers she has selected for her program.

We hope you join us, this Sunday, for an afternoon of wonderful music.

Please click here to download our event program.

You will also notice, when you are on the St. Edward’s YouTube channel, that you will have the opportunity, to Donate to St. Edward’s, via our Paypal giving link, which you will see in the lower right portion of our YouTube channel home page photo.  There is also a link in our “About” section to our giving opportunity. 

We thank you, in advance, for supporting our cultural events series through your donations.  Your continued support allows us to provide the wider community with cultural events, for when we gather now, via live stream, and for when we meet again, in-person. 

Please look on the back of your program for two upcoming events that may interest you:  Our St. Edward’s Variety Show and Basket Raffle fundraising event, that will be during the month of October, culminating in a YouTube event on October 24th, as well as a Celtic concert featuring Fire in the Glen on December 13th at 3:00 PM, via our YouTube channel.

St. Edward’s Monday Message – September 7, 2020

Dear friends and parishioners,

We have so much happening at St. Edward’s this week, and every week in the fall.  Amazing Adult Spiritual Formation and Prayer opportunities; cultural events; our upcoming Basket Fundraising event culminating in our October 24th Annual Dinner & Entertainment event where we will be delighted with talent and discover who has won our famous baskets!  None of this would be possible without the amazing ministry of our parishioners, as well as the generous support of those near and far from St. Edward’s in helping us steward our mission.  Thank you!

There is a lot to mention today (below), so I leave you with a prayer for the week For Clergy and People from the Book of Common Prayer:

Almighty and everlasting God, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift: Send down upon our bishops, and other clergy, and upon the congregations committed to their charge, the healthful Spirit of thy grace; and, that they may truly please thee, pour upon them the continual dew of thy blessing.  Grant this, O Lord, for the honor of our Advocate and Mediator, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

In case you missed it!

Reminder:  Giant grocery cards should be in by Wednesday, September 9th.  I will email those who signed up to make arrangements for pick-up.

If you signed up to donate a basket, please deliver them to church by this Sunday, September 13th.

Here is our September Scepter (click here).  It is overflowing with great articles and information about all of our parish life events, worship, and spiritual formation.

And “thank you” to Mac Miller for this wonderful parish publication that you have so faithfully been creating for St. Edward’s all these years!  We are so grateful for your ministry!

Be well. Stay safe. Keep the faith.

– Michelle

Have you completed your Anglican Identity Assessment Yet?  If not, please take a few minutes to complete this brief assessment of the Anglican values that shape our parish by going to the following website:


Each congregant is asked to complete an assessment.  If more than one person needs to complete the exercise on the same computer, you will need to close the browser all the way back to the beginning before starting the next one.  Otherwise, you may get a message that says it was already completed.

The assessments will be forwarded directly to the Diocese where they will be tabulated.  The results will be returned to the parish minus any identifying information.

We are asking you to please complete this by September 15!

Thank you for your support and participation!

Shaped by Faith Team,

Father Rick, Julie Hoff, Herb Johnston


Wednesday Noonday Service of Healing – Wednesday, September 9th

Please enter through the parish hall doors. Masks are required. We have put in place healthy practices for your comfort and safety.

Wednesday Evening, September 9th – 6:30 PM Contemporary Bible Study

Led by Bill and Yvonne Gasperetti via Zoom.  Please email Bill or Yvonne if you would like to participate.

Friday Lunch & Learn Adult Spiritual Formation – 12 Noon – 1 PM

Join us for this 8-week series led by Father Rick, Bob Mosbach, and Wanda Stoltzfus. Please scroll down in this email message for a special section dedicated to the information on how to join this Zoom session on Fridays and a link for downloading the curriculum sheet for this Friday’s session.  We look forward to seeing you on Fridays!

Friday Evening Prayer – September 11th

We invite you to Evening Prayer this Friday evening at 7:00 PM.  This is a wonderful way to peacefully end our week and is led by Patrick Ishler.

