St. Edward’s Thursday Message – December 3rd

Dear parishioners & friends of St. Edward’s,

As we journey within our first week of Advent, with hope in our hearts, we offer this prayer from page 827 in The Book of Common Prayer:

For Knowledge of God’s Creation

Almighty and everlasting God, you made the universe with all its marvelous order, its atoms, worlds, and galaxies, and the infinite complexity of living creatures: Grant that, as we probe the mysteries of your creation, we may come to know you more truly, and more surely fulfill our role in your eternal purpose; in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Please mark your calendar for Saturday, December 5th at 3:00 PM as we celebrate the life of our beloved parishioner, Rose Dixon.  While the in-person service is for immediate family only, we will be livestreaming our service, via our YouTube Channel.

Please tune in here for the Saturday service at 3 PM.

Click here to download our service bulletin.

Be well.  Stay safe.  Keep the faith.


The December Scepter will be online this weekend.  We will print color copies and leave in the table in the front entry, if you would like to stop by during the week, from 11 AM – 3 PM, to pick up a copy.

Grocery cards will be available by Monday, December 7th.  If you would like yours mailed, please contact the parish office.

Advent Intergenerational Lesson

Since the season of Advent has arrived and continues for the next four weeks, the Christian education lesson for this week is intergenerational.  You are invited to listen to the recorded introduction, read through the lesson, and then complete one or both of the suggested activities as we are invited to enter the “waiting period” for the return of Jesus.  Though this lesson comes to you late in the day, the season of advent has arrived and continues for the next four weeks when we are invited to enter the “waiting period” for the return of Jesus. During each day, both youth and adults are encouraged to spend time listening and in prayer.

Leslie, Director of Christian Education

Click here to listen to the Advent introduction and download the Advent Wreath Instructions

Be a part of a St. Edward’s tradition by contributing to our Christmas Altar Flowers.   We will continue with our tradition of offering people the opportunity to donate to our Christmas Flowers for our Christmas Eve service, live streamed at 8:00 PM, with the names of your loved ones remembered in the service bulletin.  Flower entries are at a suggested donation of $20.  Please email the parish office by December 20th with your names and amount donated.  When sending in your check, please make it payable to St. Edward’s and mark in the memo line “Christmas Flowers.”  Click here for more information.

Many of you have expressed an interest in receiving a 2021 Episcopal Church calendar.  We have ordered 25.  Please let the office know if you would like to have us put aside one for you!  We are accepting donations for the calendars, with a suggested amount of $3-$5, to offset the cost of production.  Thank you.

Click here for service times and offerings during the seasons of Advent and Christmas, at St. Edward’s, as well as diocesan offerings (including the information for our Sunday Virtual Coffee Hour at 11 AM!)

Friday, December 4th,  Lunch & Learn Adult Spiritual Formation – 12 Noon – 1 PM
Join us for this series led by Father Rick, Bob Mosebach, and Wanda Stoltzfus.  Scroll down to note the Zoom meeting join information.
Friday Evening Prayer – December 4th
We invite you to Evening Prayer this Friday evening at 7:00 PM.  This is a wonderful way to peacefully end our week and is led by Patrick Ishler.
Join us on Zoom:
Join Code:  863 2710 5082

Saturday Taize Service – December 5th 5:00 PM – Members of St. Edwards are cordially invited to join St. Luke’s for our Zoom Taize service. A service of deep prayer and worship, sacred darkness, and the singing of chants in candlelight. We cannot meet in person at present, so the services will be held on Zoom, to create a greater sense of community. Prepare by lighting some candles. Connect to the service Please contact St. Luke’s to let us know you will attend – at [email protected] Secure services – waiting room enabled.


December 13th at 3:00 PM:  Mark your calendars for a St. Edward’s Virtual Cultural Event, LIVE, on our YouTube Channel. 

The St. Edward’s Cultural Events Ministry invites you to a very special virtual event of music and dance!

Fire in the Glen has been performing in south-central Pennsylvania since 1999, and they’ve been sharing A Celtic Christmas over the holidays for the last decade. The holiday-themed show blends traditional Scottish and Irish music with familiar Christmas melodies and some more obscure holiday tunes from England and Ireland. The band features Tom Knapp on fiddle and bodhran (the traditional Irish drum), Megan Mullen on vocals and keyboard, and Mick Mullen on vocals and guitar. A varied set list includes: What Child is This, The Devonshire Carol, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, Christmas in Killarney, The Snowflake Jig, Angels We Have Heard on High, Away in a Manger, Deck the Halls, Miss Fogarty’s Christmas Cake, Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, The Golden Carol of the Wisemen, It Came Upon a Midnight Clear, Joy to the World, Silent Night, O Holy Night and an assortment of traditional Celtic songs and tunes!

Along with Fire in the Glen, we will have a special performance of Irish dance by Faith Carter Ishler! A lifelong dancer, Faith has travelled the globe and has earned awards in many prestigious competitions. A 2020 graduate of Lebanon Valley College with a degree in journalism/social media, Faith trains at the Hooley School of Irish Dance.

Join us on Sunday, December 13th at 3:00 PM by tuning into the St. Edward’s Episcopal Church, Lancaster, PA YouTube Channel and enjoy a wonderful afternoon of music & dance! We welcome donations to our cultural events series, via Paypal, (our link is on the St. Edward’s YouTube home page) or by sending a check to St. Edward’s Episcopal Church. Your support allows us to continue our ministry of bringing cultural events to our wider community.

Friday Lunch & Learn:  December 4th 12 Noon – 1 PM via Zoom
Our conversation continues, this week, with Chapter Five, in our text.  We have had engaging and enlivening discussions each week! Perhaps you would feel comfortable in delivering the closing prayer, this week?  We  would welcome your participation. Attendance at every session is not required.

We encourage you to have your Book of Common Prayer for each session and the text, Walk In Love is optional, but can be ordered at or by contacting the parish office (we have copies on hand).  If you do not have a copy of the BCP on hand, this link will give you the downloadable pdf.

