Welcome to St. Edward’s Sunday School Program for our youth!
“Christian Faith Formation in The Episcopal Church is a lifelong journey with Christ, in Christ, and to Christ.”
– The Charter for Lifelong Christian Formation, approved by the 2009 General Convention
Starting September 19, 2021, our Sunday School will meet in-person!!! We welcome all youth, pre-school and older, to join us on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, during our Rite II service, which will be beginning at 10:00 AM. Our classes will commence just after the Collect for Purity, in the Sunday School wing, for 30 minutes of lessons and activities. If you have any questions, please contact Leslie Arnold at larnold897@aol.com.
Greetings to our Youth!
During this time of COVID-19, when we are unable to meet at Church, we have some great “at-home” Christian Formation activities for youth, listed below with links to click for the activity sheets.
Until we can meet in-person for Christian formation, we will post an audio introduction as well as a one-page lesson with the Biblical story,
Feel free to send comments, questions, and/or suggestions to Leslie Arnold, Christian Formation leader.
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 7: June 20th
Happy Father’s Day to all – especially dads!
This week’s lesson illustrates and explains how having faith in Jesus’ power to calm a storm can help us to call on him to ease our own fears.
Perhaps dads who like to build will enjoy some of the “boat making” activities.
Please see the lesson guide and supplements below.
Second Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 5: June 6th
Greetings Parents,
This week in the church calendar marks the start of Ordinary Time, the time outside seasons of celebration. This season encourages pursuit of prayer, learning, and practicing the lessons Jesus teaches us to live by. he liturgy for each week is marked by a Proper.
This week studies Proper 5 which focuses on the family of Christ.
The lesson instructions and supplements are below.
Trinity Sunday: May 30th
Greetings Parents,
Despite the wet weather, I hope you are all enjoying the Memorial Day holiday weekend.
Trinity Sunday is a special though sometimes challenging concept, again, for adults as well as children to embrace.
This week’s lesson invites (click the links below) our youth to reflect on the meaning of being “born into the way of Jesus.”
Trinity Sunday Craft – Envision the Trinity
Pentecost Sunday: May 23rd
We begin the next season with two Feast days: Pentecost, followed by Trinity Sunday. Then we move on to the long season known as Ordinary Time, which runs through Christ the King Sunday. As we take this journey, nourished by the scriptures appointed for the season and empowered by our baptisms, we are invited to be on the lookout for all the blessings found in the ordinary – to see God at work here and now. And we are compelled to share our blessings with others. Our theme for this lengthy season is “Blessed is the Ordinary.”
Enjoy the celebration of Pentecost with your children!
Seventh Sunday of Easter: May 16th
This Sunday’s lesson responds to the last Sunday in the Easter season, while next Sunday celebrates Pentecost!
Instructions and supplements are below. Enjoy.
Seventh Sunday of Easter Lesson
Fifth Sunday of Easter: May 2nd
Good Morning Parents,
Today’s lesson, for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, explores how we all are part of the vine of Christ, and that each of us represent a branch that is entwined with others.
Below are the instructions and relevant activities.
Second Chance Grapes Collage Activity
Fourth Sunday of Easter: April 25th
Greetings Parents,
In the fourth Sunday after Easter, our youth begin to learn how Jesus cared for his people and later begins to teach them the best ways to live.
The lesson instructions are below, along with a document that list directions for one of the activities.
Fourth Sunday of Easter Lesson
Third Sunday of Easter: April 18th
Greetings Parents,
Today’s lesson, the Third Sunday in Easter, invites our youth to “look for Jesus,” in the world around them.
The lesson instructions are below, along with related activities.
Second Sunday of Easter: April 11th
Greetings Parents,
I hope you and your family had a lovely Easter 🙂
As we enter the Easter season in the church, w follow a series of Sundays that are named for the sesason.
This week in known as the Second Sunday after Easter.
Please find the lesson plan directions and content below, as well as set of direction to craft one of the suggested activities.
Feel free to send me picture of you Easter craft, when or if you make one.