Join us on Zoom:

Join Code:  863 2710 5082

Friday Lunch & Learn:  September 11th 12 Noon – 1 PM via Zoom

Please join us for this informative and spiritual time together for the next 8 weeks, commencing THIS FRIDAY.  We will begin the first week with introductions and a discussion about our Book of Common Prayer (chapter 1 of ‘Walk in Love’), and then in subsequent weeks, delve into chapters on the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist, followed by the Sacramental Rites, the Church calendar, and the liturgies of Holy Week and Easter.  After that, the Daily Office and different ways to pray.  Attendance at every session is not required.

Handout for this Friday Session Click here.

We encourage you to have your Book of Common Prayer for each session and the text, Walk In Love is optional, but can be ordered at or by contacting the parish office (we have copies on hand).  If you do not have a copy of the BCP on hand, this link will give you the downloadable pdf.

Each week, we will provide a hand out in the Monday emails that you can download and review prior to the Friday session.

With Peace,

Father Rick, Bob Mosbach, and Wanda Stoltzfus

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

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St. Edward’s Thursday Message – Sept. 3, 2020

Dear friends,

Look for all links related to Sunday worship on our usual Saturday afternoon posting.

There is a lot of great information in today’s message!

Please note that the Parish Office will be closed on Monday, September 7th for the Labor Day holiday, however, please look for our usual “Monday Message” as it will have important information for the week ahead.

Giant and Stauffers Grocery Card Program:  The grocery cards have been ordered and should be in your parish mailboxes on Sunday.  If you do not come to Sunday services, please contact the parish office and we can make arrangements for you to pick up your grocery cards during the week.  Thank you to all who have reinstated their grocery cards, as this is an important source of passive income for St. Edward’s.  For those who are interested in joining the grocery card program, our next order will be placed on Monday, September 28th for the first weekend in October delivery.  Please contact the parish office to order or learn more about the program.

Hempfield Area Food Pantry:  We are so thankful for all of the monetary (and food) donations that continue to come into our office through the generosity of our parishioners for our local Hempfield Area Food Pantry.  As always, the need continues.

Talent Show:  We are continuing to seek talent for our variety show event fundraiser on Saturday, October 24th.  Click here for details.  We have a nice line-up of talent forming.  Why not be a part of this special parish event!

Parishioners-helping-Parishioners:  St. Edward’s is a community that has always shown their generosity by helping those in need in Lancaster and the World.  On October 3rd we will have an opportunity to help each other in our own parish.  The Social Outreach Committee will be hosting a day of giving.   The purpose of this day is to assist parishioners that need help with yard work, small house repairs and/or cleaning projects.

We are looking for volunteers to help with the work.  We are also asking that anyone in need of these services reach out to the committee chair, Beth Lynch, or fill out the form in the Sunday Announcement Bulletin and leave it in the box in the narthex.

Here are a few ideas that we are able to help with:

Yard Work:  Leaf raking, pulling weeds, mulching, planting
House Repairs:  Sticking doors, dripping faucet, clog drain, filter changes
Cleaning Projects: Dusting high shelves, decorating for Fall, rearranging kitchen cabinets

Season of Creation, September 1 – October 4, 2020

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry and the leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada have prepared a series of devotions to observe the Season of Creation 2020.

The season, which began on September 1 with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, is a time to join with the global Christian community in renewing, repairing and restoring commitments to God, to one another and to all of creation. For the four churches, it is also a time for strengthening relationships with one another. Through Scripture, hymns, advocacy and action, and weekly devotions, contributed by The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, presiding bishop and primate, The Episcopal Church; the Rev. Susan C. Johnson, national bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada; and the Most Rev. Linda Nicholls, archbishop and primate of the Anglican Church of Canada.

The first devotion for Sunday September 6th introduces the theme of “Renewing, repairing and restoring,” in which Curry, Eaton, Johnson, and Nichols stress the significance of a collective responsibility in caring for creation. They reflect, “Waking up to matters of climate justice and environmental stewardship are among the most important callings people have today. Over many years, through many voices, our churches have come to a growing conviction that loving our neighbor includes loving Mother Earth as a neighbor.”  We have included the prepared pdf with all of the season’s devotions, here. Click here to view and keep for your reading throughout the season.

Continue reading below for the details for our Friday and Saturday worship and fellowship activities.

Be well. Stay safe. Keep the faith.


We invite you to Evening Prayer this Friday evening at 7:00 PM.  This is a wonderful way to peacefully end our week and is led by Patrick Ishler.