With Peace,
Father Rick, Bob Mosebach, and Wanda Stoltzfus

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

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+13462487799,,84479709447#,,,,,,0#,,228332# US (Houston)

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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

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+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

Find your local number:


Sunday Service Online – Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 28 – Sunday, November 15, 2020

Dear friends of St. Edward’s,

We welcome you to online worship this weekend.

For those who feel comfortable with coming to church, we are able to hold in-person worship this Sunday at 8 AM – Rite I and 10:15 AM – Rite II. We hope that you will join us!  We continue to follow healthy practices for your comfort and safety and we are mindfully complying with mitigation efforts through the governor’s office, as well as our diocesan office.

Please know that we extend our warm invitation of worship to those in the wider community and those parishioners who are still at home, via YouTube Live, with our live streaming service each Sunday. We are one community of faith and we are worshipping together!

Click here to connect to our YouTube Channel to enjoy our Sunday service of Holy Eucharist Rite II LIVE at 10:15 AM on Sunday, November 15th.

We offer an opportunity for those viewing our online service to Donate to St. Edward’s via our Paypal link directly from our YouTube Channel.  On the St. Edward’s Channel Home Page, in the lower right corner of the image of our church is a “Donate to St. Edward’s” link.  You can also find it in the “About” section, just scroll down to “links” in that section.  We have installed it, tested it, and it works securely and wonderfully!

Click here to download the Sunday Service 10:15 AM bulletin – Rite II

If you prefer the said service of Rite I, we have provided our service bulletin for you to download and enjoy the service.

Click here to download the Sunday Service 8 AM bulletin – Rite I

We also wanted to take this opportunity to share with you important announcements that are in our paper bulletin on Sundays, that may be of interest to you, at home, regarding upcoming events, as well as prayer and adult spiritual formation opportunities.

Krist Kindling sign up is in full swing!  Please contact the parish office or click here to download the pdf information and sign-up form.

Our Annual Stewardship Campaign is progressing at a wonderful pace!  You will have received a pledge packet in the mail and this Sunday we will hear testimonies from our Stewardship ministry leaders. This is a very important component to the continuing ministry of St. Edward’s.  If you have any questions, would like more information about stewardship, or did not receive a packet, please contact the parish office.  We thank you for your prayerful consideration.

Annual Jesse Tree Project Has Begun
For many, Thanksgiving and Christmas represents a ‘season of giving’.  Giving to the foster children of COBYs during the holidays has been a long-time favorite of this parish.

This service is known as the Jesse Tree project.  Jesse Tree provides gifts for children in foster care, making Christmas a little brighter.  Through COBYS Family Services we obtain a list of children in foster care, their ages, and their Christmas wishes. We don’t take the place of Santa. Rather, we act as Santa’s helpers by adding another gift or two for a child to open on Christmas morning.

Click here for information and sign up form. 

Please prayerfully consider donating a turkey to St. Edward’s, so that we can make Thanksgiving comforting for those who benefit from the Hempfield Area Food Bank.  We are in need of all turkey donations by THIS WEDNESDAY, November 18th. Our goal is to have members of our parish family donate a turkey to our wider community families in need, so that they can have a fulfilling Thanksgiving.

Join us for our Virtual Sunday Social from 4:00 PM – 4:40 PM this Sunday afternoon on Zoom.  It will be hosted by Christina McLaughlin. It’s a great time to get together and say “hello” to your fellow parishioners.  Your join code and pass code are in your Thursday and Saturday email.

Welcome to Congregational Care!  Each Saturday, we will include in our messages any submissions we receive from our parish community, as we invite you to share prayer requests or news about yourselves or your family. We believe this outreach to be incredibly important to keep our spiritual community connected to each other and to Jesus Christ, our Lord, as we walk in love with one another in our daily journeys.  Please submit your “news” to the parish office by Friday of each week and we will feature it in the Saturday email, bringing it to our hearts and minds in our Sunday prayers.

For this week, we ask for you to pray for those in our parish family who have recently lost their loved ones:  The Dixon family; Ethel Lawrence and her family; the family of Miriam Coyne.

A Collect For the Departed

Eternal Lord God, you hold all souls in life: Give to your whole Church in paradise and on earth your light and your peace; and grant that we, following the good examples of those who have served you here and are now at rest, may at the last enter with them into your unending joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Join us, at St. Edward’s, and with our convocation churches, for wonderful offerings, each week, of prayer and adult spiritual formation, via Zoom. Join in, anytime!  Click here to learn more.

Besides prayers, calls, cards and emails, there is one more thing you can do to support St. Edward’s during this time. Please keep up-to-date with your pledge or regular contribution.  Pledges/giving can be mailed to the church, and we also have an easy-to-use “Give to St. Edward’s” button on our website that links to our secure Paypal page.  We have had several people engage with this newly installed Paypal giving button with great success, so please consider that as an easy way to support St. Edward’s.

To assist parishes, the diocese has set up online giving for each parish.  If you feel comfortable making your weekly giving or pledge donation in this manner (it is a secure giving tool), simply go to the diocesan web site, click on the tab up top and it will take you to a page where you can scroll down, find St. Edward’s, and continue with making your contribution!  Thank you for maintaining your faithfulness through your financial stewardship!

Click here if you would like to donate online through the diocesan portal. You will scroll down to find St. Edward’s under Lancaster. The portal is a secure giving site.

To learn more about St. Edward’s, please click our website, YouTube, or Facebook icons at the bottom of this email.

Be well. Stay safe. Keep the faith.

– Michelle

St. Edward’s Thursday Message – November 12th

Dear friends,

Look for all links related to Sunday worship in our usual Saturday afternoon posting.

Many happenings at St. Edward’s, all listed below with easy-to-click links for reading and downloading of materials.