Second Sunday of Easter Lesson
Palm Sunday & Holy Week
Greetings to All as we begin Holy Week with Palm Sunday.
The Christian education lesson this week focuses on the Passion story while providing two options to share it with your children as well as several engaging activities to explore the meaning of this text.
Below, are lesson instructions along with several resources to use as noted in the lesson.
Passion Story according to Mark
Sunday, March 14th: Fourth Sunday in Lent
For this week’s lesson, as in Advent, when we went inward to prepare to go outward with Christmas and Epiphany, in Lent we again go inward – in preparation. In the first two Sundays of Lent, Mark, brilliantly succinct, reveals the preparation Jesus experienced. During the next three Sundays John adds shimmering lights on Jesus’ ministry before we plunge into the Crucifixion, where we watch, from wherever we are, what Jesus must go through in order to give us Easter. These six vignettes invite us to take a closer look at the choices we are making in our lives and what we might choose to jettison, correct, or add.
Please see the lesson and supplemental worksheets, below.
Sunday, February 28th: Second Sunday in Lent
Greetings Parents,
In this week’s Christian education lesson, youth and adults are invited to “take up the cross” to follow Jesus. In doing so, followers must wonder what they must do to walk in the way that Christ does.
A Notation for This Week’s Gospel
Just prior to our reading today, Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” And they offer the various responses that they have heard from others. “But who do YOU say that I am?” asks Jesus. Who are you following?
Today, Jesus once again teaches those around him who he is, therefore, what is ahead for the Son of God and what that means for the followers of Jesus.
Second Sunday in Lent Coloring Page Activity
Sunday, February 21st: First Sunday in Lent
Today’s lesson begins the journey through Lent.
As part of this exploration and time for reflection, your child/children should have received a journal, or the journal should arrive by Monday. The hope is that our youth will make an effort to engage daily in prayerful reflection. As I shared in a prior email, children may write prayers, copy favorite prayers, or use a prayer idea from the attached list. While we travel together through Lent, I may ask you to invite your child/children to share a prayer or a response to using the prayer journals.
Each Sunday, I will continue to provide the lesson “instructions”, though you will also receive documents for a variety of activities as well as a recording of new and successive section form the book, Make Room A Child’s Guide to Lent and Easter; the first is the introduction to the book.
These supplements provide an opportunity for our youth to study and reflect more intensely during this time. As always, all are options.
Feel free to share your comments or concerns with me.
First Sunday in Lent Lesson pdf – click here to download
Introduction To Make Room by Laura Alary
Temptation Target Activity – click here to download
Sunday, February 14th: Last Sunday after the Epiphany
Happy Valentine’s Day Families of St Ed’s,
Lesson plan for this week – the Last Sunday After Epiphany
Special Note: Watch you mail for an upcoming announcement regarding Lenten Activities for youth.
Sunday, February 7th: Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Greetings Parents,
Christian Education lesson for the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
Below is a brief introduction to the message of the scripture.
Scripture: Mark 1:29-39
Background Epiphany means several things: a gift is received; the gift must be shared. Jesus appears to be suggesting a rhythm, a balance to our lives. We go inward to be with God, to receive; we go out in the world to share what we have been given – still with God. We are called to balance the pouring out of our love with the resting in God. We are called to heal by just showing up, by laying on hands, by sharing what we have. This good news that was for the few people who heard it up close and personal is ours because they reached out and shared it. It will belong to those who have not yet heard, if we accept our call to share the story by how we live out our lives and as St. Francis said, “with words, if necessary.”
Sunday, January 17th: Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Today is the second Sunday after Epiphany. For some background on this church season, please read below.
Our materials for this week will help your children learn and interact with today’s Gospel from John. Also attached is a coloring page that illustrates today’s lesson.
Epiphany means several things: a gift is received; the gift must be shared. Jesus appears to be suggesting a rhythm, a balance to our lives. We go inward to be with God, to receive; we go out in the world to share what we have been given – still with God. We are called to balance the
pouring out of our love with the resting in God. We are called to heal by just showing up, by laying on hands, by sharing what we have. This good news that was for the few people who heard it up close and personal is ours because they reached out and shared it. It will belong to those who have not yet heard, if we accept our call to share the story by how we live out our lives and as St. Francis said, “with words, if necessary.”