Join us on Zoom:
Join Code:  863 2710 5082

Join us for our Virtual Saturday Social from 9 AM – 9:40 AM Saturday morning on Zoom.  It will be hosted by Christina McLaughlin. It’s a great time to get together and say “hello” to your fellow parishioners. We look forward to sharing some time of fellowship THIS SATURDAY, September 5th at 9:00 AM. The join code and pass code are in your Thursday message email.

Mark your calendars for an exciting St. Edward’s Cultural Event featuring Maria Thompson Corley on Sunday, September 13th at 3 PM on the St. Edward’s YouTube Live Channel. 

Click here for details.

We encourage you to tune into this very special event with a wonderfully accomplished pianist, composer, collaborator, author, poet, and voice actor who has appeared on concert stages around the globe!  We are blessed to have Maria Thompson Corley grace us with her talent for what will be a memorable (virtual) Sunday afternoon at St. Edward’s!  Please join us! 

St. Edward’s Monday Message – August 31, 2020

Dear friends and parishioners,

St. Edward’s is alive in our faith, our community, and our worship as we walk in love, together.   Many announcements were put forward in our Sunday worship bulletin yesterday and we would like to make them available to all of you to review, mark your calendars, and we hope you will participate during these upcoming months.

Click here to review our Prayer and Adult Spiritual Formation offerings.

Click here to review our upcoming Cultural Event on September 13th at 3:00 PM.

Click here to learn more about our Talent Show search.

This week we invite your participation in the Shaped by Faith initiative. We are asking each parishioner to participate in a brief Anglican Identity Assessment which is available online at:

If more than one person needs to complete the assessment on the same computer, you will need to close the browser all the way bank to the beginning before starting the next one. Otherwise, you may get a message that says the assessment was already completed.

The assessments will be forwarded directly to the Diocese where they will be tabulated and returned to the parish minus any identifying data.  The Shaped by Faith team will use the data is we proceed through our work with our regional group of parishes.

We are asking you to please complete this assessment by September 15!

Thank you for your cooperation and support!

Shaped by Faith Team
Father Rick, Julie Hoff, and Herb Johnston

In case you missed it!  Our Sunday 10:15 AM Rite II service.

Such a wonderful prayer to keep tucked in your mind for the week from the booklet, For Starters, that was penned by The Rt. Rev. Michael W. Creighton, when he was rector of St. Stephens Church in Seattle:

Dear God, thank you for this morning’s forecast.  The Son is shining in my heart, and I expect Grace to be gently blowing in from the east at 10 mph.  The precipitation of the last few days is gone from my eyes, and due to the high pressure system of love, my anxiety level is down.  Tomorrow there is a chance of dark, patchy clouds over my life, but not enough to prevent the Son from rising and being with me every day.  Thank you for this most glorious day.  Amen.

Be well. Stay safe. Keep the faith.

– Michelle

FOOD PANTRY:  We invite people to continue to donate funds to our Hempfield Area Food Pantry.  The need continues.   This is an amazing response to the needs of our wider community and we thank you all!

GROCERY CARDS: We have had a great response to the grocery card program and they will be ordered this week and available by Sunday, September 6th.   We will connect with you to make sure we get them to you, either via your parish mailbox or to arrange for you to pick them up when the church is open.

Wednesday Noonday Service of Healing – Wednesday, September 2nd

Please enter through the parish hall doors. Masks are required. We have put in place healthy practices for your comfort and safety.

Friday Evening Prayer – September 4th
We invite you to Evening Prayer this Friday evening at 7:00 PM.  This is a wonderful way to peacefully end our week and is led by Patrick Ishler.
Join us on Zoom:
Join Code:  863 2710 5082

Sunday Service Online: Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 16 – August 23, 2020

Dear friends of St. Edward’s,

We welcome you to online worship this weekend.

For those who feel comfortable with coming to church, we are fortunate to be able to hold in-person worship on Sundays at 8 AM – Rite I and 10:15 AM – Rite II. We hope that you will join us!  We continue to follow healthy practices for your comfort and safety and we are mindfully complying with mitigation efforts through the governor’s office, as well as our diocesan office.

Please know that we extend our warm invitation of worship to those in the wider community and those parishioners who are still at home, via YouTube Live, with our live streaming service each Sunday. We are one community of faith and we are worshipping together!