Yesterday, our brother, Richard Lawrence, slipped peacefully into his next life.  Please hold his wife, Ethel, as well as their family, friends, and loved ones, in your prayers.

We also learned from Bill Coyne, that his mother, Miriam Joan Coyne, died on November 3rd at Masonic Villages in Elizabethtown.  Miriam, and her husband, Hugh, were faithful members of St. Edward’s for many years primarily attending the Wednesday noonday service.  Hugh passed away in 2012. Bill tells us that Miriam’s wishes were for a simple Commital service at their home church, All Saint’s Scotch Plains, NJ and her ashes were placed in the columbarium, there, next to her husband, Hugh’s ashes.

Prayer for the Faithful Departed
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.  May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.  Amen.

Father Rick +

We kicked off our stewardship campaign last weekend and have had a very good response to date, but we still need you! Pledge packets were mailed this week and testimonies from our Stewardship committee leaders continue during Sunday worship this Sunday, November 15th and November 22nd.  Click this link to learn more about our upcoming campaign. 

Two St. Edward’s traditional events/ministries are happening:  Our Jesse Tree ministry and our Krist Kindling fellowship activity.  Click the links below to sign up for either, or both!
Jesse Tree Form

Krist Kindling Form

Hempfield Area Food Pantry:   Thank you to all, at St. Edward’s, for your continued support to the HAFP.

The pantry is currently requesting the following items for November: Spam, prune juice, chicken and beef broth, large peanut butter, large jelly, 2 lb. packs of rice, canned pears, instant and regular oatmeal, cream of celery soup, cream of chicken soup, boxed pastas (ziti, rotini, etc.), canned tomatoes, pancake syrup, canned fruit cocktail.

**Please prayerfully consider donating a turkey for HAFP Thanksgiving Food Drive. Turkeys can be delivered between now and NEXT WEDNESDAY, November 18th and we will transport them to the HAFP.  Let’s meet our goal of each parish family donating a turkey so that our neighbors in need can enjoy a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.

The Community Aid bin has been removed.  Please continue to support this passive form of fundraising by bringing your soft goods to the donation center on Good Drive (near Columbia Avenue) and when you drop off your items reference St. Edward’s partner #40036.  We will earn money towards our social outreach! Every penny counts.

Continue reading below for the details for our Friday, Saturday & Sunday worship and fellowship activities.

Friday Lunch & Learn:  November 13th 12 Noon – 1 PM via Zoom
Please join us for this informative and spiritual time together.  This week, we will continue with Chapter 4 in Walk in Love – The Wonderful Sacrament| Eucharistic Beliefs. Attendance at every session is not required.  If you would like to join and need a copy of Walk In Love, please contact the parish office.

Handout for this Friday, November 13th Session click here.

We encourage you to have your Book of Common Prayer for each session and the text, Walk In Love is optional.   If you do not have a copy of the BCP on hand, this link will give you the downloadable pdf.

Remember to take some time to devote to exploring and making notations on the handout that Bob has supplied so that we may engage in our spiritual formation together, sharing our insights, thoughts, and questions, and please know that we look for those in the group to offer the closing prayer for any week!

Each week, we will provide a hand out in the Monday emails that you can download and review prior to the Friday session.

With Peace,
Father Rick, Bob Mosebach, and Wanda Stoltzfus

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

One tap mobile

+13462487799,,84479709447#,,,,,,0#,,228332# US (Houston)

+16699006833,,84479709447#,,,,,,0#,,228332# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

Find your local number:

We invite you to Evening Prayer this Friday evening at 7:00 PM.  This is a wonderful way to peacefully end our week and is led by Patrick Ishler.

Join us on Zoom:
Join Code:  863 2710 5082

Coffee Hour is Back!

Coffee (or favorite beverage!) social hour is back!!!  Join us for our Virtual Sunday Social from 4:00 PM – 4:40 PM Sunday afternoon on Zoom.  It will be hosted by Christina McLaughlin. It’s a great time to get together and say “hello” to your fellow parishioners. The join code and pass code are in your Thursday email.

Set aside Thanksgiving Morning at 9 AM for a special Thanksgiving Day Morning Prayer via Zoom.  The Community of Francis and Clare has a special invitation for us all!  Please see below for the details.

No need to register, just use the Zoom link below.  We will have a short service using the Book of Common Prayer 1979 with scripture and other readings and time of quiet.  Attendees who do not have a BCP, can simply listen if they like.

Blessings and Peace,


Br David Rutledge is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Thanksgiving Day Morning Prayer
Time: Nov 26, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 9636 2496
Passcode: 062205

One tap mobile
+19292056099,,85396362496#,,,,,,0#,,062205# US (New York)
+13017158592,,85396362496#,,,,,,0#,,062205# US (Washington D.C)

Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 853 9636 2496
Passcode: 062205
Find your local number:


St. Edward’s Monday Message – November 9th

Dear parishioners & friends of St. Edward’s,

Yesterday, on a sunny Sunday afternoon, our sister, Rose Dixon, began her journey, as she slipped peacefully into her next life, surrounded by her loving family.  We will miss the joy that Rose brought to all of us at St. Edward’s, and we hold her family, friends, and loved ones, in our prayers.

Prayer for the Faithful Departed
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.  May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.  Amen.

Father Rick +

In case you missed it, we invite you to view our Sunday worship:

It is time to sign up for our traditional Krist Kindling!  If you missed it in the Scepter, click the link below to download the information and sign up sheet.  This may be a fun way to participate in St. Edward’s fellowship and connect with other parishioners, especially for this year, as it is an outside event!  Let’s bring some cheer this year to us all!

Click here for more information and to sign up.

Our 2021 Stewardship Campaign launched this week.  We thank Jamie Alton for his heartfelt testimony this past Sunday and we look forward to Stephen and Catherine Donohue, and Matthew Sternberg sharing their testimonies in the next 2 weeks.  To learn more, click here. 