Sunday, January 10th: First Sunday after the Epiphany
Below are our is the lesson for Sunday, January 9, the first Sunday after Epiphany.
Also attached is a copy of the Baptismal Prayer to be used with younger or older children, as well as a coloring page.
Sunday, December 13th: Third Advent
Greetings Parents,
This third week in Advent focuses on the role of John the Baptist in the coming of Jesus.
Attached is the plan as well as other documents related to the named activities.
A Notation for This Week’s Gospel
The Gospel of John tells the story of John the Baptist from a slightly different perspective. Who is this John? John understands he is a messenger of the light – not the light itself. Those in charge of keeping the faith are confused. Who is this man? Is this the long-awaited Messiah – or Elijah – or a prophet? John sees his mission as baptizing, and pointing to the one who is coming after him.
Theme: Who are You?
Christian Adoption Coloring Book
Sunday, December 6th: Second Advent
Greetings Parents,
The lesson focus for Second Advent is “Preparing the Way” which recalls the story of baptism as we prepare to enter into a life with Christ.
Click here for this week’s lesson.
Sunday, November 29th: First Advent
Advent Intergenerational Lesson
Since the season of Advent has arrived and continues for the next four weeks, the Christian education lesson for this week is intergenerational. You are invited to listen to the recorded introduction, read through the lesson, and then complete one or both of the suggested activities as we are invited to enter the “waiting period” for the return of Jesus. Though this lesson comes to you late in the day, the season of advent has arrived and continues for the next four weeks when we are invited to enter the “waiting period” for the return of Jesus. During each day, both youth and adults are encouraged to spend time listening and in prayer.
Leslie, Director of Christian Education
Sunday, November 22nd: Proper 29
This Sunday’s lesson is the last in the series of “Propers” before we begin the Advent season.. In this lesson, youth are asked to reflect on Jesus final teaching that you will be judged and valued by what you have done for others. Also attached is a list of service projects as noted in the lesson activities.
Proper 29: Service and Giving Thanks
Sunday, November 15th: The Parable of the Talents – Proper 28
Greetings Parents,
Sunday, November 1st: Humbling Ourselves Before God – Proper 26
Greetings Parents,
Sunday, October 25th: Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 25
Proper 25: The Greatest Commandments Lesson pdf
Sunday, October 18th: Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 24
Greetings all Parents,
As you enjoy another beautiful Fall day, I hope you make time to work through this lesson with your child/children and perhaps venture outside to conduct one of the two activities.
Click here for this week’s lesson in pdf format.
Sunday, October 11th: Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 23
Greetings Parents,
October 4th: Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 22
Jesus is the Cornerstone – Click here for the lesson handout
Sunday, September 27th: Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 21
Greetings Parents!
Please read the notation for this week’s lesson, as stated below and utilize one or all of the materials attached.
Your feedback is welcome.:)
A Notation for This Week’s Gospel
This week’s lesson follows on the heels of Jesus teaching on how we are all to humble ourselves as children in order to enter the Kingdom of God, on how we are to look for the lost sheep if there is one lost, and how we are to solve conflicts in our communities. This section of Matthew deals with how Jesus calls us to live together in community in this new way which leads to a good number of questions about what this means.
Peter asks Jesus how many times we are to forgive someone who has sinned against us or has done us wrong. Jesus responds with the parable known as the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant. Throughout the ages as people have interpreted Jesus’ answer of 77 times to mean never. We are never to stop forgiving and the parable leads us to see that as well. The servant who comes before the king owes him an outrageous amount.
The king’s first reaction is to sell him and his family. Out of fear, the servant begs for mercy, and he is forgiven his debt. However, when the servant requires another person to repay him a rather small amount of money and does not forgive that person of his debt, the king shows no mercy. When the king sees that the servant is unwilling to forgive this small debt, he lets the servant know that he has had enough and hands him over to be tortured until he can pay his debt.