Click here to connect to our YouTube Channel to enjoy our Sunday service of Holy Eucharist Rite II LIVE at 10:15 AM on Sunday, August 23rd.

Click here to download the Sunday Service 10:15 AM bulletin – Rite II

If you prefer the said service of Rite I, we have provided our service bulletin for you to download and enjoy the service.

Click here to download the Sunday Service 8 AM bulletin – Rite I

We also wanted to take this opportunity to share with you important announcements that are in our paper bulletin on Sundays, that may be of interest to you, at home, regarding upcoming events, both at St. Edward’s and in our wider community.

First, click here to view our flier for our talent search for our upcoming Variety Show fundraiser on October 24th. In partnership with our Cultural Events ministry, the fundraising committee will be putting on a Variety Show/Basket Auction event for our BIG fall fundraiser, this year, along with offering a lovely casual boxed dinner (think: no cooking while you watch the event!) that can be purchased and picked up prior to the YouTube virtual evening event. For this to be a success, we need YOUR TALENT! It is all in the spirit of community, fun, and fundraising!

Second, we will be hosting a very special live streamed musical event featuring Maria Thompson Corley: pianist, soloist, collaborator, and composer on Sunday, September 13th at 3:00 PM. Click here for information on this exciting Cultural Event.

Lastly, the Arts at MU has listed an event on their calendar, as follows, that sounds very exciting:

Xun Pan FREE Livestream Concert

“Beginning of Beethoven’s Middle Period”

FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 2020 | 7:30 P.M.


Kick of the fall season with Beethoven’s 250th Birthday Celebration! The series that began last fall continues with four concerts. The first commemorates the “Beginning of Beethoven’s Middle Period” on Friday, August 28, and will be live streamed for FREE on the internet from the Ware Center at 7:30 p.m.

Visit on or after Wednesday, August 26 to get a link to the live stream and additional concert information.

Besides prayers, calls, cards and emails, there is one more thing you can do to support St. Edward’s during this time. Please keep up-to-date with your pledge or regular contribution.  Pledges/giving can be mailed to the church, and we also have an easy-to-use “Give to St. Edward’s” button on our website that links to our secure Paypal page.  We have had several people engage with this newly installed Paypal giving button with great success, so please consider that as an easy way to support St. Edward’s.

To assist parishes, the diocese has set up online giving for each parish.  If you feel comfortable making your weekly giving or pledge donation in this manner (it is a secure giving tool), simply go to the diocesan web site, click on the tab up top and it will take you to a page where you can scroll down, find St. Edward’s, and continue with making your contribution!  Thank you for maintaining your faithfulness through your financial stewardship!

Click here if you would like to donate online through the diocesan portal. You will scroll down to find St. Edward’s under Lancaster. The portal is a secure giving site.

We believe that God loves you – no exceptions.

Be well. Stay safe. Keep the faith.

– Michelle

Weekly Message from Bishop Scanlan – May 1, 2020

Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA,

Bishop Scanlan shares her weekly Friday message below and features the numerous ways members of our diocese can all stay connected online during these challenging times.

The Rev. Canon Christopher Streeter provides another update regarding Shaped by Faith, click below.

In the Way of Love,

The Rt. Rev. Audrey C. Scanlan

XI Bishop


St. Edward’s Weekly Email: March 13, 2020 – March 20, 2020 & Bishop’s Message Regarding COVID19 Church Closings

Dear Parishioners,

Stories of COVID-19 and the coronavirus are filling the news and the potential dangers are causing a lot of anxiety. In brief, here is what we want you to know as it relates to our common life at St. Edward’s:

Bishop Audrey has consulted with medical experts and has just issued a NEW set of guidelines for congregations. We are now following those guidelines and it is VERY IMPORTANT that you read them carefully.  Please read the Bishop’s letter below. 

When you consume news about the outbreak, please be sure to use reliable sources such as the website of the U.S. Centers For Disease Control (CDC) at or the Pennsylvania Dept of Health at Especially beware of rumors or stories posted on social media or forwarded via email as many of these stories are not accurate.