Annual Jesse Tree Project Set to Begin
For many, Thanksgiving and Christmas represents a ‘season of giving’.  Giving to the foster children of COBYs during the holidays has been a long-time favorite of this parish.

This service is known as the Jesse Tree project.  Jesse Tree provides gifts for children in foster care, making Christmas a little brighter.  Through COBYS Family Services we obtain a list of children in foster care, their ages, and their Christmas wishes. We don’t take the place of Santa. Rather, we act as Santa’s helpers by adding another gift or two for a child to open on Christmas morning.

Click here for information and sign up form. 

Please prayerfully consider donating a turkey to St. Edward’s, so that we can make Thanksgiving comforting for those who benefit from the Hempfield Area Food Bank.  We are accepting turkey donations through November 18th, and they can be brought in on Sundays or any weekday between 11 AM-3 PM.  Our goal is to have each parish family donate a turkey so that our community families in need can have a fulfilling Thanksgiving.

HAFP Wish List for November:
Prune juice
Chicken and beef broth
Large peanut butter
Large jelly
2 lb. packs of rice
Canned pears
Instant and regular oatmeal
Cream of celery soup
Cream of chicken soup
Boxed pastas (ziti, rotini etc.)
Canned tomatoes
Pancake syrup
Canned fruit cocktail


Wednesday Holy Eucharist with Healing and Meditation – Wednesday, November 11th
Please enter through the parish hall doors. Masks are required. We have put in place healthy practices for your comfort and safety.

Wednesday Evening, November 11th – 6:30 PM Contemporary Bible Study
Led by Bill and Yvonne Gasperetti via Zoom.  Please email Bill or Yvonne if you would like to participate.

Friday, November 13th,  Lunch & Learn Adult Spiritual Formation – 12 Noon – 1 PM
Join us for this series led by Father Rick, Bob Mosebach, and Wanda Stoltzfus.  Scroll down to download the handout for Friday’s session and to note the Zoom meeting join information.

Friday Evening Prayer – November 13th
We invite you to Evening Prayer this Friday evening at 7:00 PM.  This is a wonderful way to peacefully end our week and is led by Patrick Ishler.
Join us on Zoom:
Join Code:  863 2710 5082

Friday Lunch & Learn:  November 13th 12 Noon – 1 PM via Zoom
Our conversation continues, this week, with Chapter Four on the topic of The Wonderful Sacrament –  Eucharist Beliefs.  We have had engaging and enlivening discussions each week! Perhaps you would feel comfortable in delivering the closing prayer, this week?  We  would welcome your participation. Attendance at every session is not required.

Handout for this Friday Session Click here.

We encourage you to have your Book of Common Prayer for each session and the text, Walk In Love is optional, but can be ordered at or by contacting the parish office (we have copies on hand).  If you do not have a copy of the BCP on hand, this link will give you the downloadable pdf.

With Peace,
Father Rick, Bob Mosebach, and Wanda Stoltzfus

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

One tap mobile

+13462487799,,84479709447#,,,,,,0#,,228332# US (Houston)

+16699006833,,84479709447#,,,,,,0#,,228332# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

Find your local number:

Sunday Service Online – Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 27 – Sunday, November 8, 2020

Dear friends of St. Edward’s,

We welcome you to online worship this weekend.

For those who feel comfortable with coming to church, we are fortunate to be able to hold in-person worship on Sundays at 8 AM – Rite I and 10:15 AM – Rite II. We hope that you will join us!  We continue to follow healthy practices for your comfort and safety and we are mindfully complying with mitigation efforts through the governor’s office, as well as our diocesan office.

Please know that we extend our warm invitation of worship to those in the wider community and those parishioners who are still at home, via YouTube Live, with our live streaming service each Sunday. We are one community of faith and we are worshipping together!

Click here to connect to our YouTube Channel to enjoy our Sunday service of Holy Eucharist Rite II LIVE at 10:15 AM on Sunday, November 8th.

We offer an opportunity for those viewing our online service to Donate to St. Edward’s via our Paypal link directly from our YouTube Channel.  On the St. Edward’s Channel Home Page, in the lower right corner of the image of our church is a “Donate to St. Edward’s” link.  You can also find it in the “About” section, just scroll down to “links” in that section.  We have installed it, tested it, and it works securely and wonderfully!

Click here to download the Sunday Service 10:15 AM bulletin – Rite II

If you prefer the said service of Rite I, we have provided our service bulletin for you to download and enjoy the service.

Click here to download the Sunday Service 8 AM bulletin – Rite I

We also wanted to take this opportunity to share with you important announcements that are in our paper bulletin on Sundays, that may be of interest to you, at home, regarding upcoming events, as well as prayer and adult spiritual formation opportunities.

The weather is predicted to be warm for the next week and we have kept our garden fountain running and we have completed 2 additional meditative spaces with benches and statuary.  Please stop by to see!  If you feel you would like a quiet space to pray, the memorial garden is always “open.”

Krist Kindling sign up is in full swing!  Please contact the parish office or click here to download the pdf information and sign-up form.

Our Annual Stewardship Campaign kicks off this Sunday.  You will have received a pledge packet in the mail and for the next three Sundays, we will hear testimonies from our Stewardship ministry leaders. This is a very important component to the continuing ministry of St. Edward’s.  If you have any questions, would like more information about stewardship, or did not receive a packet, please contact the parish office.  We thank you for your prayerful consideration.

Annual Jesse Tree Project Set to Begin
For many, Thanksgiving and Christmas represents a ‘season of giving’.  Giving to the foster children of COBYs during the holidays has been a long-time favorite of this parish.

This service is known as the Jesse Tree project.  Jesse Tree provides gifts for children in foster care, making Christmas a little brighter.  Through COBYS Family Services we obtain a list of children in foster care, their ages, and their Christmas wishes. We don’t take the place of Santa. Rather, we act as Santa’s helpers by adding another gift or two for a child to open on Christmas morning.

