Weekly Message from Bishop Scanlan – July 10, 2020

Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA,

Bishop Scanlan asks the question, “how are you experiencing and living into community these days?”


Summer Virtual Liturgy Offerings: We are pleased to share our first summer virtual offering, featuring members of your Diocesan staff. Liturgies will be produced for the 2nd the 4th Sundays in July, August and September. To view the liturgy for July 12, please click here.

Summer Webinar Series: Our summer webinar series kicked off on Wednesday. The Rev. Canons Chris Streeter and Dan Morrow spent 30 minutes together discussing our identity, spirituality and temperament as Anglicans. The first webinar can be found by clicking here. Our series continues on Tuesday, July 14 at 7 pm. Canon Streeter will be joined by our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Audrey Scanlan. Details are located by clicking here.