Finally, we encourage you to follow the advice of the CDC, which recommends that you avoid unnecessary trips and large gatherings (such as church) if you have a chronic illness or if your immune system is not strong. We have plenty of people at St. Edward’s in this group! Although we will temporarily miss your presence, we want you to be safe. This outbreak will not last forever and we will eventually be able return to normal. And be sure to let us know if you need pastoral care or attention due to spending time at home.

We have also added some protocols that address our life at St. Edward’s for the immediate future and they are listed just below my message.

David +

We will be having 8:00 am and 10:15 am services this Sunday.  We will have services only, no coffee hours, adult forum, or Sunday School. And will close the church immediately following the 10:15 am service.

COVID19 Update for St. Edward’s:

Please utilize the St. Edward’s website and Facebook page as your “information hub” for communications.  We may be utilizing email, but in the next 2 weeks the web site will be the main source of outbound communication.  However, if you need to reach the office, email is best and we have remote access to be able to answer any email questions parishioners may have and will respond in a timely fashion.

What we want to stress is that we want you to please be sensible and be safe, and do what feels comfortable to you.  St. Edward’s is here for you.  We will stay in communication and keep you informed.  Just to clarify and expand on the Bishop’s letter as it relates to our St. Edward’s parish please note these details:

(1) The parish office is closed through March 30th and we will keep you informed as to the reopen date if this changes. Please do not come to the parish.  This includes volunteers that utilize the parish office.  If you do enter the parish office, there are disinfectant wipes and gloves to clean the desk/computer area, but it is best to please stay away from the church during this closure time, for our safety and wellness.

(2) If you have an emergency and need to call us, please contact Michelle Bentley at 717-203-1580 or Meredith Westgate, Vestry Senior Warden at 717-575-2119 and we will make certain your matter gets addressed in a timely manner by the office or the Rector.

(3) ALL parish activities are cancelled effective immediately:  This means:  All music practices, Bible study group, KnitWits, outside groups, coffee hours, adult forums, Sunday School, vestry and committee meetings.

(4) Our web site will be the best source for updates.  Please send emails for any communication or questions and we will respond in a timely manner.

(5) There will not be any Wednesday services or pastoral visits made by LEMs or the Rector, but if there is a pastoral need, please contact the parish office via email and the rector will respond via phone.

(6) We encourage you to continue your financial support of St. Edward’s. Your stewardship is vitally important to the success and continued ministry of our parish. Feel comfortable mailing your pledges and giving as we will be maintaining picking up of mail daily.

(7) There will be questions and items we have left out and may think of at a later time.   We apologize for any eliminations and want to avoid confusion, but this is a fluid situation where news is given to us and situations change from day-to-day, so please be patient and prayerful.

Thank you! 

Bishop’s Letter:

 13 March 2020

Dear Members of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania,

The fast-moving pace of the Coronavirus and resulting cases of COVID-19, Wednesday’s upgrade by the World Health Organization of the illness to a pandemic, the Governor’s press conference on Thursday, and President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency today have all come to bear on exercising a new level of decision making that will have ramifications on our common life together.

In consultation with my brother bishops in the other four Pennsylvania dioceses; several other bishop colleagues across the church; our diocesan Standing Committee (the elected body that serves as my Council of Advice); and Mr. Ed Robertson, our Disaster and Emergency Coordinator, I have decided to suspend worship in our churches on the Sundays of March 22 and 29, and to cancel all large gatherings in the diocese and parish meetings, effective immediately.

This is a change from what I offered to our clergy in a letter to them on Thursday, and, yet, I believe it to be the appropriate choice for our people and communities in the time of an international public health crisis. The recommendations for altered worship patterns from last week’s pastoral letter (e.g., no intinction, no touching at the Peace) remain in place for this Sunday. Those who are especially vulnerable should take care and avoid large public gatherings, including church on March 15.

In his press conference on Thursday, the Governor made three succinct points suggesting ways to “flatten the curve” of the spread of the disease: participate in social distancing, avoid recreational activities, and, to religious leaders he issued a call to “use discretion to prevent the spread (of the disease.)”

Our diocese, though mostly composed of smaller congregations, does contain a great number of faithful, aged members. Those over the age of 60 and those with chronic health conditions are considered to be at-risk for contracting COVID-19. It is my desire- and the desire of the Standing Committee- to work to preserve the health and safety of our parishioners at all times. A cessation of gathering for worship will help to keep us- and our families and neighbors- safe.

