St. Edward’s Thursday Message – August 20, 2020

Dear friends,

Look for all links related to Sunday worship on our usual Saturday afternoon posting.

So many glorious things happening at St. Edward’s this week!  Here’s an update:

We are starting to receive our new Ordinary Time (green season) altar hangings and they will look beautiful.  We hope to be celebrating with these new altar hangings by Sunday, September 20th.

We have completed the new lighting project for the sanctuary in the choir and praise band area, as well as the lectern area on the altar, and it brings such wonderful lighting to these spaces.

We are also in full motion with our Phase One Memorial Garden project.  To learn about all of the specifics of our progress with the care and beautification of this sacred space, please click here to visit our web site page.

We have continued ministry support with small carpentry/housekeeping projects and the care and feeding of our landscaped spaces by faithful parishioners.

All of these projects would not happen without the strong support of you, our St. Edward’s parishioners, and our friends of St. Edward’s.  For these expressions of generosity and continued grace, we most heartily thank you all.

Giant and Stauffers Grocery Card Program

If you are interested in starting to order your SKH or Giant grocery cards, or are interested in being a new participant in our grocery card program, please contact the parish office by Monday, August 31st.  It is a great way for St. Edward’s to earn 5% in passive fundraising income and while we had suspended the program during this Covidtide, it has been expressed that people may be interested in having it go back in place.  Our first resumed order would be delivered on Sunday, September 6th if we have enough people willing to participate.

Hempfield Area Food Pantry

We are so thankful for all of the monetary (and food) donations that continue to come into our office through the generosity of our parishioners for our local Hempfield Area Food Pantry.

Current food requests are:
One or 2 pound packages of rice, canned fruit (no fruit cocktail no Mandarin oranges)
Canned tomatoes, canned peas, canned kidney beans, canned soup (no chicken noodle) and cereal.

If you would like to donate food, please bring on Sunday and drop in baskets in the narthex.  If you would like to donate food and do not come to services but would like a curbside drop-off, please call the parish office to make arrangements. We want to make certain we are here to accept your donation.

We leave you with a prayer from the Book of Common Prayer for In the Evening

O Lord, support us all the day long, until the shadows lengthen, and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done.  Then in thy mercy, grant us safe lodging, and a holy rest, and peace at last.  Amen.

Continue reading below for the details for our Friday and Saturday worship and fellowship activities.

Be well. Stay safe. Keep the faith.


We invite you to Evening Prayer this Friday evening at 7:00 PM.  This is a wonderful way to peacefully end our week and is led by Patrick Ishler.

Join us on Zoom:
Join Code:  863 2710 5082

Join us for our Virtual Saturday Social from 9 AM – 9:40 AM Saturday morning on Zoom.  It will be hosted by Christina McLaughlin. It’s a great time to get together and say hi to your fellow parishioners. We look forward to sharing some time of fellowship THIS SATURDAY, August 22nd at 9:00 AM.

We are considering alternative times for our coffee/social hour commencing after Labor Day weekend.  But, we want to hear from you!  If a coffee/social hour is something you would participate in, please email the parish office by September 1st and let us know the following:

(1)  Do you like the current Saturday 9 AM time and will you participate in the fall?
(2)  Do you like the Saturday option, but 10 AM would enable you to participate more fully?
(3)  Would you participate if the coffee/social time was moved to Sundays at 12:15?

Your pass code and join code are in the email from Thursday.