Click here for information and sign up form. 

Please prayerfully consider donating a turkey to St. Edward’s, so that we can make Thanksgiving comforting for those who benefit from the Hempfield Area Food Bank.  We are accepting turkey donations through November 18th, and they can be brought in on Sundays or any weekday between 11 AM-3 PM.  Our goal is to have each parish family donate a turkey so that our community families in need can have a fulfilling Thanksgiving.

Coffee Hour is Back!

Join us for our Virtual Sunday Social from 4:00 PM – 4:40 PM Sunday afternoon on Zoom.  It will be hosted by Christina McLaughlin. It’s a great time to get together and say “hello” to your fellow parishioners.  The meeting join code and pass code are in your Thursday and Saturday emails.

Welcome to Congregational Care!  Each Saturday, we will include in our messages any submissions we receive from our parish community, as we invite you to share prayer requests or news about yourselves or your family. We believe this outreach to be incredibly important to keep our spiritual community connected to each other and to Jesus Christ, our Lord, as we walk in love with one another in our daily journeys.  Please submit your “news” to the parish office by Friday of each week and we will feature it in the Saturday email, bringing it to our hearts and minds in our Sunday prayers.

For this week, we ask for you to pray for, and with, each other in our congregation and for our wider world.  Let us strive for our walk to always be filled with grace and compassion for all God’s creation.

A Collect for the Presence of Christ

Lord Jesus, stay with us, for evening is at hand and the day is past; be our companion in the way, kindle our hearts, and awaken hope, that we may know you as you are revealed in Scripture and the breaking of bread. Grant this for the sake of your love. Amen.

Join us, at St. Edward’s, and with our convocation churches, for wonderful offerings, each week, of prayer and adult spiritual formation, via Zoom. Join in, anytime!  Click here to learn more.

Besides prayers, calls, cards and emails, there is one more thing you can do to support St. Edward’s during this time. Please keep up-to-date with your pledge or regular contribution.  Pledges/giving can be mailed to the church, and we also have an easy-to-use “Give to St. Edward’s” button on our website that links to our secure Paypal page.  We have had several people engage with this newly installed Paypal giving button with great success, so please consider that as an easy way to support St. Edward’s.

To assist parishes, the diocese has set up online giving for each parish.  If you feel comfortable making your weekly giving or pledge donation in this manner (it is a secure giving tool), simply go to the diocesan web site, click on the tab up top and it will take you to a page where you can scroll down, find St. Edward’s, and continue with making your contribution!  Thank you for maintaining your faithfulness through your financial stewardship!

Click here if you would like to donate online through the diocesan portal. You will scroll down to find St. Edward’s under Lancaster. The portal is a secure giving site.

To learn more about St. Edward’s, please click our website, YouTube, or Facebook icons at the bottom of this email.

Be well. Stay safe. Keep the faith.

– Michelle


St. Edward’s Thursday Message – November 5th

Dear friends,

Look for all links related to Sunday worship in our usual Saturday afternoon posting.

Many happenings at St. Edward’s, all listed below with easy-to-click links for reading and downloading of materials.

A Collect for Peace
Almighty God, kindle, we pray, in every heart the true love of peace, and guide with your wisdom those who take counsel for the nations of the earth, that in tranquility your dominion may increase until the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Be well.  Stay safe.  Keep the faith.


We are officially kicking off our stewardship campaign this weekend!  Pledge packets were mailed this week and testimonies from our Stewardship committee leaders will be held during Sunday worship from November 8th – 22nd.  Click this link to learn more about our upcoming campaign. 

Hempfield Area Food Pantry:   Thank you to all, at St. Edward’s, for your continued support to the HAFP.

The pantry is currently requesting the following items for November: Spam, prune juice, chicken and beef broth, large peanut butter, large jelly, 2 lb. packs of rice, canned pears, instant and regular oatmeal, cream of celery soup, cream of chicken soup, boxed pastas (ziti, rotini, etc.), canned tomatoes, pancake syrup, canned fruit cocktail.

**Please prayerfully consider donating a turkey for HAFP Thanksgiving Food Drive. Turkeys can be delivered between now and November 18th and we will transport them to the HAFP weekly.  Let’s meet our goal of each parish family donating a turkey so that our neighbors in need can enjoy a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.

The Community Aid bin is scheduled to be removed in the coming week.  Please continue to support this passive form of fundraising by bringing your soft goods to the donation center on Good Drive (near Columbia Avenue) and when you drop off your items reference St. Edward’s partner #40036.  We will earn money towards our social outreach! Every penny counts.

Continue reading below for the details for our Friday, Saturday & Sunday worship and fellowship activities.

Friday Lunch & Learn:  November 6th 12 Noon – 1 PM via Zoom
Please join us for this informative and spiritual time together.  This week, we will continue with Chapter 4 in Walk in Love – The Wonderful Sacrament| Eucharistic Beliefs. Attendance at every session is not required.  If you would like to join and need a copy of Walk In Love, please contact the parish office.

Handout for this Friday, November 6th Session click here.

We encourage you to have your Book of Common Prayer for each session and the text, Walk In Love is optional.   If you do not have a copy of the BCP on hand, this link will give you the downloadable pdf.

Remember to take some time to devote to exploring and making notations on the handout that Bob has supplied so that we may engage in our spiritual formation together, sharing our insights, thoughts, and questions, and please know that we look for those in the group to offer the closing prayer for any week!

Each week, we will provide a hand out in the Monday emails that you can download and review prior to the Friday session.

With Peace,
Father Rick, Bob Mosebach, and Wanda Stoltzfus

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

One tap mobile

+13462487799,,84479709447#,,,,,,0#,,228332# US (Houston)

+16699006833,,84479709447#,,,,,,0#,,228332# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

Find your local number:

We invite you to Evening Prayer this Friday evening at 7:00 PM.  This is a wonderful way to peacefully end our week and is led by Patrick Ishler.