Sunday, August 30th: Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 17
An audio introduction to the lesson by Leslie Arnold. Click here.
Stumbling Blocks lesson. Click here to download the pdf.
Sunday, June 21st: Third Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 7
An audio introduction to the lesson by Leslie Arnold. Click here.
God Knows Us lesson. Click here to download the pdf.
Trinity Sunday – June 7, 2020
Here are some fun learning activities to celebrate Trinity Sunday, for all youth!
Trinity Sunday Youth Lesson (click here)
Trinity Pyramid Instructions (click here)
Trinity Pyramid (click here)
Enjoy this lesson!
Pentecost – May 31, 2020
We celebrate Pentecost on Sunday, May 31st, and to help our youth recognize this joyful time, I have assembled two separate “lesson and activity ideas” in separate infographics.
One is designated for children 3-11 (click on ages to the left)
and the other is for older children, ages 12-17 (click on ages to the left)
You may opt to share the discussion questions with your children and/or complete the suggested activities.
Please know that the text content is derived from the Christian education page of The Episcopal Church site.
2020 Absalom Jones Contest
Greetings Parents of St Edwards Youth,
All of you have children who are eligible to enter this writing contest that invites students throughout our diocese to participate in the 2020 ABSALOM JONES CONTEST. Students may compose a brief essay, poem, video, letter, song, vlog, or even an original artwork for entry!!! (Max word count is 200)
As an English teacher myself, I know this is the time of the year when students often encounter more demands from teachers to compose essays, complete artistic projects, and/or conduct research. For this reason, youth might be motivate to enter this contest to not only fulfill a school requirement but to also win a monetary prize and be honored at a reception in Harrisburg.
The contest has two categories grades 5-8, and 9-12. :
The website (link below) details the vent, and attached are two documents (available on the site) : a flyer description and the contest rules/application.
Deadline for entry is January 25; winners are recognized in February.
I am also willing to review and help youth revise their works.
Leslie, Christian Ed Director
Click this link for the entry form.
Click below to learn more about the February Celebration event.
The children had a fun class on December 15th, 2019 in which they read aloud a Christmas play, “Christmas Hope” in a combined gathering in our Christian Ed wing lounge area. They did a great job and the costume contributions were made possible through the artistic “angel wing” making of Christina McLaughlin and the headwraps were provided by Brian Newsome, who purchased them on a prior trip to Africa. Treats and hot chocolate were provided after the service.
The teachers for the 2020 Christian Education Year are:
Preschool – K: Peg Reiley and Leslie Arnold
Grades 1-3: Beth Hake
Grades 4-6: Joe and Christina McLaughlin
Jr-Senior Youth: Dottie Gschwend and Brain Newsome
The St. Edward’s Christian Formation ministry offers faith formation opportunities for people of all ages on Sunday mornings, September through May. Classes are not held on monthly 2nd Sundays.
Classes for children are held during the 10:15 service, immediately following the children’s homily.
Pre-K-K (ages 3 1/2, 4 and 5) A modified Godly Play format actively engages the children as they listen to a Bible story and express the story through hands-on activities.
Grades 1-3 The Episcopal Childrenʼs Curriculum (ECC) is used as a guide for topics. Children in this class enjoy Bible stories, conversation and activities especially planned for them.
Grades 4-6 Using the ECC as a guide, discussions and activities center around faith and life issues relevant for the children.
Grades 7-12 The teens have an opportunity to gather for casual conversation about matters of faith, life experiences and topics brought to the table by the teens.
Special topics: In addition to the individual classes, the children, teens and teachers meet several times a year as one large class for special topics.
Outreach Ministry: The children are engaged in outreach ministry through a local food bank. We visited the food bank to “see and learn” more about this ministry. The children are integral in planning their participation and service in the food bank ministry.
Please visit the Adult Forum page for more information on this class.
Click here to view/download the St. Edward’s Children and Youth policies.
Click here to view/download the St. Edward’s Youth Permission Slip Form.