Here is the plan for going forward:

•        All churches will refrain from public worship on the Sundays of March 22 and March 29. This includes worship and other activities of the parish on Sundays. The public health situation will be reevaluated as we approach Holy Week, and the decision to resume services will be considered.

•        All parish and diocesan gatherings (including committee meetings) during the weekdays will be suspended until Holy Week. Those meetings that can be conducted by Zoom conferencing or teleconferencing will be encouraged to take place. Our diocesan offices can assist with setting up Zoom meetings for various diocesan committees. Please be in touch with Canon Guzsick ([email protected]) for assistance with Zoom.

•        All Shaped by Faith convocational meetings will be moved to a webinar format. Canon Streeter ([email protected]) will be in touch with participants with directions for this new protocol.

•        All churches with feeding programs will be asked to come together to prepare the food and then serve it in To-Go containers to its guests, avoiding the gathering of groups.

•        Food and Goods distribution programs (Meals on Wheels, Meals for Seals, Food pantries, Clothing distributions, Diaper Banks) will be able to conduct their usual distribution as long as there are adequate volunteers and the distribution takes place in an efficient manner, not inviting the gathering of groups.

•        AA and other 12-step programs may still meet at parishes- with the permission of the Rector- with the added protocol that participants spray surfaces and wipe them down following use and participate in good hygiene practices, including the use of hand sanitizer and minimal physical contact.  The work of these groups is lifesaving to people with the experience of addiction; it is up to the Rector to make the decision, in consultation with the Vestry, about the use of the parish space for these meetings.

•        Pastoral offices (burials, memorial services, confirmations, baptisms, etc.) are to be postponed if possible. Please confer with me about conflicts.

•        Congregations are encouraged to participate in the live streaming of services as we will provide them from St. James, Lancaster (, and St. Luke’s, Mechanicsburg ( and our two cathedrals as their capacity is developed. These services will not include a congregation. Some clergy may wish to conduct services of Morning Prayer on Facebook Live as they are able.

•        We have created a free resource to allow your parishioners make secure gift and pledge payments online. The link provides a listing of all our congregations—so no matter what service you are watching, you can donate to your own parish. That page can be found here: For those congregations hoping to set up their own portal for giving on their own parish webpage, please contact Canon Alexis Guszick at [email protected] or Canon Chad Linder at [email protected].

•        The diocesan staff will be offered the opportunity to work from home during this period. Most of the staff have the capacity to work remotely. Please exercise patience in reaching them during this time; email is the preferred method for communication. I will be available by email ([email protected]) and by cell phone (860 866 7412).

This new way of being together has been described by one of my bishop colleagues as a “fast.” Fasting is, indeed, a hallmark of our Lenten discipline; I had never imagined that it would extend to worship, or to our weekly celebration of the Holy Eucharist. It is my fervent prayer that this two-week fast will allow us to participate in slowing the spread of the virus and that, come Palm Sunday: The Sunday of the Passion, we will be back together to journey through Holy Week to the Cross and beyond, to the Paschal Feast.

Please bear with me through these days, in faith, and with grace.

Take care of each other, and hold each other in prayer, as I do you.

Please use this time of fasting from corporate worship and meetings at church to try on new ways of relating to God: select a book of the Bible to read through quietly at home; go for a “prayer walk” in nature and find God in the beauty of the emerging spring; spend time in unhurried conversation with family members; use the phone to reach out to those whom you have missed; explore the Book of Common Prayer and its rich resources (for those without a BCP at home, you can find the full text online at; sit in the quiet and welcome Christ; prepare and share a meal with your family, telling stories of faith and hope. All of these are ways that we can express devotion to the One who has created us, to Jesus who saves us, and to the Spirit who sustains us.

Take advantage of technological capacities that can allow for prayer chains in email, e-blasts with news and encouragement, phone trees to check in on our aged, and creative, compassionate expressions of our faith.

This is new territory for us that will call on our creativity, experimentation, collaboration, discovery, and change.

Our God is a good God who watches over us and will not forsake us.