Join us on Zoom:
Join Code:  863 2710 5082

Saturday Taize Service, First Saturday of each month, at 5 PM: Members of St. Edward’s are cordially invited to join St. Luke’s for our Zoom Taize service. A service of deep prayer and worship, sacred darkness, and the singing of chants in candlelight. We cannot meet in person at present, so the services will be held on Zoom, to create a greater sense of community. Prepare by lighting some candles. Connect to the service Please contact St. Luke’s to let us know you will attend – at [email protected] Secure services – waiting room enabled.

Coffee Hour is Back!

Coffee (or favorite beverage!) social hour is back!!!  Join us for our Virtual Sunday Social from 4:00 PM – 4:40 PM Sunday afternoon on Zoom.  It will be hosted by Christina McLaughlin. It’s a great time to get together and say “hello” to your fellow parishioners.  Meeting join code and pass code are in your Thursday


St. Edward’s Monday Message – November 2nd

Dear parishioners & friends of St. Edward’s,

In case you missed it, we invite you to view our Sunday worship:

From The Book of Common Prayer, page 822, we offer a Prayer for an Election

Almighty God, to whom we must account for all our powers and privileges: Guide the people of the United States (or of this community) in the election of officials and representatives; that, by faithful administration and wise laws, the rights of all may be protected and our nation be enabled to fulfill your purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Be well. Stay safe. Keep the faith.

– Michelle

It is time to sign up for our traditional Krist Kindling!  If you missed it in the Scepter, click the link below to download the information and sign up sheet.  This may be a fun way to participate in St. Edward’s fellowship and connect with other parishioners, especially for this year, as it is an outside event!  Let’s bring some cheer this year to us all!

Click here for more information and to sign up.

Our 2021 Stewardship Campaign launches this week.  Please look in your mail towards the end of the week for your pledge packet.  To learn more, click here. 

A message from Leslie Arnold, Director of Christian Formation, about an upcoming Youth Event (it is outside and parents can attend with their youth):

Dear Friends,

You are invited to join us on a brief downtown walking tour on Saturday November 7, 2020 from 10am-1pm, which includes lunch (hopefully at Tellus 360, but that is TBD). The trip will be led by Mother Shayna and Randolph Harris, and possibly joined by Dr. Joy Rien of STEM.

Randy, parishioner and lay leader here at Saint James, will guide us through a few historic points showing us how Lancaster played an integral role in our American history.

Our middle and high schoolers are encouraged to come, but this also may be an opportunity for parents to learn about our beautiful and complex Lancastrian history.  Also a great opportunity for class projects(hint hint!)

Randolph served as the Executive Director of the Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County, a private, countywide non-profit organization founded in 1966 to preserve the architectural heritage of Lancaster County. He has since taken on other historical presevervation projects.  Get to know our dear friend Randolph Harris

Register here:

Hempfield Area Food Pantry “wish list” of food items for November.  We are also kicking off our own “Turkey Drive” to donate frozen turkeys to our friends at the HAFP to make this special dinner a reality for our neighbors in need.  Please buy your turkeys early and deliver them to St. Edward’s by November 18th.  Our freezer will only hold about 20 turkeys, so if you can hold them until closer to the 18th and bring them in, that would be great.  If not, we can make arrangements.  Please contact the parish office.

Prune juice
Chicken and beef broth
Large peanut butter
Large jelly
2 lb. packs of rice
Canned pears
Instant and regular oatmeal
Cream of celery soup
Cream of chicken soup
Boxed pastas (ziti, rotini etc.)
Canned tomatoes
Pancake syrup
Canned fruit cocktail


Wednesday Holy Eucharist with Healing and Meditation – Wednesday, November 4th
Please enter through the parish hall doors. Masks are required. We have put in place healthy practices for your comfort and safety.

Wednesday Evening, November 4th – 6:30 PM Contemporary Bible Study
Led by Bill and Yvonne Gasperetti via Zoom.  Please email Bill or Yvonne if you would like to participate.

Friday, November 6th,  Lunch & Learn Adult Spiritual Formation – 12 Noon – 1 PM
Join us for this series led by Father Rick, Bob Mosebach, and Wanda Stoltzfus.  Scroll down to download the handout for Friday’s session and to note the Zoom meeting join information.

Friday Evening Prayer – November 6th
We invite you to Evening Prayer this Friday evening at 7:00 PM.  This is a wonderful way to peacefully end our week and is led by Patrick Ishler.
Join us on Zoom:
Join Code:  863 2710 5082

Friday Lunch & Learn:  November 6th 12 Noon – 1 PM via Zoom
Our session this week will continue with Chapter Four of our text. Our conversations have been a wonderful exploration of our faith & Episcopal identity and it is wonderful to engage each other in discussion and participation! Perhaps you would feel comfortable in delivering the closing prayer, this week?  We  would welcome your participation. Attendance at every session is not required.

Handout for this Friday Session Click here.

We encourage you to have your Book of Common Prayer for each session and the text, Walk In Love is optional, but can be ordered at or by contacting the parish office (we have copies on hand).  If you do not have a copy of the BCP on hand, this link will give you the downloadable pdf.

With Peace,
Father Rick, Bob Mosebach, and Wanda Stoltzfus

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

One tap mobile

+13462487799,,84479709447#,,,,,,0#,,228332# US (Houston)

+16699006833,,84479709447#,,,,,,0#,,228332# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 844 7970 9447

Passcode: 228332

Find your local number:

Sunday Service Online – Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 23 – October 11, 2020

Dear friends of St. Edward’s,

We welcome you to online worship this weekend.

For those who feel comfortable with coming to church, we are fortunate to be able to hold in-person worship on Sundays at 8 AM – Rite I and 10:15 AM – Rite II. We hope that you will join us!  We continue to follow healthy practices for your comfort and safety and we are mindfully complying with mitigation efforts through the governor’s office, as well as our diocesan office.

