A Blessing
Earth Gospel – A Guide to Prayer for God’s Creation
Sleep tonight
knowing that you –
and all creation –
are secure in the arms
of our Shepherd.
Dear parishioners and friends of St. Edward’s,
Father Rick and all of us at St. Edward’s welcome you to our Sunday worship, tomorrow, the Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 26. Whether you will be joining us in-person, or via our live stream on our St. Edward’s YouTube Channel, please know we are glad to be worshipping with you! All of the important links you need to our YouTube channel and our Sunday service bulletins are listed below.
If you are joining us for in-person worship and fellowship, we prayerfully ask that you wear your mask as we gather together in community.
In preparation for All Saints Sunday, November 7th, we have a clipboard in the narthex for those who wish to have their loved ones, who have passed, remembered. We will print the names in our Sunday service bulletins. Please print clearly so that we do not capture the spelling of names incorrectly. Thank you!
Please join us for “Coffee House” live music tomorrow at our coffee hour from 9 AM – 10 AM. This is a wonderful new ministry provided by our guitar group: Randy Westgate, Jay Miller, Mike Freshwater, and Rich Dombach and we are excited to be in fellowship sharing in their talents!
As a cautionary reminder, particularly as we enter the “season of giving” – Scams are prevalent and come in many forms from email phishing schemes to new ways to reach individuals, via text on our cell phones. This instance occurred this past week whereby an entity impersonated Father Rick to reach out to a parishioner, via text, requesting gift cards. Please know that we will never reach out to individual parishioners, in any of these ways, requesting this type of assistance and if you do receive an email or text requesting such, please contact Father Rick or the parish office.
Rest well. Keep the faith. Journey in peace.
*If you enjoy the St. Edward’s Episcopal Church, Lancaster, PA YouTube channel, and you have a Gmail or YouTube account, the next time you tune in, please click the red SUBSCRIBE button on the home page to be included as a subscriber to St. Edward’s! We would welcome the support and we will not generate any unwanted notifications to you. Become a part of our St. Edward’s community! Thank you to those who have subscribed!
Our 5-week Basket Raffle Fundraiser is in its LAST WEEK! With incredible generosity of spirit, we have now raised $4,300. Perhaps we can challenge ourselves to exceed our fundraising goal of $5,000, in our remaining week!! You can purchase tickets in the parish hall at coffee hour, tomorrow. People can also come by the parish office Tuesdays – Fridays, 11 – 4, to purchase tickets and make their raffle selections. The drawing for the baskets is scheduled for coffee hour on Sunday, November 7th! We will have 10 raffle prizes this week for individuals who purchase ticket bundles!!!Our catalog is also available to download by clicking HERE.
Our lucky winners from our WEEK FOUR drawing are:
Beth Hake
Patrick and Dina Ishler
Mark and Barb Jakiel
Deborah Fast
Your prizes are in your parish mailboxes!
KRIST KINDLING SIGN UP: Join us for the wonderful family fun event that takes place through Advent. FORMS ARE IN THE NARTHEX. To learn more and download the pdf CLICK HERE!
There will be a Faith in Action ministry meeting tomorrow at 9:15 AM in the library.
The November Scepter is in print and online. It is a GREAT issue. Click here to download or pick up your copy at church tomorrow!
Our UTO November 2021 Gratitude Challenge craft for UTO boxes and pamphlets are in the parish hall and narthex. Let’s participate as a community of faith in this important effort. The grant money awarded for 2022 is for Creation Care – such an important mission of our faith. If you do not have a box, please collect your change in a jar and we will be getting more boxes in the next two weeks.
There are two web page updates you may want to check out:
Faith In Action
Faith In Action Initiatives:
Hempfield Area Food Pantry Update: Requested items for November: Cereal; small & large oatmeal; instant oatmeal; canned carrots; canned mixed vegetables; canned corn; canned peas; canned green beans; large jelly (prefer no glass jars); small jelly (prefer no glass jars); canned chicken noodle soup; canned peaches; canned mixed fruit; canned mandarin oranges
The 3rd Annual Turkey Drive will start on Monday, November 1st and run through Sunday, November 21st! The turkeys will be donated to the Hempfield Area Food Pantry. We can collect them and store them in our freezer. Tuesdays – Fridays from 11 AM-4 PM are best for weekday drop off.
Jesse Tree Giving Project: Our annual Jesse Tree project begins Sunday! Parishioners are invited to shop or donate funds toward gifts for the foster children at COBYS Permanency Unit. Detailed instructions and sign-up forms are located in the narthex. Questions? Please contact: Leslie Arnold at [email protected]
Sunday Evening Prayer – October 31st at 7:00 PM: We use the 1979 Book of Common Prayer and the readings for the Sunday Lectionary. It is a quiet service and a good way to end the weekend and prepare for the week to come. Anyone interested can send me an email to be put on an email distribution list: [email protected]
Sunday Evening Prayer @ 7:00pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 953 5508 3080
Opportunities to gather in community in spirituality and fellowship:
Here you will find news of gatherings outside of St. Edward’s that we offer in community with our sister parishes and other spiritual resources.
Spiritual Retreat Opportunity:
Anticipating Winter: Silent Retreat at The Wittel Farm
November 6, 2021
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Cost: $90
Location: 1753 Mill Road, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, 17022
Questions? Please contact Joyce Kamm

Besides prayers, calls, cards and emails, there is one more thing you can do to support St. Edward’s. Please keep up-to-date with your pledge or regular contribution. Pledges/giving can be mailed to the church, and we also have an easy-to-use “Give to St. Edward’s” button on our website that links to our secure Paypal page, as well as a “Donate” button on our YouTube Channel home page.
To assist parishes, the diocese has set up online giving for each parish. If you feel comfortable making your weekly giving or pledge donation in this manner (it is a secure giving tool), simply go to the diocesan web site, click on the tab up top and it will take you to a page where you can scroll down, find St. Edward’s, and continue with making your contribution! Thank you for maintaining your faithfulness through your financial stewardship!
Click here if you would like to donate online through the diocesan portal. You will scroll down to find St. Edward’s under Lancaster. The portal is a secure giving site.
We are providing links, below, that may be helpful and informative to you:
Lancaster County, PA COVID-19 Hub
PA Department of Health
Vaccine Distribution Information PA DOH