God of the present moment,

God who in Jesus stills the storm

and soothes the frantic heart; bring

hope and courage to all

who wait or work in uncertainty.

Bring them courage to endure what cannot

be avoided,

for your will is health and wholeness;

you are God, and we need you.

This we pray in

Christ our Lord. Amen.

from Episcopal Relief and Development website

I will write again during this time of hiatus to check in and keep our diocese informed of any developments. Please share this e-mail with your parish e-mail list.

In the Way of Love,

The Rt. Rev. Audrey C. Scanlan

XI Bishop

2020 cultural events: 

Sunday, April 26th at 3:00 PM  valleyphonics – Mix of classical and contemporary program

Saturday, June 20th at 7 PM  Servant Stage – A Broadway Review style “revue” show

Sunday September 20th at 3 PM – QuintEssentially Brass – Baroque to Jazz, Sacred to Secular

Sunday, December 13th at 3 PM  Fire in the Glen – A Celtic Christmas program

Please submit any news articles, announcements, photos, etc. for the April Scepter, due Friday, March 20th to mac Miller at:  [email protected]

Cultural Events at St. Edward’s in 2020 with kick-off event – Swing Street Jazz Quartet on January 26th

Patrick Ishler, Cultural Events chairperson, and the entire Cultural Events Committee invite you to a wonderful 2020 program at St. Edward’s.

Tell your friends!  Invite your family and neighbors!  We have a wonderful selection of events scheduled starting Janaury 26th at 3:00 PM with Swing Street Jazz Quartet and continuing throughout the year.

All events are a free-will offering and all events will have light refreshments.

Check out our 2020 schedule here.

Check out the event information for Swing Street here.

Christmas Services at St. Edward’s & Presiding Bishop Curry Christmas Message 2019

Please join The Reverend David Bateman for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services at St. Edward’s.  Our service schedule is as follows:

Christmas Eve

4:30 pm Family/Children’s Service with Holy Communion

Praise Band begins playing at 4:15 pm and nursery is available for ages infant – 4 years of age.

9:00 pm Festival Holy Eucharist with Choir

Nursery is available for ages infant – 4 years of age.

Christmas Day

10:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite II

We look forward to sharing Christmas with you at St. Edward’s!

Presiding Bishop Curry’s Christmas Message 2019

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it,” Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry said in his Christmas Message 2019.

The video of the Presiding Bishop’s message is here

The text of the Presiding Bishop’s message follows:

In the first chapter of John’s Gospel, sometimes referred to as the prologue to the Gospel, sometimes spoken of as the whole Gospel in miniature the Gospel writer says this. As he reflects on the coming of God into the world in the person of Jesus. As he reflects on Christmas. He says, the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it.

I don’t think it’s an accident that long ago, followers of Jesus began to commemorate his coming into the world when the world seemed to be at its darkest.

It’s probably not an accident that we observe Christmas soon after December 21, the winter solstice. The winter solstice being in the Northern Hemisphere the darkest time of the year.

Undoubtedly, these ancient Christians who began to celebrate the coming of God into the world, they knew very well that this Jesus, his teachings, his message, his spirit, his example, his life points us to the way of life itself, a way of life, where we take care of each other. A way of life, where we care for God’s world. A way of life, where we are in a loving relationship with our God, and with each other as children of the one God, who has created us all.

They also knew John’s Gospel and John’s Christmas story. Now there are no angels in John’s Christmas story. There are no wise men coming from afar. There’s no baby lying in a manger. There’s no angel choir singing Gloria in excelsis Deo in the highest of the heavens. There are no shepherds tending their flocks by night. Matthew and Luke tell those stories. In John, it is the poetry of new possibility, born of the reality of God when God breaks into the world.

It’s not an accident that long ago, followers of Jesus began to commemorate his birth, his coming into the world. When the world seemed darkest. When hope seemed to be dashed on the altar of reality. It is not an accident that we too, commemorate his coming, when things do not always look right in this world.

But there is a God. And there is Jesus. And even in the darkest night. That light once shined and will shine still.  His way of love is the way of life. It is the light of the world. And the light of that love shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not, cannot, and will not overcome it.

God love you. God bless you and may you have a Merry Christmas and may this world be blessed. Amen.

The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry

Presiding Bishop and Primate

The Episcopal Church