Dear parishioners and friends of St. Edward’s,
We gather tomorrow to celebrate Trinity Sunday. A day where we celebrate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
“The Trinity is a perfect relationship of love in which neither unity nor distinctness of the divine persons is compromised. God’s life is understood to be dynamic, loving, and available to be shared in relationship with humanity for salvation.” (
The liturgical color for this Sunday is white and Trinity Sunday is one of the seven principal feasts in The Episcopal Church.
A bit of history: If you open The Book of Common Prayer to page 864 in the Historical Documents section, you will find The Creed of Saint Athanasius, which, while not often used or provided for in the rubrics of our Prayer Book, is recited on Trinity Sunday in certain Anglican Churches.
We invite you to join us, in the worship discipline you are comfortable with, in-person or livestream via our St. Edward’s YouTube channel.
As always, we welcome you for in-person worship! If you are at home, please know that we gather together, in community, for this Trinity Sunday, and you will find all the necessary links to connect to our 10:15 AM Sunday service on the St. Edward’s YouTube channel, as well as the service bulletins, noted below.
Be well. Keep the faith. Journey in peace.
Click here to download our 8:00 AM Rite I service bulletin for the Day of Pentecost
Click here to download our 10:15 AM Rite II service bulletin for the Day of Pentecost
*If you enjoy the St. Edward’s Episcopal Church, Lancaster, PA YouTube channel, and you have a Gmail or YouTube account, the next time you tune in, please click the red SUBSCRIBE button on the home page to be included as a subscriber to St. Edward’s! We would welcome the support and we will not generate any unwanted notifications to you. Become a part of our St. Edward’s community! Thank you to those who have subscribed!
We also wanted to take this opportunity to share with you important announcements regarding upcoming events, as well as prayer and Adult Spiritual Formation opportunities. If you click on the bulletin links above, you will get a complete list of our weekly announcements on the last page of the bulletin. Stay tuned to our weekly emails and web site posts for updates on specific details. We invite you to celebrate with us, as a community of faith!
We are providing links, below, that may be helpful and informative to you.
Lancaster County, PA COVID-19 Hub
Vaccine Distribution Information PA DOH
Parish News:
The Parish Office is closed on Monday, May 31st for the Memorial Day holiday. Have a safe weekend!
June is upon us next week so stay tuned to weekly emails and announcements as we will have exciting things happening in worship, ministry, and celebration over these summer months, and beyond!!!
Needle Arts Ministry to meet again!!!!
Each Tuesday at 7 pm this group will meet in the lounge area of the Christian Education wing at St. Edward’s. PLEASE JOIN US in this time of fellowship, learning, and listening to one another as we engage in all needle arts. . . from quilting and knitting, to crochet, cross stitch, to mending clothing. Whatever needle arts you engage in, you are WELCOME!
Please visit our Christian Formation page to explore the wonderful weekly lesson and activity postings for youth, from Leslie Arnold, Christian Formation ministry leader. Click here for the Christian Formation page.
Usher Update: We are seeking people who would like to be a part of this important ministry of hospitality at St. Edward’s. If you would like to learn more about joining this ministry for the 8 AM and/or the 10:15 AM services, please contact Buddy Yeager at:
Click here to read a wonderful story in our local Townlively online publication regarding our upcoming blood drive and our books for prisoners project:
Do you know that 1 pint of blood can save three lives? The precious resource of blood is in constant need by area medical facilities, and St. Edward’s is offering an opportunity for our parishioners to donate a pint. Mark next Saturday, June 5, on your calendar. The event will be held in our parish hall. Questions? Contact Leslie Arnold. The direct link for registration below:
or click here to connect to our Facebook events post with details
Please continue your support of the Hempfield Area Food Pantry. Requested items for the month of June: Canned fruit; Canned mixed vegetables; Canned garbanzo beans; 1 lb. packages of rice; 2 lb. packages of rice; Noodles; Boxed pasta; Pasta sauce; Cereal; Oatmeal (regular or quick NOT instant)
The Faith in Action committee asks for your help collecting some books for prisoners in Lancaster. An Episcopalian prison chaplain, Deacon Stacey Catigano, keeps a library for prisoners, and she could use some Bibles and other devotional or inspirational titles to circulate among prisoners. You can either donate books or money to buy them. Just drop off your donations in the narthex or make out a check to St. Edward’s with “books for prisoners” in the memo line. To learn more about this project, stop by the bookcase in the narthex and pick up a flyer and browse some of the books we have already collected. Let us show our love for our incarcerated brothers and sisters. You can also click here to see what kinds of books are needed.
Curious about becoming a prison ministry volunteer? If you feel God is calling you to prison ministry, please join a Zoom Q&A Meeting on Sunday, June 6th at 1 PM to learn more. The Rev. Stacey Catigano, Deacon, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Lancaster will be the host. Please contact Deacon Stacey (717) 799 -9764 or email: to sign up. There are information flyers in our narthex, and by clicking here.
St. Edward’s is offering a full complement of Adult Spiritual Formation. Click here for our Spring information sheet. Please check your weekly emails which will have all the study details & Zoom invitation details.
Sunday Evening Prayer: Each Sunday at 7:00 PM. Anyone interested can send Br. David Rutledge an email to be put on an email distribution list: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 953 5508 3080
Besides prayers, calls, cards and emails, there is one more thing you can do to support St. Edward’s. Please keep up-to-date with your pledge or regular contribution. Pledges/giving can be mailed to the church, and we also have an easy-to-use “Give to St. Edward’s” button on our website that links to our secure Paypal page, as well as a “Donate” button on our YouTube Channel home page.
To assist parishes, the diocese has set up online giving for each parish. If you feel comfortable making your weekly giving or pledge donation in this manner (it is a secure giving tool), simply go to the diocesan web site, click on the tab up top and it will take you to a page where you can scroll down, find St. Edward’s, and continue with making your contribution! Thank you for maintaining your faithfulness through your financial stewardship!