Please know that we extend our warm invitation of worship to those in the wider community and those parishioners who are still at home, via YouTube Live, with our live streaming service each Sunday. We are one community of faith and we are worshipping together!

Click here to connect to our YouTube Channel to enjoy our Sunday service of Holy Eucharist Rite II LIVE at 10:15 AM on Sunday, October 11th.

We offer an opportunity for those viewing our online service to Donate to St. Edward’s via our Paypal link directly from our YouTube Channel.  On the St. Edward’s Channel Home Page, in the lower right corner of the image of our church is a “Donate to St. Edward’s” link.  You can also find it in the “About” section, just scroll down to “links” in that section.  We have installed it, tested it, and it works securely and wonderfully!

Click here to download the Sunday Service 10:15 AM bulletin – Rite II

If you prefer the said service of Rite I, we have provided our service bulletin for you to download and enjoy the service.

Click here to download the Sunday Service 8 AM bulletin – Rite I

We also wanted to take this opportunity to share with you important announcements that are in our paper bulletin on Sundays, that may be of interest to you, at home, regarding upcoming events, as well as prayer and adult spiritual formation opportunities.

If you would like to reserve your tickets for our October 24th fundraiser, in person, at church, TOMORROW, we will have a table in the library area, after each service, to enable people to reserve ticket bundles for the raffle as well as reserve their boxed dinner.  Once you leave church, you can re-enter through the office wing door, and please have your checks made out in advance so that we can keep social distancing in place.  The fundraiser details can be found by clicking the link below. Here is a quick rundown of pricing:
$75/55 tickets
$55/40 tickets
$25/15 tickets
Boxed dinners $10/each

Checks made payable to St. Edward’s with memo line “October 24th fundraiser.” We will note this on a sheet to give to you to complete at home (after you review catalog selections) and then you can email your ticket selections, we will fill them out for you, and place them in the boxes of your choosing.  We have surpassed our 50% goal and are looking to raise an additional $1,850 to reach 100%.  Help us make this ONLY FUNDRAISER, for 2020, at St. Edward’s a success!


Welcome to our new feature, Congregational Care!  Each Saturday, we will include in our messages any submissions we receive from our parish community, in your willingness to share prayer requests or news about yourselves or your family.  At the wonderful suggestion of Libby Sternberg, we believe this outreach to be incredibly important to keep our spiritual connections to our Lord, and to each other, alive!  Please submit your “news” to the parish office by Friday of each week and we will feature it in the Saturday email, bringing it to our hearts and minds in our Sunday prayers.

“Dear Father of all, make me a human channel through which, as far as I am able, your divine love and pity may reach the hearts and lives of some of those who are nearest to me.  Amen.”

– A Diary of Private Prayer, John Baillie


For this week, Matthew & Libby Sternberg share the following news:  The Sternbergs are happy to report that their one-year-old granddaughter had successful cleft palate surgery recently and is now home with her parents and siblings in Spokane, WA doing well.  She can eat baby food and has said “Daddy” for the first time, due to the repair.

Thought for today, and every day:

If you would like to take a survey to help us determine how we may move forward with our Jesse Tree initiative this year, please click here.

Join us, at St. Edward’s, and with our convocation churches, for wonderful offerings, each week, of prayer and adult spiritual formation, via Zoom. Join in, anytime!  Click here to learn more.

We have an additional course offering from our friends at St. Luke’s, Mount Joy that may be of interest to people.  The details are below.  Please email [email protected] if you are interested in attending.

What if you could defuse tension and create accord in even the most volatile situations—just by changing the way you spoke?

Course details:  Wed October 14, 21, 28  @ 12 noon.
There are four sessions of  60-90 minutes each, via Zoom:

The session will be recorded, in case you cannot attend live. Please contact the office for the link to the recording.

Course objectives:

  • Identify the four steps of the Nonviolent Communication process
  • Employ the four-step process in every dialogue you engage in
  • Utilize empathy to safely confront anger, fear, and other powerful emotions
  • Discover how to overcome the blocks to compassion and open to our natural desire to enrich the lives of those around us
  • Observations, feelings, needs, and requests—how to apply the four-step process of Nonviolent Communication to every dialogue we engage in
  • Overcoming the blocks to compassion—and opening to our natural desire to enrich the lives of those around us
  • How to use empathy to safely confront anger, fear, and other powerful emotions

Besides prayers, calls, cards and emails, there is one more thing you can do to support St. Edward’s during this time. Please keep up-to-date with your pledge or regular contribution.  Pledges/giving can be mailed to the church, and we also have an easy-to-use “Give to St. Edward’s” button on our website that links to our secure Paypal page.  We have had several people engage with this newly installed Paypal giving button with great success, so please consider that as an easy way to support St. Edward’s.

To assist parishes, the diocese has set up online giving for each parish.  If you feel comfortable making your weekly giving or pledge donation in this manner (it is a secure giving tool), simply go to the diocesan web site, click on the tab up top and it will take you to a page where you can scroll down, find St. Edward’s, and continue with making your contribution!  Thank you for maintaining your faithfulness through your financial stewardship!

Click here if you would like to donate online through the diocesan portal. You will scroll down to find St. Edward’s under Lancaster. The portal is a secure giving site.

To learn more about St. Edward’s, please click our website, YouTube, or Facebook icons at the bottom of this email.

Be well. Stay safe. Keep the faith.

– Michelle

St. Edward’s 2020 Fundraiser Is Here!


Click the link below to view the catalog and make your selections.  We are $1,850 from meeting our 100% fundraising goal of $4,500 and we have 9 days left!


This catalog/program is all you will need to learn how to buy ticket bundles for our basket raffle; view and make your notations for the incredible basket lineup we have for this year;  how to order/pay for your boxed dinner; and where to tune in on our YouTube Channel for our St. Edward’s most awesome variety show/raffle drawing ever, on October 24th at 4:30 PM!  Why is it awesome?  Because your participation helps the ministry of St. Edward’s and it provides light and life to all of us during this time of Covidtide. So, as youshelter in peace remember to always walk in love and we look forward to inviting all, whether you are a St. Edward’s parishioner, or a member of our wider community, to participate in our ONLY fundraising event for 2020.

Please note these important dates on your calendars so you do not miss out! 

Ticket sales for catalog items run through Monday October 19th.

Boxed dinners must be reserved by Friday, October 16th.

Event will be featured on our YouTube Channel on Saturday, October 24th at 4:30 PM

Sunday Service Online – Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 22 – October 4, 2020

Dear friends of St. Edward’s,

We welcome you to online worship this weekend.

For those who feel comfortable with coming to church, we are fortunate to be able to hold in-person worship on Sundays at 8 AM – Rite I and 10:15 AM – Rite II. We hope that you will join us!  We continue to follow healthy practices for your comfort and safety and we are mindfully complying with mitigation efforts through the governor’s office, as well as our diocesan office.

Please know that we extend our warm invitation of worship to those in the wider community and those parishioners who are still at home, via YouTube Live, with our live streaming service each Sunday. We are one community of faith and we are worshipping together!

Click here to connect to our YouTube Channel to enjoy our Sunday service of Holy Eucharist Rite II LIVE at 10:15 AM on Sunday, October 4th.

A new feature on our YouTube Channel:  We offer an opportunity for those viewing our online service to Donate to St. Edward’s via our Paypal link directly from our YouTube Channel.  On the St. Edward’s Channel Home Page, in the lower right corner of the image of our church is a “Donate to St. Edward’s” link.  You can also find it in the “About” section, just scroll down to “links” in that section.  We have installed it, tested it, and it works securely and wonderfully!

Click here to download the Sunday Service 10:15 AM bulletin – Rite II

If you prefer the said service of Rite I, we have provided our service bulletin for you to download and enjoy the service.

Click here to download the Sunday Service 8 AM bulletin – Rite I

We also wanted to take this opportunity to share with you important announcements that are in our paper bulletin on Sundays, that may be of interest to you, at home, regarding upcoming events, as well as prayer and adult spiritual formation opportunities.

If you would like to reserve your tickets for our October 24th fundraiser, in person, at church on Sundays, we will have a table in the library area, after each service, to enable people to reserve ticket bundles for the raffle as well as reserve their boxed dinner.  Once you leave church, you can re-enter through the office wing door, and please have your checks made out in advance so that we can keep social distancing in place.  The fundraiser details can be found by clicking the link below. Here is a quick rundown of pricing:
$75/55 tickets
$55/40 tickets
$25/15 tickets
Boxed dinners $10/each

Checks made payable to St. Edward’s with memo line “October 24th fundraiser.” We will note this on a sheet to give to you to complete at home (after you review catalog selections) and then you can email your ticket selections, we will fill them out for you, and place them in the boxes of your choosing.  Our ambitious goal this year is $4,500, as this is our ONLY fundraising event.  We have achieved 12% of our goal, so far, and we have 3 Sundays left.  Please join us in making this a St. Edward’s success.


The October Scepter is online and in print!  Click here to download the online version.  Thank you, Mac Miller, for putting together such a great publication each month!

The Stauffers grocery cards are in your parish mailboxes.  It appears Giant is taking longer in their fulfillment times, so those will not be in until next week.  Starting with the November 1st order, we will adjust our order time so that we order 2 weeks ahead of the first Sunday in order to meet our normal delivery time to you!  We apologize for any inconvenience.

If you would like to take a survey to help us determine how we may move forward with our Jesse Tree initiative this year, please click here.

Join us, at St. Edward’s, and with our convocation churches, for wonderful offerings, each week, of prayer and adult spiritual formation, via Zoom. Join in, anytime!  Click here to learn more.

We have an additional course offering from our friends at St. Luke’s, Mount Joy that may be of interest to people.  The details are below.  Please email [email protected] if you are interested in attending.

What if you could defuse tension and create accord in even the most volatile situations—just by changing the way you spoke?

Course details:  Wed October 7, 14, 21, 28  @ 12 noon.
There are four sessions of  60-90 minutes each, via Zoom:

The session will be recorded, in case you cannot attend live. Please contact the office for the link to the recording.

Course objectives:

  • Identify the four steps of the Nonviolent Communication process
  • Employ the four-step process in every dialogue you engage in
  • Utilize empathy to safely confront anger, fear, and other powerful emotions
  • Discover how to overcome the blocks to compassion and open to our natural desire to enrich the lives of those around us
  • Observations, feelings, needs, and requests—how to apply the four-step process of Nonviolent Communication to every dialogue we engage in
  • Overcoming the blocks to compassion—and opening to our natural desire to enrich the lives of those around us
  • How to use empathy to safely confront anger, fear, and other powerful emotions

Besides prayers, calls, cards and emails, there is one more thing you can do to support St. Edward’s during this time. Please keep up-to-date with your pledge or regular contribution.  Pledges/giving can be mailed to the church, and we also have an easy-to-use “Give to St. Edward’s” button on our website that links to our secure Paypal page.  We have had several people engage with this newly installed Paypal giving button with great success, so please consider that as an easy way to support St. Edward’s.

To assist parishes, the diocese has set up online giving for each parish.  If you feel comfortable making your weekly giving or pledge donation in this manner (it is a secure giving tool), simply go to the diocesan web site, click on the tab up top and it will take you to a page where you can scroll down, find St. Edward’s, and continue with making your contribution!  Thank you for maintaining your faithfulness through your financial stewardship!

Click here if you would like to donate online through the diocesan portal. You will scroll down to find St. Edward’s under Lancaster. The portal is a secure giving site.

To learn more about St. Edward’s, please click our website, YouTube, or Facebook icons at the bottom of this email.

Be well. Stay safe. Keep the faith.

– Michelle